Compute program costs
Computes the cost of a variety of aerospace projects.
See also Inflation
clear x;
vehicle = {'Shuttle' 'Hermes' 'Ariane5' 'Pegasus'};
cost = [57e9 7.6e9 8e9 55e6];
basisYear = [1992 1992 1996 1999];
shuttleMass = (176.056 + 59.4 + 2*186.8)/2.205;
emptyMass = [shuttleMass 23 39.8+12.7+2.7 1.868+.345+.203]*1000;
ref = {'Space Shuttle Value Open to Interpretation, Roger A. Pielke, Jr., Aviation Week, July 26, 1993, pp. 57-58'...
x = cell(length(vehicle),4);
for k = 1:length(vehicle)
i = Inflation(basisYear(k),2009);
x{k,1} = vehicle{k};
x{k,2} = round(emptyMass(k));
x{k,3} = sprintf('$%6.0fM',cost(k)*i/1e6);
x{k,4} = sprintf('$%6.0f/kg',cost(k)*i/emptyMass(k));
'Shuttle' [276216] '$ 90154M' '$326391/kg'
'Hermes' [ 23000] '$ 12021M' '$522634/kg'
'Ariane5' [ 55200] '$ 11307M' '$204836/kg'
'Pegasus' [ 2416] '$ 73M' '$ 30078/kg'