Design and draw an air core magnetic torquer

The design function performs an optimization to minimize the weighted cost of power consumption and mass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also AirCoreMagneticTorquerDesign, AirCoreTorquerModel -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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d = struct;

% Wire comes in specific gauges, which you specify here.
% Wire gauge 0000 is -3.
d.aWG = 32;

% Desired dipole (ATM^2)
d.dipole = 1;

% Conductor density (kg/m^3)
d.densityConductor = 8960;

% Conductivity (S/m)
d.conductivity = 59.6e6;

% Dimensions of the coil (m)
d.dim = [0.1 0.1];

% Weight for the mass optimization (W/kg)
d.alpha = 1e-7;

% Design the minimum mass torquer
d = AirCoreMagneticTorquerDesign( d )

% Visualize the model
AirCoreTorquerModel( d.nTurns, d.rWire, d.dim );

d = 
  struct with fields:

                 aWG: 32
              dipole: 1
    densityConductor: 8960
        conductivity: 59600000
                 dim: [0.1 0.1]
               alpha: 1e-07
               rWire: 0.00010097
             rhoWire: 0.52388
                   v: 20.955
              nTurns: 2419
               lWire: 967.6
               mWire: 0.27767
               power: 0.86627
                   i: 0.041339
                   R: 506.9