Demonstrate vector tracking using PID3Axis.

Tracks a rotating ECI vector aligning the body x axis with the vector.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also PID3Axis, PIDMIMO, RK4, RHSRigidBodyLinear -------------------------------------------------------------------------


%   Copyright (c) 2014 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All Rights Reserved
%   Since version 2014.1

Set up the control system

omega                   = 0.5;
tauIntegral             = 40; % sec
omegaFilter             = 5*omega;
dT                      = 0.2;
omegaNyquist            = pi/dT;

d                       = PID3Axis;
[d.a, d.b, d.c, d.d]	  = PIDMIMO(1,1,omega,tauIntegral,omegaFilter,dT);


tEnd                    = 18; % minutes
nSim                    = ceil(tEnd*60/dT);
t                       = (0:(nSim-1))*dT;
omegaVector             = 0.05;
d.mode                  = 1;
d.inertia               = eye(3);
x                       = [1;0;0;0;0;0;0];
eci_vector              = [cos(omegaVector*t);sin(omegaVector*t);0*t];
d.body_vector           = [1;0;0];
body_vector_eci         = QTForm( x(1:4), d.body_vector );
xP                      = zeros(14,nSim);

for k = 1:nSim
	body_vector_eci = QTForm( x(1:4), d.body_vector );
  d.eci_vector    = eci_vector(:,k);
 	[torque, d]     = PID3Axis( x(1:4), d );
  arg             = body_vector_eci'*d.eci_vector;
  if( abs(arg) > 1 )
      arg = sign(arg);
  err             = acos(arg);
	xP(:,k)         = [x;torque;body_vector_eci;err];
  d.torque        = torque;
	x               = RK4(@RHSRigidBodyLinear,x,dT,0,d);

fprintf(1,'Bandwidth         %8.3f (rad/s)\n',omega);
fprintf(1,'Vector frequency  %8.3f (rad/s)\n',omegaVector);
fprintf(1,'Nyquist frequency %8.3f (rad/s)\n',omegaNyquist);
fprintf(1,'Filter  frequency %8.3f (rad/s)\n',omegaFilter);
fprintf(1,'Integrator        %8.1f (s)\n',tauIntegral);
Bandwidth            0.500 (rad/s)
Vector frequency     0.050 (rad/s)
Nyquist frequency   15.708 (rad/s)
Filter  frequency    2.500 (rad/s)
Integrator            40.0 (s)


[t,tL] = TimeLabl( t );
Plot2D( t, xP(1:4,:),                   tL, {'q_s' 'q_x' 'q_y' 'q_z' },'Quaternion');
Plot2D( t, xP(8:10,:),                  tL, {'T_x' 'T_y' 'T_z'}, 'Torque'   );
Plot2D( t, [eci_vector;xP(11:14,:)],	tL, {'x' 'y' 'z' 'err (rad)'}, 'ECI Vector',...
                                       'lin', {'[1 4]' '[2 5]' '[3 6]' '[7]'} );
