Generate the optimal electric propulsion system for a given delta-V.

Computes the optimal exhaust velocity for different thrusts. Note that the optimal exhaust velocity approaches 50 km/s asymptotically.

Things to explore:

1. Change the structural ratio, x.sR
2. Change the specific power, x.pR
3. Change the efficiency, x.eff
See also OptimalVehicle, Plot2D
%	  Copyright (c) 2014 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 2014.1

thrust      = linspace(5,100); % N
n           = length(thrust);

x           = struct();
x.dV        = 48.01e3; % m/s
x.uE        = 10000;   % m/s guess
x.pR        = 1000;    % 1000 W/kg
x.sR        = 0.04;    % kg/kg
x.mP        = 1241;    % kg
x.eff       = 0.6;

massTotal	  = zeros(1,n);
uE          = zeros(1,n);
power       = zeros(1,n);

for k = 1:n
  x.thrust        = thrust(k);
  y               = OptimalVehicle(x);
  power(k)        = y.power;
  massTotal(k)    = y.mT;
  uE(k)           = y.uE;

% The 1 at the end makes the PSS logo have a white background
Plot2D(thrust,[uE/1000;massTotal;power/1e6],'Thrust (N)',...
       {'u_e (km/s)' 'Total Mass (kg)' 'Power (MW)'},...
       'Optimal Electric Vehicle',[],[], [], [], [], 1 )
