Implements a spacecraft control tutorial.

See also @statespace/statespace.m, PIDMIMO, Step, QError, QLVLH, QMult,
QPose, Plot2D, RK4, Period, RVFromKepler, Accel
%   Copyright (c) 2003 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

echo on
% Welcome to the SCTTutorial!
% We are going to design and simulate a station-keeping
% attitude control system.
% First, we prepare the inputs to the PIDMIMO function.
% PIDMIMO performs automatic pole placement.
inr = 1;       % unit inertia - controller outputs an acceleration
zeta = 0.7071; % damping ratio (critically damped)
omega = 0.1;   % natural frequency (rad/sec)
tauInt = 100;  % integrator time constant (sec)
omegaR = 4;    % derivative roll-off
tSamp = 0.25;  % sampling time (sec)
% Welcome to the SCTTutorial!
% We are going to design and simulate a station-keeping 
% attitude control system.
% First, we prepare the inputs to the PIDMIMO function. 
% PIDMIMO performs automatic pole placement.
inr = 1;       % unit inertia - controller outputs an acceleration
zeta = 0.7071; % damping ratio (critically damped)
omega = 0.1;   % natural frequency (rad/sec)
tauInt = 100;  % integrator time constant (sec)
omegaR = 4;    % derivative roll-off
tSamp = 0.25;  % sampling time (sec)
% Now, we calculate state-space control system:
type = 'delta';
[a, b, c, d, k] = PIDMIMO( inr, zeta, omega, tauInt, omegaR, tSamp, type)
% Now, we calculate state-space control system:
type = 'delta';
[a, b, c, d, k] = PIDMIMO( inr, zeta, omega, tauInt, omegaR, tSamp, type)
a =
            0            0
            0     -0.65043
b =
c =
   0.00059779     -0.81792
d =
k = 
  struct with fields:

    kP: 0.017975
    kR: 0.19455
    kI: 0.00059779
% Let's create a state space object to get the step response:
g = statespace( a, b, c, d, 'SCTTutorial',{'angle','rate'}, {'angleError'},{'accel'},type,tSamp );
nSteps = 50;
Step(g, 1, tSamp, nSteps, 'step')
% Let's create a state space object to get the step response:
g = statespace( a, b, c, d, 'SCTTutorial',{'angle','rate'}, {'angleError'},{'accel'},type,tSamp );
nSteps = 50;
Step(g, 1, tSamp, nSteps, 'step')
% Before we run the simulation, we need to define the spacecraft properties.
inertia    = diag([24.5 10 25])
invInertia = inv(inertia);
% Before we run the simulation, we need to define the spacecraft properties.
inertia    = diag([24.5 10 25])
inertia =
         24.5            0            0
            0           10            0
            0            0           25
invInertia = inv(inertia);
% Now we are ready to simulate our controller. We will use small
% torques applied in the first step of the simulation to test
% the control system's response.
echo off
w0 = 2*pi/Period(7000); % rad/sec
x = [0.5;0.5;0.5;-0.5;0;-w0;0];
t = 0:tSamp:20;
% calculate LVLH quaternion a priori
[r,v] = RVFromKepler([7000;0;0;0;0;0],t);
qLVLH = QLVLH(r,v);
xRoll = [0;0];
xPitch = [0;0];
xYaw = [0;0];
tExt = [0;0;0];
xPlot = zeros(7,length(t));
tPlot = zeros(3,length(t));
for k = 1:length(t)
  xPlot(:,k) = x;
  if k == 1
    tDist = [1e-6; -2e-5; 3e-7];
    tDist = [0;0;0];
    accel = zeros(3,1);
    % Rename for clarity
    qECIToBody = x(1:4);
    qECIToLVLH = qLVLH(:,k);
    qBodyToLVLH = QPose( QMult( QPose(qECIToBody),qECIToLVLH ) );
    if( qBodyToLVLH(1) < 0 )
      qBodyToLVLH = -qBodyToLVLH;
    angleError = -2*qBodyToLVLH(2:4);

    % The delta form of the controller
    accel(1) =          c*xRoll  + d*angleError(1);
    xRoll    = xRoll  + a*xRoll  + b*angleError(1);

    accel(2) =          c*xPitch + d*angleError(2);
    xPitch   = xPitch + a*xPitch + b*angleError(2);

    accel(3) =         c*xYaw   + d*angleError(3);
    xYaw     = xYaw  + a*xYaw   + b*angleError(3);

    tExt  = -inertia*accel;
  if( k == 1), echo on, end
  % This is the numerical integration of the dynamics:
  x = RK4( @FRB, x, tSamp, t(k), inertia, invInertia, tExt+tDist );
  echo off
  tPlot(:,k) = tExt;
Plot2D(t,xPlot(1:4,:),'Time (s)',['qS';'qX';'qY';'qZ'],'Quaternion');
Plot2D(t,xPlot(5:7,:),'Time (s)',['wX';'wY';'wZ'],'Body rates');
Plot2D(t,tPlot,'Time (s)',['x';'y';'z'],'Control Torque (Nm)');
echo on
% Now we are ready to simulate our controller. We will use small
% torques applied in the first step of the simulation to test
% the control system's response.
echo off
  % This is the numerical integration of the dynamics:
  x = RK4( @FRB, x, tSamp, t(k), inertia, invInertia, tExt+tDist );
  echo off
% Now let's see how our controller performs with a lag in the system.
% We'll create a small stack so that our state update to the controller
% is one sampling time interval behind.
echo off
x = [0.5;0.5;0.5;-0.5;0;-w0;0];
xRoll = [0;0];
xPitch = [0;0];
xYaw = [0;0];
tExt = [0;0;0];
xDPlot = zeros(7,length(t));
tDPlot = zeros(3,length(t));
xOld = x;
for k = 1:length(t)
  xDPlot(:,k) = x;
  if( k == 1 )
    tDist = [1e-6; -2e-5; 3e-7];
    tDist = [0;0;0];
    accel = zeros(3,1);
    qError = QPose( QMult( QPose(xOld(1:4)),qLVLH(:,k) ) );
    if( qError(1) < 0 )
      qError = -qError;
    angleError = -2*qError(2:4);

    % The delta form of the controller
    accel(1) =          c*xRoll  + d*angleError(1);
    xRoll    = xRoll  + a*xRoll  + b*angleError(1);

    accel(2) =          c*xPitch + d*angleError(2);
    xPitch   = xPitch + a*xPitch + b*angleError(2);

    accel(3) =         c*xYaw   + d*angleError(3);
    xYaw     = xYaw  + a*xYaw   + b*angleError(3);

    tExt  = -inertia*accel;
  % This is the numerical integration of the dynamics:
  xOld = x;
  x = RK4( @FRB, x, tSamp, t(k), inertia, invInertia, tExt+tDist );
  tDPlot(:,k) = tExt;

Plot2D(t,[xPlot(5:7,:); xDPlot(5:7,:)],'Time (s)',['wX';'wY';'wZ'],'Ideal vs. delayed controller: body rates','lin',['[1 4]';'[2 5]';'[3 6]']);
Plot2D(t,[tPlot; tDPlot],'Time (s)',['tX';'tY';'tZ'],'Ideal vs. delayed controller: torque','lin',['[1 4]';'[2 5]';'[3 6]']);

% PSS internal file version information
% Now let's see how our controller performs with a lag in the system.
% We'll create a small stack so that our state update to the controller
% is one sampling time interval behind.
echo off