Simulates a pivot rotation.

The pivot is rotated in two steps. The steps are timed to be exactly one half nutation period apart. The results is that the spacecraft rolls and there is no nutation. The pivot stepping motor is modeled by a high bandwidth PD controller. The gains are selected by the fields:


The selected gains are the highest feasible with an integration time step of 0.0625 seconds.

The pivot is assumed to update every pivotUpdatePeriod.

See also QTForm, Plot2D, TimeGUI, Jacobian, Mag, RK4, SCWithRollPivot


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%   All rights reserved.

Global for the TimeGUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

Spacecraft parameters

clear d;
d.scInertia            = diag([10000 2000 10000]);
d.pivotInertia         = eye(3);
d.bWheelAlignment      = [1 0 0;0 -1 0;0 0 -1];
d.wheelInertia         = [1 0];
d.pivotAngleGain       = 600;
d.pivotRateGain        = 2*.7071*sqrt(d.pivotAngleGain );
d.torque               = [0;0;0];
d.torqueWheel          = 0;
d.commandedPivotAngle  = 0;
pivotPeriod            = 50;
pivotUpdatePeriod      = 1/8;

pivotRate              = 0.002*pi/180;

Initialize the arrays

tEnd                   = 400;
dT                     = 0.0625;
nSim                   = tEnd/dT;
xPlot                  = zeros(15,nSim);

Initialize the time display

[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, [], 0, dT, 'Pivoted Wheel Simulation' );

Initial conditions

w   = [0;7.291e-5;0];
wP  = 0.0;
wW  = 600;
x   = [1;0;0;0; 0; w; wP; wW];
t   = 0;

Find the half nutation period. I know it is element 7 because I looked!

a                  = Jacobian( 'SCWithRollPivot', x, 0, d );
s                  = eig(a);
halfNutationPeriod = pi/imag(s(7));

Initial wheel rate and momentum

w0     = x(10);
h0     = QTForm( x(1:4), SCWithRollPivot( x, t, d, 'h' ) );
magH0  = Mag(h0);
tPivot = 0;

Simulate the pivot

for k = 1:nSim

  % Display the status message
  [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dT );

  % Angular momentum
  h  = QTForm( x(1:4), SCWithRollPivot( x, t, d, 'h' ) );

  % Plots
  xPlot(:,k) = [x;h - h0;Mag(h) - magH0;d.commandedPivotAngle];

  % Propagate the state
  x  = RK4( 'SCWithRollPivot', x, dT, t, d );

  % The pivot control
  if( t < pivotPeriod & t >= tPivot )
    d.commandedPivotAngle = d.commandedPivotAngle + pivotRate*dT;
	tPivot                = tPivot + pivotUpdatePeriod;
  elseif( t < pivotPeriod + halfNutationPeriod & t > halfNutationPeriod & t >= tPivot  )
    d.commandedPivotAngle = d.commandedPivotAngle + pivotRate*dT;
	tPivot                = tPivot + pivotUpdatePeriod;
  elseif( t >= tPivot )
	tPivot                = tPivot + pivotUpdatePeriod;

  % Update the time
  t  =  t + dT;

  % Time control
  switch simulationAction
    case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
    case 'stop'
    case 'plot'

This is necessary if the simulation is terminated early

j    = 1:k;
t    = (0:(k-1))*dT;
xLbl = 'Time (sec)';


xPlot(10,:) = xPlot(10,:) - w0;
Plot2D( t, xPlot(1:4,     j), xLbl, ['q1';'q2';'q3';'q4'], 'Quaternion' );
Plot2D( t, xPlot( 6: 8,   j), xLbl, ['x (rad/s)';'y (rad/s)';'z (rad/s)'], 'Body Rates' );

yLbl = ['Pivot Angle      ';...
        'Pivot Rate       ';...
		'Delta Wheel Rate ';...
		'Commanded Angle  '];

Plot2D( t, xPlot([5 9 10 15],j), xLbl, yLbl, 'Pivot' );
Plot2D( t, xPlot(11:14,   j), xLbl, ['hX ';'hY ';'hZ ';'|h|'], 'Delta ECI Momentum' );

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