Demonstrate the J70 atmosphere model over a solar cycle.

Uses the solar flux predictions stored in SolarFluxPredictions.mat for the years 2002-2019. Computes the density for an altitude of 622 km.

See also SolarFluxPrediction and AtmJ70., Plot2D, Date2JD, JD2DN,
Period, RVFromKepler, Eclipse, GMSTime, SunV1


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Choose longitude and altitude

Atmosphere density is dependent on location around Earth. Enter one or more longitudes and specify the altitude.

longitude = [0 50]; % deg
nLon      = length(longitude);
alt       = 7078-6378;

Look at 100 points between 2002 and 2019

All points are at 0 degrees latitude.

yr        = linspace(2002,2019);
nYr       = length(yr);
degToMin  = 24*60/360;
jD0       = Date2JD([yr(1) 1 1 0 0 0]);
rho       = zeros(nLon,nYr);
d = struct;

for j = 1:nYr
  year       = yr(j);
  jD         = jD0 + 365.25*(yr(j)-yr(1));
  [aP, f, fHat, fHat400] = SolarFluxPrediction( jD, 'nominal' );
  d.aP       = aP(1);
  d.f        = f(1);
  d.fHat     = fHat(1);
  d.fHat400  = fHat400(1);      = 0;
  d.lng      = 0;       = GMSTime(jD)*degToMin;
  d.dd       = JD2DN( jD );
  d.yr       = year;
  % altitude in km
  d.z        = alt;
  for k = 1:nLon
    d.lng    = longitude(k);
    rho(k,j) = AtmJ70( d );

Plot over the solar cycle

J70 output is in g/cm3 so convert to kg/m3 when plotting.

Plot2D(yr,rho*1000,'Year', 'Density (kg/m^3)','J70 Atmospheric Density over a Solar Cycle','ylog');
ll = legend(num2str(longitude'));
ll.Title.String = 'Longitude';

Look in detail at one orbit period.

Eclipses, if any, will be marked along the x axis using a dark line.

jD0 = Date2JD([2010 6 21, 17 0 0]);
t   = linspace(0,Period(alt+6378),200);
inc = pi/6; % orbit inclination
r   = RVFromKepler([alt+6378 inc 0 0 0 0],t);
d   = struct;
[aP, f, fHat, fHat400] = SolarFluxPrediction( jD0, 'nominal' );
d.aP       = aP(1);
d.f        = f(1);
d.fHat     = fHat(1);
d.fHat400  = fHat400(1);
rho        = zeros(1,200);
for k = 1:length(t)
  d.jD    = jD0 + t(k)/86400;
  d.rECI  = r(:,k);
  rho(k) = AtmJ70( d );
Plot2D( t/60, rho*1000,'Time (min)','Density (kg/m^3)','J70 Density over an orbit' )
[uSun,R] = SunV1( jD0 );
n   = Eclipse( r, uSun*R );
ecl = find(n<1);
if ~isempty(ecl)
  y = axis; hold on;
  f = plot( [t(ecl(1)) t(ecl(end))]/60,[y(3) y(3)], 'k', 'linewidth', 4 );
