Generates a CubeSat model that is gravity gradient stabilized.

Creates a mass report.

%  See also BuildCADModel, CreateReport, AddCubesatComponent
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%   Copyright (c) 2011 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 10.

% Properties
rhoAl               = 2700/1e9; % kg/mm^3
rhoArealSolarPanels	= 84e-6*1e-2;% kg/mm^2 84 mg/cm^2
rhoMagneticSteel    = 8120/1e9; % kg/mm^2
panelThickness      = 4; % mm
massFrame           = 8.5*8.5*100*12*rhoAl;

% Initialize
AddCubesatComponent( 'CubeSatGG' );
AddCubesatComponent( 'device', 'frame', 'name', 'Frame', 'subtype', '1U', 'mass', massFrame )

% Magnetic torquers
torqueRodDipole     = 10; % ATM^2 (Amp-turns-m^2)
torquerPower        = 0.5;
torquerPosition     = [-30;0;0]; % mm
torquerDim          = [5  5  80];  % mm (torquer long axis is z)
mass                = Product(torquerDim)*rhoMagneticSteel;

cPUBoardPower       = 1;  % W
cPUBoardPosition    = -20; % z dimension, mm
batteryPower             = 20.1;	% W
batteryMass              = 0.1;  % kg
batteryBoxDim            = [ 20 20 40];   % mm
batteryBoxPosition       = [-10; 15;-40]; % mm
cameraPosition     = [ -50; 5;   0]; % mm
cameraPower             = 0.1;	% W
cameraMass              = 0.1;  % kg

% Add Components to the CubeSat
AddCubesatComponent( 'device', 'board', 'name', 'CPU', 'position', cPUBoardPosition,...
'power', cPUBoardPower, 'mass', 0.1 );

AddCubesatComponent( 'device', 'camera', 'name', 'Camera X', 'position', cameraPosition,...
'power', cameraPower, 'boresight',  [1;0;0], 'mass', cameraMass	);

AddCubesatComponent( 'device', 'torquer', 'name', 'Torquer', 'position',...
   torquerPosition, 'power',  torquerPower, 'unit vector',  [0;0;1],...
   'dipole',torqueRodDipole, 'dimensions', torquerDim, 'mass', mass  );

AddCubesatComponent( 'device', 'box', 'name', 'Battery', 'position', batteryBoxPosition,...
'power',  batteryPower ,  'mass', batteryMass, 'dimensions', batteryBoxDim )

% Gravity gradient boom
position = [0;0;300]; % of center of mass
boomDim = [5 5 500];
mass = Product(boomDim)*rhoAl;
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'box', 	'name', 'Boom', 'mass', mass, ...
'position', position, 'dimensions', boomDim )

position = [0; -100; 0];
antennaDim = [2 100 2];
mass = Product(antennaDim)*rhoAl;
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'box', 	'name', 'Antenna', 'mass', mass, ...
'position', position, 'dimensions', antennaDim )

position = [0;0;560];
tipMassDim = [15 15 30];

AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'box', 'name', 'Tip mass', 'position', position, ...
'dimensions', tipMassDim, 'mass', 0.1 );

% Panel dimension
lP = 45; % mm

% Put the positions and unit vectors for the solar foil
position = lP*[ 1.0  0.0 -1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0;...
                0.0  1.0  0.0 -1.0 -1.0  0.0;...
                0.0  0.0  0.0 -0.6  0.6  1.0]; % mm

u           = [ 1    0   -1    0    0    0;...
                0    1    0   -1   -1    0;...
                0    0    0    0    0    1];

d        = 2*lP*[ 1.0  1.0;... %1
                  1.0  1.0;... %2
                  1.0  1.0;... %3
                  1.0  0.4;... %4
                  1.0  0.4;... %5
                  1.0  1.0];   %6å

for k = 1:size(u,2)
    name = sprintf('Solar Panel %d',k);
    mass = rhoArealSolarPanels*d(k,1)*d(k,2);
    AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'solar panel', 	'name', name, 'mass', mass, 'position', position(:,k), 'outward normal', u(:,k), 'dimensions', d(k,:) )

% Put the positions and unit vectors for the radiator
dim = 2*[lP lP];
mass = rhoAl*dim(1)*dim(2)*panelThickness;

AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'radiator', 'name', 'Radiator', 'mass', mass, 'position', [0;0;-lP], 'outward normal', [0;0;-1], 'dimensions', dim )

% Put the positions and unit vectors for the gold foil
dim = lP*[2 0.5];
mass = rhoAl*dim(1)*dim(2)*panelThickness;
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'gold foil', 'name', 'Antenna Panel', 'mass', mass, 'position', [0;-lP;0], 'outward normal', [0;-1;0], 'dimensions', dim )

% Put the positions and unit vectors for the gold foil
dim = 5*[1 1 1];
mass = dim(1)*dim(2)*dim(3)*rhoAl;
AddCubesatComponent( 'device',	'magnetometer', 'name', 'Magnetometer', 'mass', mass, 'position', [0;lP;0], 'outward normal', [0;-1;0], 'dimensions', 5*[1 1 1] )

% Add subsystems
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'structure', {'frame' 'boom'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'control', {'magnetometer' 'torquer' 'tip mass'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'communications',	{'antenna'} );
BuildCADModel( 'add subsystem', 'power', {'solar panel','battery'} );

% Update
BuildCADModel( 'update body mass properties' );
BuildCADModel('show spacecraft');

h = BuildCADModel('get model');

c0 = cd;
p = mfilename('fullpath');
CreateReport( h, 'txt', [], 'mass', 1 )

                       Component           Mass          Units 
             Structure subsystem     
                           Frame         0.2341            kg 
                            Boom        0.03375            kg 
       Structure Subsystem Total         0.2678            kg 
               Control subsystem     
                    Magnetometer      0.0003375            kg 
                         Torquer        0.01624            kg 
                        Tip mass            0.1            kg 
         Control Subsystem Total         0.1166            kg 
        Communications subsystem     
                         Antenna        0.00108            kg 
                   Antenna Panel        0.02187            kg 
  Communications Subsystem Total        0.02295            kg 
                 Power subsystem     
                   Solar Panel 1       0.006804            kg 
                   Solar Panel 2       0.006804            kg 
                   Solar Panel 3       0.006804            kg 
                   Solar Panel 4       0.002722            kg 
                   Solar Panel 5       0.002722            kg 
                   Solar Panel 6       0.006804            kg 
                         Battery            0.1            kg 
           Power Subsystem Total         0.1327            kg 
         Miscellaneous subsystem     
                             CPU            0.1            kg 
                        Camera X            0.1            kg 
                        Radiator        0.08748            kg 
   Miscellaneous Subsystem Total         0.2875            kg 
                           Total         0.8275            kg