Test attitude determination using the batch methods

See also ConjGrad, DiffCorr, Delay, Quant, RaDec2U, IsVersionAfter, UE,


%   Copyright (c) 1994-2001 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

Define global variables

global uss_ us1_ us2_ ue1_ ue2_ er1_ er2_ zs_ zh1_ zh2_ zd1_ zd2_;
global Ws_ Wh1_ Wh2_ Wd1_ Wd2_ cant1 cant2;

nsamples  = 400;

degToRad  = pi/180;
rPMToRPS  = 2*pi/60;

cant1     = 94*degToRad;
cant2     = 86*degToRad;
dihedral1 =  0*degToRad;
dihedral2 = 45*degToRad;

sigcw     = 1;
sigda     = 1;
sigss     = 1;

ssbias    = 0.01;
ssnoise   = 0.0*degToRad;
ssquant   = 0.00000000001*degToRad;

erbias    =  0.0;
cw1bias   =  0.0;
cw2bias   =  0.0;
da1bias   =  0.0;
da2bias   =  0.0;
cant1bias =  0.0;
cant2bias =  0.0;

c10      = cos(10*degToRad);
s10      = sin(10*degToRad);

sun      = [c10;0;s10];

usun     = [ c10*ones(1,nsamples);zeros(1,nsamples);s10*ones(1,nsamples)];

qtype    = 'round';
onesigma = 0.0;
spinrate = 10*rPMToRPS;
quant    = 1.e-12;
delay    = 0;

The orbital elements

el(1)        = (42167 + 6800)/2;
el(2)        = 7 * pi/180;
el(3)        = 0;
el(4)        = 0;
el(5)        = 0.7;

ra           =  1.5;
dec          = -0.4;
uspin        = RaDec2U(ra,dec);

Physical spacecraft data

cantAngle    = [cant1;cant2];
cantBias     = [cant1bias;cant2bias];
dihedralBias = [dihedral1;dihedral2];
mA           = linspace(pi/2,3*pi/2,nsamples);

Generate attitude data

[tLE,tTE,sa,unadir,eradius] = ADGen( el, usun, uspin, spinrate, mA, [delay;delay], ...
                                    [quant;quant], [qtype;qtype], [onesigma;onesigma], ...
                                    cantAngle, cantBias, dihedralBias, ssquant, ...
                                    'round', ssnoise, ssbias, erbias );

Just a change of variable for convenience

tte1 = tTE(1,:);
tte2 = tTE(2,:);
tle1 = tLE(1,:);
tle2 = tLE(2,:);

Extract the data with chordwidths above a threshold

chordwidth1 = spinrate*(tte1-tle1);
chordwidth2 = spinrate*(tte2-tle2);

% Short chords have lots of information but tend to be unreliable because the model
% is inaccurate when chords are small
kr  = find(chordwidth1 > 6*degToRad | chordwidth2 > 6*degToRad);

This is the data used by the estimators

The first three are ephemeris data the next two are chordwidths, the following two are dihedral angles and the last is the sun angle

us  =   usun(:,kr);
ue  = unadir(:,kr);
er  = eradius(kr);
cw1 = chordwidth1(kr) + cw1bias;
cw2 = chordwidth2(kr) + cw2bias;
da1 = 0.5*spinrate*(tte1(kr)+tle1(kr))-dihedral1 + da1bias;
da2 = 0.5*spinrate*(tte2(kr)+tle2(kr))-dihedral2 + da2bias;
sb  = sa(kr);

% The state vector:
%          1          2        3        4        5        6
% [       ra,       dec, cwbias1, cwbias2, dabias1, dabias2,
%          7          8        9      10
%  cantbias1, cantbias2, sunbias, erbias]

lkr = length(kr);

Create the measurement vector.

Must conform to definitions in hname and Hname

k1 = find(cw1 > 0);
k2 = find(cw2 > 0);

uss_ = us;
us1_ = us(:,k1);
us2_ = us(:,k2);
ue1_ = ue(:,k1);
ue2_ = ue(:,k2);
er1_ = er(k1);
er2_ = er(k2);
zs_  = sb';
zh1_ = cw1(k1)';
zh2_ = cw2(k2)';
zd1_ = da1(k1)';
zd2_ = da2(k2)';
Ws_  = ones(lkr,1)       /sigss^2;
Wh1_ = ones(length(k1),1)/sigcw^2;
Wh2_ = ones(length(k2),1)/sigcw^2;
Wd1_ = ones(length(k1),1)/sigda^2;
Wd2_ = ones(length(k2),1)/sigda^2;


x0      = [1.6 -0.3  0.01 0 0  0 0 0  0 0]';

P  = diag([100,100,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]);
S0 = inv(P);
%SO = zeros(10,10);

States to be solved for

kX = 1:2;



% options(1)  is nonzero, intermediate steps in the solution are displayed;
% options(2)  is the termination tolerance for x; the default is 1.e-4.
% options(3)  is the termination tolerance for F(x); the default is 1.e-4.
% options(14) is the maximum number of steps; the default is 500.

options           = zeros(1,14);
options([2 3 14]) = [1.e-4 1.e-4 500];

if( IsVersionAfter( 5.3 ) )
  TolX    = options(2); TolFun = options(3); MaxFunEvals = options(14);
  Options = optimset('TolX',TolX,'TolFun',TolFun,'MaxFunEvals',MaxFunEvals);
  x       = fminsearch( 'CostNM',x0(kX), Options,   kX,S0,x0,10);
  x       = fmins     ( 'CostNM',x0(kX), options,[],kX,S0,x0,10);

x = rem(x,2*pi);
uSpinNM = RaDec2U( x(1), x(2) );

Conjugate Gradient

disp('Conjugate Gradient')

x = ConjGrad( 'FX', 'CostF', S0, x0, kX, 0.00001, 1, 0 );

x = rem(x(:,end),2*pi);
uSpinCG = RaDec2U( x(1,end), x(2,end) );
Conjugate Gradient
Using conjugate gradients
Initial cost   4.9760e+00

Cost and number of measurements used   6.3084e-01 863

Cost and number of measurements used   2.6663e-01 958

Cost and number of measurements used   2.1131e-01 971

Cost and number of measurements used   2.1082e-01 975

Cost and number of measurements used   2.1081e-01 975

Cost and number of measurements used   2.1081e-01 975

Differential Corrector

disp('Differential Corrector')

[x,~,rsvd,cHWH,rank,P,wmr,sr,J,sig,nz] = DiffCorr( 'FX', S0, x0, kX, .001, 0 );

x = rem(x(:,end),2*pi);
uSpinDC = RaDec2U( x(1,end), x(2,end) );

fprintf('\nSpin Vectors\n\n')
fprintf('%24s %24s %24s\n\n','Nelder Meade','Conjugate Gradient',...
             'Differential Corrector')
ax = ['x' 'y' 'z'];
for k = 1:3
  fprintf('%s %24.8f %24.8f %24.8f\n\n',ax(k),uSpinNM(k),uSpinCG(k),uSpinDC(k));

Differential Corrector

Spin Vectors

            Nelder Meade       Conjugate Gradient   Differential Corrector

x               0.06367329               0.06406641               0.06400678

y               0.91190515               0.91482650               0.91484554

z              -0.40543151              -0.39873296              -0.39869884