
Landing demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming.

Demonsrates the use of the bilinear tangent law on several moons. This demo does not account for the moon's curvature. It also assumes that the gravity is constant.

Things to explore:
1. Try the 3 moons
2. Add another moon
3. Try different thrust accelerations, a

%   Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 2014.1

Select the planet or moon

body = 'Moon'; % 'Enceladus'; % 'Europa';

% Planet/moon parameters
switch body
    case 'Enceladus'

        rEnceladus	= 252.1; % km
        muEnceladus	= 1.08022e20*Constant('newtonian constant of gravitation')/1e9;
        h           = 2;
        r           = rEnceladus + h;
        u           = sqrt(muEnceladus/r);
        g           = muEnceladus/rEnceladus^2; % km/s^2
        n           = 1000;

   case 'Europa'

        rEuropa     = 1560.8; % km
        muEuropa    = Constant('mu europa');
        h           = 200;  % Altitude of initial orbit
        u           = sqrt(muEuropa/rEuropa);
        g           = muEuropa/rEuropa^2; % km/s^2
        n           = 1000;

   case 'Moon'

        muMoon      = Constant('mu moon');
        rMoon       = Constant('equatorial radius moon');
        u           = sqrt(muMoon/rMoon);
        g           = muMoon/rMoon^2;
        h           = 10;
        n           = 2000;

Control thrust

a           = 3*g;

% Find the thrust direction angles
[beta, t]	= BilinearTangentLaw( u, g, a, h, n );
BilinearTangentLaw( u, g, a, h, n );

% Do this to get a landing
beta        = fliplr(beta);

dT          = t(2) - t(1);

% Size the plotting array
xP          = zeros(4,n);

% Initial state
x           = [0;h;-u;0];

% Simulate
for k = 1:n
    xP(:,k)	= x;
    x       = RK4('RHSPlanetTakeoff',x,dT,0,a,g,beta(k));


[t, tL] = TimeLabl(t);

% Titles for plots
s1 = sprintf('%s Landing',body);
s2 = sprintf('%s Landing States',body);
s3 = sprintf('%s Surface',body);

Plot2D(xP(1,:),xP(2,:),'x (km)','y (km)',s1);

% Annotate the plot
hold on
xLim = get(gca,'xlim');
set(gca,'yLim',[-ceil(0.01*h) ceil(1.2*h)])
text(xLim(2)-200000,1.04*h,'Initial Altitude')
legend('Trajectory','Initial Location','Final Location','Location','Best')

Plot2D(t,xP,tL,{'x (km)','y (km)','v_x (km/s)', 'v_y (kms)'},s2);
