Demonstrates rigid body rotation.
You enter a time step, end time, dimensions of the cube and mass.
You can also enter a step body fixed disturbance.
The displayed cube is based on the entered dimensions.
During the simulation you can rotate the cube with the mouse.
Uses the SCT functions:
RK4 (Runge-Kutta 4th order numerical integration)
FRB (rigid body rhs)
TimeLabl (generates reasonable labels in sec, min, etc.)
See also AnimateCube, Inertias, QTForm, Figui, Plot2D, Plot3D,
TimeLabl, Mag, RK4
The integration time step (seconds)
dT = 0.2;
tEnd = 100;
Spacecraft Properties (select a set of xYZ dimensions below)
xYZ = [1 1 4];
mass = 1000;
Initial conditions [quaternion;rate]
q0 = [1;0;0;0];
w0 = [0.01;0.01;0.1];
x = [q0;w0];
Step disturbances
tDist = [0.0;0.0;0.0];
Number of sim steps
nSim = tEnd/dT;
t = dT:dT:tEnd;
Spacecraft Inertia
inr = Inertias( mass, xYZ, 'box', 1 );
invInr = inv(inr);
Plotting array
xPlot = zeros(7,nSim);
Initialize the animation
tag = AnimateCube( 'initialize', xYZ );
Run the simulation
for k = 1:nSim
xPlot(:,k) = x;
x = RK4('FRB',x,dT,0,inr,invInr,tDist);
playback = @(x) AnimateCube( 'update', tag, [xPlot(1:4,fix(x/dT)+1);t(fix(x/dT)+1)] );
PlaybackControls( 0, tEnd, 0, playback, dT, 'NutationAnimation' )
2D Plots
[t, tL] = TimeLabl( (0:(nSim-1))*dT );
Plot2D(t,xPlot( 1: 4,:),tL,['Q_s';'Q_x';'Q_y';'Q_z'],'Quaternion')
Plot2D(t,xPlot( 5: 7,:),tL,['\omega_x';'\omega_y';'\omega_z'],'Rate')
3D Plot
u = [1;0;0];
r = QTForm( xPlot(1:4,:), u );
Plot3D( r, 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'X-axis position' )
Analyze Angular Momentum
H = zeros(3,nSim);
q = xPlot(1:4,:);
w = xPlot(5:7,:);
for i=1:nSim
H(:,i) = QTForm(q(:,i),inr*w(:,i));
Plot2D( t, H, tL, ['H_X';'H_Y';'H_Z'], 'Angular momentum [kg*m*m/s]');
fprintf('\nAngular Momentum\n================\n');
fprintf('\n\tMean: \t%f\n\tVariance:\t%g\n\n',mean(Mag(H)),var(Mag(H)))
Angular Momentum
Mean: 26.060826
Variance: 2.50924e-19
Create an index to the plots