Demonstrate a spacecraft in orbit pointing at a target on the Earth

Since version 8.
See also C2DelZOH, PIDMIMO, AU2Q, CoordinateTransform, LatLonToR, Q2AU,
QForm, QMult, QPose, U2Q, Constant, AnimateVectors, Map, RK4, Unit,
Date2JD, JD2T, OrbRate, RVFromKepler, Period, DMS2Rad, GMSTime,
TruEarth, DeltaQTarget, AttitudeTarget


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Setup the orbit



Re = 6378.14; % radius of Earth (km)

Ground target

tgt.latitude  = DMS2Rad( 51, 15, 44.20 ); % latitude to point at (rad)
tgt.longitude = DMS2Rad( -2, 17, 17.27 ); % longitude to point at (rad)
tgt.u         = [1;0;0];                  % body vector to point

Simulation parameters

jD       = Date2JD+100;  % today's date in Julian date format
alt      = 400;      % altitude of orbit (km)
tSpan    = 3*60;     % time span to simulate (seconds)
tSamp    = 0.25;     % control sampling time (seconds)

Compute orbital elements and show ground track with target

time  = 0:tSamp:tSpan;
T     = Period(Re+alt);                       % orbit period (sec)
gms   = GMSTime( jD )*pi/180;    % Greenwich mean time at jD (deg)
rA    = gms-pi/2+tgt.longitude;  % Right ascension (rad)
inc   = tgt.latitude;            % Inclination (rad)
n     = OrbRate( Re+alt );       % mean orbit rate (rad/s)
M     = pi/2 - tSpan/2*n;        % initial mean anomaly
el    = [Re+alt, inc, rA, 0, 0, M];    % orbital elements
t     = linspace(0,tSpan,30);
[r,v] = RVFromKepler( el, t );
lla   = zeros(size(r));
for i=1:length(t),
   lla(:,i) = CoordinateTransform('eci','llr',r(:,i),jD+t(i)/86400);

Initial conditions for attitude dynamics

q0          = [1;0;0;0];   % Initial ECI to Body quaternion
w0          = [0;0;0];     % Initial angular rates of Body [rad/sec]
inertia     = eye(3); % inertia matrix [kg-m^2]
noiseSigma  = 0;        % 1-sigma noise level for pointing knowledge [rad]

The plant: rigid body model

Our plant (the rigid body spacecraft) is a double integrator. The input to the the plant is a commanded angular acceleration. The output is an angular rotation.

Compute the plant statespace system

ap = [0 1;0 0]; bp = [0;1]; cp = [1 0]; dp = 0;

The controller

We will now design a PID controller with input "u" and output "y". It will have the following transfer function:

             Kr s         u
 y = Kp u +  ---- u + Ki ---
            s + wR        s

The gains (Kp, Kr, Ki) and the derivative roll-off term (wR) will be computed using the PIDMIMO function. It will compute these controller parameters so that the closed-loop system (the controlled spacecraft) will have the desired properties. We specify the desired properties in terms of: * natural frequency * damping ratio * integrator time constant * derivative roll-off frequency

zeta        = 0.7071;      % damping ratio (critically damped)
omega       = 0.3;         % natural frequency
tauInt      = 100;         % integrator time constant (sec)
omegaR      = 4;           % derivative roll-off
inr         = 1;           % unit inertia - controller outputs an acceleration
rateLimit   = .25;         % maximum angular rate [rad/s]
stepLimit   = rateLimit*tSamp;

Calculate state-space control system matrices:

[ak, bk, ck, dk, gains] = PIDMIMO( inr, zeta, omega, tauInt, omegaR);
[akd,bkd] = C2DelZOH(ak,bk,tSamp);
invInertia = inv(inertia);


We will simulate a point mass orbit and a rigid body

xOrb = [r(:,1);v(:,1)];
xAtt = [q0;w0];

mu = Constant('mu earth');
orbitRHS = @(x,t) FOrbCart(x,t,0,mu);

d = struct;
d.qECIToBody = q0;
d.rECI = xOrb(1:3);
d.jD = jD;

xRoll = [0;0];
xPitch= [0;0];
xYaw  = [0;0];
xPlot = zeros(13,length(time));
trq   = zeros(3,length(time));
pointingError = zeros(1,length(time));
uTB           = zeros(3,length(time));
angleError    = trq;
qECIToTargetOld = q0;
for k = 1:length(time)
   xPlot(:,k) = [xAtt;xOrb]; % record
   qECIToBody = xAtt(1:4);   % rename for clarity

   % Compute the new target quaternion
   d.qECIToBody = qECIToBody;
   d.rECI = xOrb(1:3);
   d.jD = jD+time(k)/86400;
   qTarget = AttitudeTarget( 'latlon', d, tgt );

   % Limit the total angular change
   [qTargetToBody,qECIToTargetOld] = DeltaQTarget(qTarget,qECIToBody,...
   qBodyToTarget = QPose(qTargetToBody);

   qTToB = QMult( QPose(qTarget), qECIToBody );
   uTB(:,k) = QForm(qTToB,tgt.u);
   pointingError(k) = acos(dot(uTB(:,k),tgt.u));
   angleError(:,k) = 2*qBodyToTarget(2:4) + randn(3,1)*noiseSigma;

   % The delta form of the controller
   acc    = zeros(3,1);
   acc(1) =          ck*xRoll   + dk*angleError(1,k);
   xRoll  = xRoll  + akd*xRoll  + bkd*angleError(1,k);
   acc(2) =          ck*xPitch  + dk*angleError(2,k);
   xPitch = xPitch + akd*xPitch + bkd*angleError(2,k);
   acc(3) =          ck*xYaw    + dk*angleError(3,k);
   xYaw   = xYaw   + akd*xYaw   + bkd*angleError(3,k);
   tExt  = -inertia*acc;

   % Numerical integration of the dynamics:
   xAtt = RK4( 'FRB', xAtt, tSamp, time(k), inertia, invInertia, tExt );
   xOrb = RK4( orbitRHS, xOrb, tSamp, time(k) );
   trq(:,k) = tExt;


Plot2D(time,xPlot(1:4,:),'Time (s)','Quaternion','Inertial to Body Quaternion');
Plot2D(time,xPlot(5:7,:)*180/pi,'Time (s)','Body rates [deg/s]','Body rates');
Plot2D(time,trq,'Time (s)','Control Torques [Nm]','Control Torques');
Plot2D(time,angleError*180/pi,'Time (s)','Angular Error Input to Control Law [deg]','Control Tracking Error');
Plot2D(time,pointingError*180/pi,'Time (s)','Pointing Error [deg]','Pointing Error');


animate the target vector in the Body frame during the transient period define end of transient period at point when pointing error drops below 1 deg

k = find( pointingError*180/pi > 1 );

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