Make a detailed demonstration nano-spacecraft with two solar arrays.

The spacecraft has three bodies, a core and two rotating solar arrays. The satellites is just 30 cm on a side. Actuators including array drives, RWAs, and magnetic torquers. The model is stored in the file NanoSat.mat ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also BuildCADModel, CreateBody, CreateComponent, SaveStructure, ShowCAD -------------------------------------------------------------------------


%  Copyright (c) 2020 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%  All rights reserved.
%  Since 2020.1

Model Data


% Orbit
r                  = 7000;
v                  = sqrt(3.98600436e5/r);
rECI               = [r;0;0];
vECI               = [0;v;0];
qLVLH              = QLVLH( rECI, vECI );
q                  = [1;0;0;0];
omega              = [0;-v/r;0];

cMToM              = 0.01;

% Core box
coreX              = 0.3;
coreY              = 0.3;
coreZ              = 0.3;
corePosition       = [0; 0; 0];

% Solar arrays
strutLength        = coreX;
arrayLength        = 2*coreX;
arrayWidth         = coreX;
arrayY             = coreY/2 + arrayLength/2 + strutLength;
bX                 = [1 0 0;0 0 -1;0 1 0]';
bY                 = [-1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 -1];

% Torque rods
torqueRodLength    = 0.8*coreZ;
torqueRodWidth     = 0.05*coreZ;
torqueRodDipole    = 10;
xTorquerLoc        = [0;-(coreY-torqueRodWidth)/2;(coreZ - torqueRodWidth)/2];
yTorquerLoc        = [-(coreX-torqueRodWidth)/2;0;(coreZ - torqueRodWidth)/2];
zTorquerLoc        = [-(coreX-torqueRodWidth)/2;-(coreY-torqueRodWidth)/2;0];

% Reaction wheels
lRWA               = 0.114; % From RWA Model
dRWA               = 0.0485;
rWAXLoc            = [coreX/2-lRWA;coreY/3;coreZ/3];
rWAYLoc            = [coreX/4;coreY/2-lRWA;coreZ/4];
rWAZLoc            = [coreY/4;coreX/4;coreZ/2 - lRWA];

% Command and data handling box
xCDH               = 0.2;
yCDH               = 0.1;
zCDH               = 0.2;
cDHLoc             = [-(coreX - xCDH)/4;(coreY-1.1*yCDH)/2;(coreZ-1.1*zCDH)/2];

% Earth sensor
eSABoresight = [0;0;1];
eSALoc       = [0;coreY/4;coreZ/2];

% Sun sensor
sSABoresight = [1;0;0];
sSALoc       = [coreX/2;0;0];

% Magnetometer
magnetometerY      = coreY*(7/40);
magnetometerXZ     = coreZ*(2/40);

Initialize BuildCADModel

BuildCADModel( 'initialize' );

% Add spacecraft properties
BuildCADModel( 'set name' ,      'NanoSat' );
BuildCADModel( 'set units',      'mks'  );
BuildCADModel( 'set rECI' ,      rECI   );
BuildCADModel( 'set vECI' ,      vECI   );
BuildCADModel( 'set qLVLH',      qLVLH  );
BuildCADModel( 'set qECIToBody', q      );
BuildCADModel( 'set omega',      omega  );

Create bodies first


% Core
m = CreateBody( 'make', 'name', 'Core' );
BuildCADModel('add body', m );

m = CreateBody( 'make', 'name', 'Solar Array 1', 'bHinge', struct( 'b', eye(3),...
                'axis', 2 ), 'previousBody', 1, 'rHinge', [0;coreY/2;0] );
BuildCADModel('add body', m );

m = CreateBody( 'make', 'name', 'Solar Array 2', 'bHinge', struct( 'b', eye(3),...
                'axis', 2 ), 'previousBody', 1, 'rHinge', [0;-coreY/2;0] );
BuildCADModel('add body', m );

% This creates the connections between the bodies
BuildCADModel( 'compute paths' );

Add Components


% Solar Array 1
m           = CreateComponent( 'make', 'solar array front', 'z', arrayLength, 'x', arrayWidth, 'nZ', 1, 'nX', 1, 'dirZ', 1,...
                               'theta', 0, 'electricalConversionEfficiency', 0.18, 'b', bY*bX,...
                               'rA', [0.01;strutLength;0], 'mass', 10, 'cM', [0;0;0],...
                               'name', 'Solar Array +Y Front', 'body', 2, 'faceColor', 'solar cell',...
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

m           = CreateComponent( 'make', 'solar array back', 'z', arrayLength, 'x', arrayWidth, 'nZ', 1, 'nX', 1, 'dirZ', 1,...
                               'theta', 0, 'b', bY*bX,...
                               'rA', [-0.01;strutLength;0], 'mass', 10, 'cM', [0;0;0],...
                               'name', 'Solar Array +Y Back', 'body', 2, 'faceColor', 'black',...
                               'inside',0 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

m           = CreateComponent( 'make', 'box', 'x', 0.01 , 'y', strutLength, 'z', 0.01,...
                               'b', eye(3), 'rA', [0; strutLength/2; 0], 'mass', 1, 'cM', [0;0;0],...
							                 'name', 'Support', 'body', 2, 'faceColor', 'aluminum',...
                               'inside',0 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

