Space Shuttle attitude timeline

Performs an optional animation. Begin with the shuttle on-orbit position at 520 sec., inclination = 34.999:

Time	Radius (m)  RA deg      X-Pos (m)   Y-Pos       Z-Pos       X-velocity  Y-velocity  Z-velocity (sec)
520  6561704.6   36.229      4464550.86  3271119.59  3524702.75  -5277.89    5508.86     1563.49

We would like to input this attitude timeline into STK.

Time (MIN.)  Yaw	 Pitch  Roll
0            0    0      0
30           90   0      0
90           90   0      180
120          90   -90    180
150          -46  36     0
180          -90  1.8    180
See also Eul2Q, QLVLH, QPose, QSLERP, Plot2D, TimeGUI, TimeLabl,
STKAtt, JD2000, JD2Date, RV2El, RVFromKepler, DrawSCPlugIn


%   Copyright (c) 2001 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
%   2016.1 - Use new SetCAD functions and update animation to draw vectors using
%   DrawSCPlanPlugIn

STK Information

sTKVersion = '3.0';

Run a Matlab animation

runSim     = 'true';


degToRad     = pi/180;
maneuverTime = 60; % Seconds to do a maneuver
angles       = [0 90  90  90 -46  -90;...
                0  0   0 -90  36    1.8;...
				        0  0 180 180   0  180]*pi/180;
q            = Eul2Q(angles)
timeLine     = [0 30 90 120 150 180]*60;

t            = linspace(0,180*60,1801);
nSim         = length(t);
q =
  Columns 1 through 3
   1.000000000000000   0.707106781186548   0.000000000000000
                   0  -0.707106781186547  -0.000000000000000
                   0                   0  -0.707106781186547
                   0                   0  -0.707106781186548
  Columns 4 through 6
  -0.500000000000000   0.875452139157259  -0.011106750585437
  -0.500000000000000   0.371607385869083   0.011106750585437
  -0.500000000000000  -0.284451643121425   0.707019547177752
  -0.500000000000000  -0.120742558934487  -0.707019547177752

Generate the quaternions

j = 2;
qECIToBody = zeros(4,nSim);
for k = 1:nSim
  tMnvrStart = timeLine(j) - maneuverTime;
  if( t(k) < timeLine(j) )
    qECIToBody(:,k) = q(:,j-1);
  elseif( (t(k) > tMnvrStart) && (t(k) < timeLine(j)) )
    qECIToBody(:,k) = QSLERP( q(:,j-1), q(:,j), (t(k) - tMnvrStart)/maneuverTime);
    j = j + 1;
    qECIToBody(:,k) = q(:,j-1);

epoch    = JD2Date;
[err, message] = STKAtt( FileFullpath('STKShuttleAttitude.txt'),sTKVersion,...

Global for the TimeGUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

Load the 3D model

g       = load('ShuttleModel');
rMSAxis = [3 2 2 2 2];

Initialize the orbits

r       = [4464550.86; 3271119.59; 3524702.75]*1e-3;
v       = [-5277.89; 5508.86; 1563.49]*1e-3;
el      = RV2El( r, v );
[r, v]  = RVFromKepler( el, t );
[tP,lP] = TimeLabl( t );
jD      = JD2000;

Plot2D( tP, r, 'lP', ['x';'y';'z'],   'Shuttle Orbit Position')
Plot2D( tP, v, 'lP', ['vX';'vY';'vZ'],'Shuttle Orbit Velocity')
Plot2D( tP, qECIToBody, 'lP', ['qS';'qX';'qY';'qZ'],'Shuttle Quaternion')
zoom on

if( ~strcmp( 'true', runSim ) )

Initialize the 3D window

g            = SetCADQuaternion( g, qECIToBody(:,1) );
g            = SetCADState( g, r(:,1), v(:,1) );       = 'Space Shuttle Orbiter';
tag3DWindow  = DrawSCPlanPlugIn( 'initialize', g );

Initialize the time display

tSamp                  = t(2) - t(1);
tToGoMem.lastJD        = 0;
tToGoMem.lastStepsDone = 0;
tToGoMem.kAve          = 0;
ratioRealTime          = 0;
[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, tToGoMem, 0, tSamp, 'Shuttle Timeline' );

for k = 1:nSim

  % Display the status message
  [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, tSamp );

  % Specify transformations
  g = SetCADQuaternion( g, qECIToBody(:,k) );
  g = SetCADState( g, r(:,k), v(:,k) );
  g(1).body(2).bHinge = struct( 'angle', 0, 'axis', 1 );
  g(1).body(3).bHinge = struct( 'angle', 0, 'axis', 1 );

  for j = 1:5
    g(1).body(j+3).bHinge = struct( 'angle',  0, 'axis', rMSAxis(j) );

  DrawSCPlanPlugIn( 'vectors', tag3DWindow, g, jD + t(k)/86400 );

  % Time control
  switch simulationAction
    case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
    case 'stop'
    case 'plot'

TimeGUI( 'close' )

Plot2D( tP(1:k), r(:,1:k),          'lP', ['x';'y';'z'],   'Shuttle Orbit Position')
Plot2D( tP(1:k), v(:,1:k),          'lP', ['vX';'vY';'vZ'],'Shuttle Orbit Velocity')
Plot2D( tP(1:k), qECIToBody(:,1:k), 'lP', ['qS';'qX';'qY';'qZ'],'Shuttle Quaternion')

% PSS internal file version information