Generates a lunar module model.

This combines the ascent and descent vehicles.


- CSM Orbit 54 x 66 nm lunar orbit - LM does delta-V to an 8 by 60 nm elliptical orbit - Contact probes are 68 inches - Engine 6 deg gimbal to handle ACS and CM offset - Engine throttle between 1050 and 6300 lbf Max thrust is 9,870 lbf - RCS 100 lb thrust - Aerozine 50 and nitrogen tetroxide.

The weight breakdown is as follows:

  Ascent stage, dry             4,804 lb Includes water and oxygen; no crew
  Descent stage, dry            4,483 lb
  RCS propellants (loaded)        604 lb
  DPS propellants (loaded)     18,100 lb
  APS propellants (loaded)      5,214 lb
  Total weight                 33,205 lb
See also BuildCADModel, CreateBody, CreateComponent, Inertias,
LunarModuleFirstStage, LunarModuleSecondStage, Constant


%   Copyright (c) 2002 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

Load in the model

cD = LunarModuleFirstStage;
cA = LunarModuleSecondStage;

%+Y becomes -Z
%+X becomes -Y
%+Z becomes +X

bLM  = [0 0 1;-1 0 0;0 -1 0];

for j = 1:length(cA)
  cA(j).v = (bLM*cA(j).v')';

for j = 1:length(cD)
  cD(j).v = (bLM*cD(j).v')';

Use the CAD interface

mass    = 33205/2.205;
ftToM   = 12*0.0254;
lbFToN  = Constant('lb force to n');
inertia = Inertias( mass, [(14+1/12)*ftToM (22+11/12)*ftToM], 'cylinder', 1 );

BuildCADModel( 'initialize' );
BuildCADModel( 'set mass', struct( 'mass', mass, 'inertia', inertia, 'cM', [0;0;0] ) );
BuildCADModel( 'set name' , 'Lunar Module'     );
BuildCADModel( 'set units', 'mks'              );
BuildCADModel( 'add qecitobody', [1;0;0;0] );
BuildCADModel( 'add qlvlh', [1;0;0;0] );
BuildCADModel( 'add reci', [20000;0;0] );

% For each component, we need to find its origin and displace it so that the
% axis of rotation is at the origin

m = CreateBody( 'make', 'name', 'Core' );
BuildCADModel( 'add body', m );

% This creates the connections between the bodies
BuildCADModel( 'compute paths' );

Create the individual components

% Assign components to the core
m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'generic', 'faceColor', cD(1).color,...
                     'vertex', cD(1).v, 'face', cD(1).f,'inside',0,...
                     'rA', [0;0;0], 'mass', 0, 'name', cD(1).name, 'body', 1 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

for k = 1:length(cA)
  m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'generic', 'faceColor', cA(k).color,...
                       'vertex', cA(k).v, 'face', cA(k).f,'inside',0,...
                      'rA', [0;0;0], 'mass', 0, 'name', cA(k).name, 'body', 1 );
  BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

% Descent engine (nozzle)
m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'rocket engine', 'faceColor', cD(2).color,...
                     'vertex', cD(2).v, 'face', cD(2).f,'inside',0,...
                     'rA', [0;0;0], 'mass', 0, 'name', cD(2).name, 'body', 1,...
                     'thrustMax', 6300*lbFToN,...
					 'thrustMin', 1050*lbFToN, 'unitVector', [1;0;0], 'scale', 1/1024 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

% Thrusters
thrust = ones(1,12);
iBit   = 0.02*thrust;
uQuad  = -[ 1   -1  0  0;...
  		    0    0  1  0;...
  		    0    0  0  1 ];
scale = (10 + 7/12)*12*0.0254/38;

% (+y,+z), (-y,+z) (-y,-z) (+y,-z)
angle = [-10 100 180 -90]*pi/180;
cA    = cos(angle);
sA    = sin(angle);
x     = 68*scale;
z     = [32 32 34 34]*scale;
y     = [37 37 37 37]*scale;
ySign = [ 1 -1 -1  1];
zSign = [ 1  1 -1 -1];

i = 0;
uThruster = zeros(3,16);
rThruster = zeros(3,16);
for j = 1:4
  r = [x;y(j)*ySign(j);z(j)*zSign(j)];
  b = [1 0 0; 0 cA(j) -sA(j);0 sA(j) cA(j)];
  for k = 1:4
    m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'onoff thruster', 'model', 'lm', ...
                         'name', sprintf('Thruster %i',k + (j-1)*4), 'body', 1,...
                         'unitVector', b*uQuad(:,k), 'rA', r,'thrustCoefficient',448,...
                         'positionVector', r,'valveHeaterPower', 8, 'inside',0 );
    BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );
	i = i + 1;
	uThruster(:,i) = b*uQuad(:,k);
	rThruster(:,i) = r;

kN = [2 6 10 14]-1;
kP = [3 7 11 15]-1;

torqueP = 448*sum(cross(rThruster(:,kP),uThruster(:,kP)),2);
torqueN = 448*sum(cross(rThruster(:,kN),uThruster(:,kN)),2);

% Fuel tank
diameterTank = 2;
volumeTank   = (4/3)*pi*(diameterTank/2)^3; % m3
densityFuel  = 1000; % hydrazine
massFuel  = 18100/2.205;
m         = CreateComponent( 'make', 'fuel tank', 'radius', diameterTank/2, 'rA', [0;0;0],...
                             'name', 'Fuel Tank', 'body', 1, 'inside', 1, ...
                             'volume', volumeTank, 'massPressurant', 0.0729, ...
                             'rPress', 2078.65,'massFuel', massFuel,'mass',6,...
                             'densityFuel', densityFuel,'temperatureTank', 300);
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

The model is finished

g = BuildCADModel( 'get cad model' );