% Solar Array 2
m           = CreateComponent( 'make', 'solar array front', 'z', arrayLength, 'x', arrayWidth, 'nZ', 1, 'nX', 1, 'dirZ', 1,...
                               'theta', 0, 'electricalConversionEfficiency', 0.18, 'b', bX',...
                               'rA', [0.01;-strutLength;0], 'mass', 10, 'cM', [0;0;0],...
                               'name', 'Solar Array -Y Front', 'body', 3, 'faceColor', 'solar cell',...
                               'inside',0 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

m           = CreateComponent( 'make', 'solar array back', 'z', arrayLength, 'x', arrayWidth, 'nZ', 1, 'nX', 1, 'dirZ', 1,...
                               'theta', 0, 'b', bX',...
                               'rA', [-0.01;-strutLength;0], 'mass', 10, 'cM', [0;0;0],...
                               'name', 'Solar Array -Y Back', 'body', 3, 'faceColor', 'black',...
                               'inside',0 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

m           = CreateComponent( 'make', 'box', 'x', 0.01 , 'y', strutLength, 'z', 0.01,...
                               'b', eye(3), 'rA', [0; -strutLength/2; 0], 'mass', 1, 'cM', [0;0;0],...
							                 'name', 'Support', 'body', 3, 'faceColor', 'aluminum',...
                               'inside',0 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

% Core
m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'box', 'x', coreX, 'y', coreY, 'z', coreZ, 'faceColor', 'gold foil',...
                     'rA', corePosition, 'mass', 10, 'name', 'Panels', 'body', 1,...
                     'inside',0 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );




% Array drives
m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'single axis drive', 'mass',4, ...
                     'rA', [0; coreY/2; 0], 'name', 'Drive +Y', 'body', 1, 'faceColor', [0.6 0.6 0.6],...
                     'unitVector',[0; 1; 0],'drivenBody',2,'inside',0);
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'single axis drive', 'mass',4,...
                     'rA', [0; -coreY/2; 0], 'name', 'Drive -Y', 'body', 1, 'faceColor', [0.6 0.6 0.6],...
                     'unitVector',[0; -1; 0],'drivenBody',3,'inside',0);
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

m  = CreateComponent( 'make', 'reaction wheel', 'model', 'hr04', 'unitVector', [1;0;0],...
 					   'rA', rWAXLoc, 'mass', 1.5, 'name', 'RWA X', 'body', 1, 'inside', 1, 'faceColor', 'aluminum' );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

m  = CreateComponent( 'make', 'reaction wheel', 'model', 'hr04', 'unitVector', [0;1;0],...
 					  'rA', rWAYLoc, 'mass', 1.5, 'name', 'RWA Y', 'body', 1, 'inside', 1, 'faceColor', 'aluminum' );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

m  = CreateComponent( 'make', 'reaction wheel', 'model', 'hr04', 'unitVector', [0;0;1],...
 					   'rA', rWAZLoc, 'mass', 1.5, 'name', 'RWA Z', 'body', 1, 'inside', 1, 'faceColor', 'aluminum' );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

% X Torquer
m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'magnetic torquer', 'x', torqueRodLength, 'y', torqueRodWidth, 'z', torqueRodWidth, 'faceColor', [0 0.5 0],...
                     'residualDipoleFraction', 0.00, 'dipole', [torqueRodDipole;0;0],...
                     'rA', xTorquerLoc, 'mass', 1, 'name', 'Torque Rod X', 'body', 1, 'inside', 1 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

% Y Torquer
m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'magnetic torquer', 'x', torqueRodWidth, 'y', torqueRodLength, 'z', torqueRodWidth, 'faceColor', [0 0.5 0],...
                     'residualDipoleFraction', 0.00, 'dipole', [0;torqueRodDipole;00],...
                     'rA', yTorquerLoc, 'mass', 1, 'name', 'Torque Rod Y', 'body', 1, 'inside', 1 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

% Z Torquer
m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'magnetic torquer', 'x', torqueRodWidth, 'y', torqueRodWidth, 'z', torqueRodLength, 'faceColor', [0 0.5 0],...
                     'residualDipoleFraction', 0.00, 'dipole', [0;0;torqueRodDipole],...
                     'rA', zTorquerLoc, 'mass', 1, 'name', 'Torque Rod Z', 'body', 1, 'inside', 1 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

% Chassis
m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'box', 'x', xCDH, 'y', yCDH, 'z', zCDH, 'faceColor', [0 0.5 0.5],...
                     'rA', cDHLoc, 'mass', 1, 'name', 'C&DH Box', 'body', 1, 'inside', 1 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

% Battery
batteryZ = coreX/4;
m        = CreateComponent( 'make', 'battery', 'x', batteryZ, 'y', batteryZ, 'z', batteryZ, 'faceColor', 'aluminum',...
                            'rA', [0; 0; (coreZ-batteryZ)/2], 'mass', 1, 'name', 'Battery', 'body', 1 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );




% Magnetometer
m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'magnetometer', 'x', magnetometerXZ, 'y',...
                      magnetometerY, 'z', magnetometerXZ, 'rA', [-coreX/2;coreY/2;coreZ/2],...
                      'name', 'Magnetometer', 'body', 1, 'faceColor', [1 0 1],...
                      'inside',0 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

Add subsystems

BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'acs',        {'magnetometer','torque','rwa'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'tt&c',       {'C&DH'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'mechanism',  {'drive'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'power',      {'solar array','battery'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'structure',  {'support', 'panel'} );

All components have been created, get the finished model

g = BuildCADModel( 'get cad model' );

dName = FindDirectory('SCModels');
SaveStructure( g, 'NanoSat' )

