
Generate HSA data for the function LoadAtt

Creates the file SpinAttData.txt in SAADData and tests it with LoadAtt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See also: HSAData, LoadAtt, RVFromKepler, SunV1, Unit, JD2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 2020.1

degToRad  = pi/180;
sunAngle  = pi/3;
dT        = 0.1;
spinRate  = pi/30;
n         = 100;
t         = 180*(0:99);
el        = [24777.670 26.05*pi/180 0 pi 0.70215 1.16549572358275];
r         = RVFromKepler( el, t );
rA        =  87*pi/180;
dec       = -20*pi/180;
us        = SunV1(2450163.58333333 + t/86400);
un        = -Unit(r);
eradius   = (6378 + 40)./Mag(r);
ua        = [cos(rA)*cos(dec);sin(rA)*cos(dec);sin(dec)];
spinrate  =  0.5236;
cant1    	= 85*degToRad;
cant2    	= 90*degToRad;
dihedral1 = 315*degToRad;
dihedral2 = 315*degToRad;
quant     = 0.0001;
qtype     = 'round';
jD0       = JD2000;

Generate the HSA data

[tLE1, ~, tW1] = HSAData( us, un, eradius, ua, spinrate, cant1,...
  dihedral1, quant, qtype, 0, 0 );

[tLE2, ~, tW2] = HSAData( us, un, eradius, ua, spinrate, cant2,...
  dihedral2, quant, qtype, 0, 0 );

t         = jD0 + t/86400;

Print to the ASCII file

pData = FindDirectory('SAADData');
f = fopen(fullfile(pData,'SpinAttData.txt'),'wt');

for k = 1:n
  fprintf(f,'%12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f\n',...
    t(k), tLE1(k), tW1(k), tLE2(k), tW2(k), spinRate, sunAngle );


Run LoadAtt which will plot the data


Reading SpinAttData.txt