Demonstrates magnetic control and power profiles.

Six DOF simulation with point mass orbit, rigid body dynamics, and the magnetic torque handled explicitly in the RHS. Satellite is modeled with three magnetic torquers and four solar panels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also MagField and FRBWithMag, QForm, Constant, NPlot, Plot2D, Plot3D, PrintFig, TimeGUI, TimeLabl, RK4, Date2JD, OrbRate, El2RV, PltOrbit, Eclipse, SunV1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------


%   Copyright (c) 1995-2004, 2008, 2016 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   2016.1 Switch to newer IGRF11 model (from 1995 data) for the Earth. Also
%   change RHS to a function handle.

clear d

Print plots to eps file

printPlots = 0;

Global for the TimeGUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';


degToRad    = pi/180;
radToDeg    = 180/pi;
c45         = cos(45*degToRad);

Power system - 4 solar panels

% assume same area and efficiency for all panels
pEff        = 0.15;
pSun        = 1367; % solar flux, Watts/m^2
areaPanel   = 0.2;  %m^2
fPanel      = pEff*pSun*areaPanel;
uPanel      = [1 0 0 -1;0 1 -1 0;0 0 0 0]; % 4 unit vectors


mTorquer    = 10*eye(3); % 3 orthogonal torquers
uDipole     = [0;0;1]; % The control (on/off flags)

The control sampling period and the simulation integration time step


dTSim       = 1; % sec

Number of sim steps


nSim        = 6000; % sec
tEnd        = nSim*dTSim;

Plot every nPMax steps


nPMax       = 1;
nPlot       = nSim/nPMax;

Print the time to go message every nTTGo steps

nTTGo       = 100;

Gravity model

%---------------        = Constant('mu earth');

The external disturbance model


d.tExt      = [0.0;0.0;0.0];

Spacecraft inertia


d.inr       = [2000,0,0;0,4000,0;0,0,2000];
d.invInr    = inv(d.inr);

Plotting arrays


tPlot      = zeros( 1,nPlot);
xPlot      = zeros(26,nPlot);

Magnetic field

magFieldData = load('IGRF11');


jD         = Date2JD([2004 7 21 0 0 0]); % Julian date


sma        = 7000;  % km
inc        = 0.5;   % rad
el         = [sma inc 0 0 0 0];
[r0,v0]    = El2RV(el);
PltOrbit( el, jD );

OrbRate function -

r is radius; is Gravitational parameter;

Orbit_Rate = @( r ) sqrt(*(2./r - 1./r))./r;

Initial conditions [r;v;q;omega]

q0         = [1;0;0;0]; % ECI to body frame
w0         = [0;Orbit_Rate(7000);0]; % rad/s
x          = [r0; v0;  q0;  w0]; % r in km and v in km/s
t          = 0;

Plotting controls

nP         = 0;
kP         = 0;

Initialize the time display

[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, [], 0, dTSim, 'Magnetic Control Sim' );

Run the simulation


for k = 1:nSim

  % The sun vector in the body frame
  [uSun,rSun] = SunV1( jD );
  uSunBody = QForm( x(7:10), uSun );
  n = Eclipse( x(1:3), rSun*uSun );

  % Power
  f      = uSunBody'*uPanel;
  % find panels facing away from sun and set power to zero
  j      = find(f < 0);
  f(j)   = 0;
  % multiply power factor times cos(angle) to the sun, including eclipses
  pPanel = n*fPanel*f;

  % Control - compute total dipole
  d.dipole = [0;0;0];
  for j = 1:length(uDipole)
      if( uDipole(j) == 1 )
          d.dipole = d.dipole + mTorquer(:,j);

  % The magnetic field
  d.bECI =  MagField( x(1:3), jD, 2, magFieldData );

  % Display the status message
  [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dTSim );

  % Integrate one time step
  x        = RK4( @FRBWithMag, x, dTSim, t, d );

  % Update the time
  t        = t + dTSim;
  jD       = jD + dTSim/86400;

  % Plotting
  % --------
  if( nP == 0 )
    kP          = kP + 1;
    xPlot(:,kP) = [x;d.bECI;pPanel';d.dipole;uDipole];
  	tPlot(kP)   = t;
    nP          = nPMax - 1;
    nP          = nP - 1;

  % Time control
  switch simulationAction
    case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
    case 'stop'
    case 'plot'


Adjust the plotting arrays if you stopped early

j     = 1:kP;
tPlot = tPlot(j);
xPlot = xPlot(:,j);

Nice units for time

[tPlot,tL] = TimeLabl( tPlot );

Plotting function

Plot3D( xPlot( 1: 3,:),'R_x (km)','R_y (km)','R_z (km)', 'RECI' );
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot( 7:10,:), tL, {'Q_s';'Q_x';'Q_y';'Q_z'},                'Quaternion'   )
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(11:13,:), tL, {'\omega_x';'\omega_y';'\omega_z'},      'Angular Rates (rad/s)'  )
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(14:16,:), tL, {'B_x (T)';'B_y (T)';'B_z (T)'},         'Magnetic Field')
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(17:20,:), tL, {'P_1 (W)';'P_2 (W)';'P_3 (W)'; 'P_4 (W)'}, 'Power Generated by Panels')
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(21:26,:), tL, {'m_x (ATM^2)'  'm_y (ATM^2)' 'm_z (ATM^2)' 'u_1'  'u_2' 'u_3'}, 'Dipole and Torquer On/Off')

Save plots as eps files

if( printPlots )
