Build a 3U Cubesat using AddCubesatComponent

Constructs a Cubesat with various components: Frame, Circuit Boards, reaction wheels, magnetic torquers, camera components, and battery.

Since version 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: AddCubesatComponent -------------------------------------------------------------------------


%   Copyright (c) 2010 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All Rights Reserved



AddCubesatComponent( 'CubeSat3U' );



% The board positions only have 1 number because they fill the xy space
cPUBoardPosition    = 03; % mm
iOBoardPosition     = 10; % mm
sBandBoardPosition  = 20; % mm

% Everything else needs a vector
rwaXPosition        = [ -5;-25; 110]; % mm
rwaYPosition        = [  25;-5; 110]; % mm
rwaZPosition        = [  0; 10; 90]; % mm
torquerXPosition    = [   0; 45;-100]; % mm
torquerYPosition    = [  45;  0;-100]; % mm
cameraXPosition     = [ -50; 15;   0]; % mm
cameraYPosition     = [ -10; 25;   0]; % mm

% These numbers are temporary
cPUBoardPower           = 1;    % W
iOBoardPower            = 1;    % W
sDRAMBoardPower         = 1;    % W
sBandBoardPower         = 1;    % W
rWAPower                = 1;    % W
torquerPower            = 0.5;  % W
cameraPower             = 0.1;	% W
cameraElectronicsPower	= 0.2;	% W
cameraMass              = 0.1;  % kg
cameraElectronicsMass   = 0.1;  % kg
cameraBoxDim            = [20 20 20];   % mm
cameraBoxPosition       = [-10; 3.1; 0]; % mm

batteryPower             = 100.1;	% W
batteryMass              = 0.1;  % kg
batteryBoxDim            = [ 20 20 40];   % mm
batteryBoxPosition       = [-10; 15;-140]; % mm

% This is the dipole moment we get when we energize the coil
torqueRodDipole     = 10; % ATM^2 (Amp-turns-m^2)

% Sizes of devices
rWADim              = [20 40];     % mm (radius, height)
torquerXDim         = [5  5  90];  % mm (torquer long axis is z)
torquerYDim         = [5  5  90];  % mm (torquer long axis is z)

Add Components to the CubeSat


AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'frame',            'name', 'Frame',              'subtype',  '3U'  )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'board',            'name', 'CPU',                'position',	cPUBoardPosition,   'power',  cPUBoardPower   )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'board',            'name', 'I/O',                'position', iOBoardPosition,	'power',  iOBoardPower    )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'board',            'name', 'S Band',             'position', sBandBoardPosition,	'power',  sBandBoardPower )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'reaction wheel',   'name', 'RWA X',              'position', rwaXPosition,       'power',  rWAPower,     'unit vector',  [1;0;0],  'dimensions',      rWADim  )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'reaction wheel',   'name', 'RWA Y',              'position', rwaYPosition,       'power',  rWAPower,     'unit vector',  [0;1;0],  'dimensions',      rWADim  )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'reaction wheel',   'name', 'RWA Z',              'position', rwaZPosition,       'power',  rWAPower,     'unit vector',  [0;0;1],  'dimensions',      rWADim  )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'torquer',          'name', 'Torquer X',          'position', torquerXPosition,	'power',  torquerPower, 'unit vector',  [1;0;0],  'dipole',          torqueRodDipole, 'dimensions', torquerXDim  )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'torquer',          'name', 'Torquer Y',          'position', torquerYPosition,	'power',  torquerPower, 'unit vector',  [0;1;0],  'dipole',          torqueRodDipole, 'dimensions', torquerYDim  )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'camera',           'name', 'Camera X',           'position', cameraXPosition,	'power',  cameraPower,  'boresight',    [1;0;0],    'mass',          cameraMass	)
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'camera',           'name', 'Camera Y',           'position', cameraYPosition,	'power',  cameraPower,  'boresight',    [0;1;0],    'mass',          cameraMass )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'box',              'name', 'Camera Electronics',	'position', cameraBoxPosition,	'power',  cameraElectronicsPower ,  'mass', cameraElectronicsMass, 'dimensions', cameraBoxDim )
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',    'box',              'name', 'Battery',            'position', batteryBoxPosition,	'power',  batteryPower ,  'mass', batteryMass, 'dimensions', batteryBoxDim )

% We'll use loops for the remaining components because they are mostly the same

% Enter the positions and unit vectors for the solar panels
position = [ 50  0  -50    0   50    0   -50    0;...
              0  50   0  -50    0   50     0  -50;...
            100 100 100  100 -100 -100  -100 -100]; % mm

u        = [1   0  -1   0   1   0  -1    0;...
            0   1   0  -1   0   1   0   -1;...
            0   0   0   0   0   0   0    0];

for k = 1:8
    name = sprintf('Solar Panel %d',k);
    AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'solar panel', 'name', name,...
      'position', position(:,k), 'outward normal', u(:,k), 'dimensions', [100 100] )

% Put the positions and unit vectors for the gold foil
position = [ 50   0 -50    0;...
              0  50   0  -50;...
              0   0   0    0]; % mm

u        = [  1   0  -1    0 ;...
              0   1   0   -1 ;...
              0   0   0    0 ];

for k = 1:4
    name = sprintf('Foil Panel %d',k);
    AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'gold foil', 'name', name,...
      'position', position(:,k), 'outward normal', u(:,k), 'dimensions', [100 100] )

% Put the positions and unit vectors for the radiator
position = [ 0 0;0 0;-150 150]; % mm

u        = [0 0;0 0;-1 1];

for k = 1:2
    name = sprintf('Radiator %d',k);
    AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'radiator', 'name', name, 'position', position(:,k), 'outward normal', u(:,k), 'dimensions', [100 100] )

Add subsystems


BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'structure', {'frame' 'foil'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'control',{'rwa' 'torquer'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'power', {'solar panel','battery'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'thermal', {'radiator'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'payload', {'camera'} );

Update and show the model


BuildCADModel( 'update body mass properties' );
h = BuildCADModel( 'get model');
CreateReport( h, 'txt', [], 'mass', 1 )

BuildCADModel('show spacecraft');

g = BuildCADModel( 'get cad model' );

SaveStructure( g, 'CubeSat3U' )

                Component           Mass          Units 
      Structure subsystem     
        Control subsystem     
          Power subsystem     
                  Battery            0.1            kg 
    Power Subsystem Total            0.1            kg 
        Thermal subsystem     
        Payload subsystem     
                 Camera X            0.1            kg 
                 Camera Y            0.1            kg 
       Camera Electronics            0.1            kg 
  Payload Subsystem Total            0.3            kg 
  Miscellaneous subsystem     
                    Total            0.4            kg