Implements and simulates a spacecraft with reaction wheels and thrusters.

This script demonstrates:

The control system is designed for either Earth pointing or inertially fixed attitude. It does not allow attitude maneuvers. Thrusters can be used for attitude control. Thrusters are pulsewidth modulated and off-pulse for either east/west or north/south stationkeeping. The simulation also includes a single liquid apogee engine.

It is assumed that an IMU/Star tracker package is available that outputs a valid attitude quaternion in all modes.

Disturbance modeling is for solar pressure only.

The simulation propagates the orbit, the attitude and the reaction wheel rates. The reaction wheels are assume to take torque commands and produce that torque. That is to say they have a current feedback loop that compensates for back emf.

The controller is a simple PID controller in all modes.

The inertia matrix is for the deployed mode.

The wheels are Honeywell HR0610 wheels with 12 NMs max momentum at 6000 rpm. Max torque is 0.055 Nm.

The thrusters are EADS monopropellant thrusters:

CHT 0.5 0.5 N (north, east west)
CHT 20 N (base panel)

The apogee engine is a 400 N "S400-12":

S400-12 420 N 318 sec

We put all properties into this script to make it self-contained. For more elaborate models they would be put in databases, etc.

See also Inertias, PIDMIMO, QError, QLVLH, U2Q, Constant, Plot2D,
TimeGUI, TimeLabl, CosD, RK4, Date2JD, MassProp, El2RV, Period, SunV1,
ThrusterCommand, RHSRWA, ThreeAxisControlDisturb


------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2007 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2017.1 Update function handles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


% Clear variables used in this demo
clear sc

% Global for the time interface
global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

Sim data

nSim  = 2000;
dT    = 0.25;
jD0   = Date2JD( [2010 3 15 0 0 0] );

% Control delta v demand. If any of pOn are non zero it will go into
% thruster mode
pOn   = 1*[ones(1,4) ones(1,13)];

% The thrusters to be used for ACS
kACS  = 1:12;

Spacecraft properties

width           =  2; % Each side is 2 meters
solarWingLength = 10; % A 10 kW satellite (assuming 20% efficient arrays)
solarWingBoom   =  1;
cM              = [0;0.01;0]; % A little offset to get a disturbance

sc.dist.areaArray  = 2*solarWingLength*width;
sc.dist.areaBox    = width^2;
sc.dist.cM         = cM;

% Surface properties [ absorbed specular diffuse transmitted ]
sc.dist.sigmaArray = [ 0.75; 0.17; 0.08; 0.0 ]; % Solar panel
sc.dist.sigmaBox   = [ 0.0; 0.29; 0.71; 0.0 ]; % Gold foil

% Mass properties
massArray          = solarWingLength*width*0.95; % 3 junction cells
massBox            = 1000;
inrArray           = Inertias( massArray, [width, solarWingLength], 'plate' );
inrBox             = Inertias( massBox,   [width width width],      'box');
cMArray            = [0;width/2 + solarWingBoom + solarWingLength/2;0];

inr                = [inrBox' inrArray' inrArray'];
m                  = [massBox massArray massArray];
cM                 = [[0;0;0] cMArray -cMArray];

[sc.inertia, sc.mass] = MassProp( inr, m, cM, 'mks' );

% Create the thruster unit vectors. This is the force direction
% [north west east base lae]
%                      North       West        East       Base     LAE
%                   ----------  ---------- -----------  ----------  -
tc.uT           = [ 0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  0  0  0  0  0;...
                    1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0;...
                    0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  1];

tc.rT           = [ 1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1  1  1  1  1 -1 -1  0;...
                   -1 -1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1  1  1 -1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  0;...
                    1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1 -1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1]*width/2;

tc.thrust       = [ones(1,12)*0.5 ones(1,4)*20 420];

sc.inrWheel     = 12/(6000*pi/30); % HR 610           = Constant('mu earth');
c45             = CosD(45);
sc.uWheel       = c45*[1 0 -1 0; -1 -1 -1 -1; 0 1 0 -1];
sc.tDist        = [0.0001;0.0001;-0.0001]; % Just to see the transient response
sc.funDist      = @ThreeAxisControlDisturb;

Design the controller

[a,b,c,d] = PIDMIMO( 1, 1, 0.05, 200, 0.5, dT );

% PID States
xX = zeros(2,1);
xY = zeros(2,1);
xZ = zeros(2,1);

% Controller output
u  = zeros(3,1);

Select the orbital elements

[a i W w e M]

el = [42167 0 0 0 0 0];
[r, v]      = El2RV( el );

Select the initial attitude

attitude = 'LVLH'; % or burn unit vector

% If attiude is a character align with LVLH, else align +z (the LAE thrust
% direction with the vector attitude
if( ischar( attitude ) )
  qC   = QLVLH( r, v );
  w    = [0;-2*pi/Period(el(1));0];
  mode = 1;
  qC   = U2Q( [0;0;1], attitude );
  w    = [0;0;0];
  mode = 2;

Four reaction wheels

wRWA = [0;0;0;0];
q    = qC;

Put the state together

x    = [r;v;q;w;wRWA];

Initialize the time display

[ratioRealTime, tToGoMem] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, [], 0, dT, 'Three axis demo' );

Allocate memory for plotting array

xPlot = zeros(27,nSim);
uTC   = zeros(length(kACS),nSim);

Run the simulation


for k = 1:nSim

  % Display the status message
  [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dT );

  % Break up the state vector for convenience
  r = x(1:3); v = x(4:6); q = x(7:10);

  % Julian date
  jD = jD0 + (k-1)*dT/86400;

  % Sun vector
  sc.dist.uSun = SunV1( jD );

  % The controller
  if( mode == 1 )
    qC = QLVLH( r, v );

  % The attitude error
  theta = QError( qC, q, 1 );

  % The control
  u     = [c*xX + d*theta(1);...
           c*xY + d*theta(2);...
           c*xZ + d*theta(3)];

  % Convert angular accelerations to torque
  tDemand   = sc.inertia*u;

  % Either use thrusters or reaction wheels
  % Note the torque demand sign switch!
  if( max(pOn) > 0 )
    tDemand        = -tDemand;
    [sc.dist.force, sc.dist.torque, uu] = ThrusterCommand( tDemand, pOn, kACS, tc );
    sc.tRWA        = zeros(4,1);
    uTC(:,k)       = uu;
    sc.dist.force  = zeros(3,1);
    sc.dist.torque = zeros(3,1);
    sc.tRWA        = pinv(sc.uWheel)*tDemand;

  % Propagate the controller state. There is no limiter applied
  xX    = a*xX + b*theta(1);
  xY    = a*xY + b*theta(2);
  xZ    = a*xZ + b*theta(3);

  % Store for plotting
  xPlot(:,k) = [x;theta;sc.tRWA;tDemand];

  % Integrate one step
  x          = RK4(@RHSRWA, x, dT, 0, sc );

  % Sim control from the time gui
  switch simulationAction
    case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
    case 'stop'
    case 'plot'


Close the time gui

TimeGUI( 'close' );

Adjust the arrays if you quit early

j           = 1:k;
xPlot       = xPlot(:,j);
[tPlot, g ] = TimeLabl( (j-1)*dT );


Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot( 1: 3,:),        g, ['R_x (km)';'R_y (km)';'R_z (km)'],                   'Position'             )
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot( 4: 6,:),        g, ['V_x (km/s)';'V_y (km/s)';'V_z (km/s)'],             'Velocity'             )
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot( 7:10,:),        g, ['q_s';'q_x';'q_y';'q_z'],                            'Quaternion'           )
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(11:13,:),        g, ['\omega_x';'\omega_y';'\omega_z'],                   'Body Rates'           )
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(14:17,:),        g, ['\Omega_1';'\Omega_2';'\Omega_3';'\Omega_4'],        'Reaction Wheel Rates' )
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(18:20,:)*180/pi, g, ['\theta_x (deg)';'\theta_y (deg)';'\theta_z (deg)'], 'Attitude Errors'      )
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(21:24,:),        g, ['t_1 (Nm)';'t_2 (Nm)';'t_3 (Nm)';'t_4 (Nm)'],        'Wheel Control Demand' )
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(25:27,:),        g, ['t_x (Nm)';'t_y (Nm)';'t_z (Nm)'],                   'Control Demand'       )
if( max(pOn) > 0 )
  Plot2D( tPlot, uTC, g, 'Thrusters', 'Thruster Time Fractions' );
