Demonstrate boom dynamics and control using TBModel/FTB functions.

Input a sinusoidal hinge torque and verify resulting motion in absence of external forces and torques.

Runs for 4.5 days at 30 second timestep.

Since version 7.
xDot = FTB( x, t, r0, r1, lam1, iner0, iner1, m0, m1, torque, force, iAxis )
[wDot, h, iner] = TBModel( w0, w1, q0to1, r0, r1, lam1, iner0, iner1,
                           m0, m1, torque, force, iAxis )
See also FTB, TBModel., QZero, Plot2D, TimeGUI, TimeLabl, RK4


%	  Copyright (c) 2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

Specify mass properties.

r0   = [0;0;0];
r1   = [0;0;0];
lam1 = [20;0;0];
iner0 = 1e6 * [2 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1];
iner1 = [25 0 0; 0 900 0; 0 0 900];
m0    = 250;
m1    = 220;
iAxis = [1 2 3];

simulation time step

dT = 30;

State - [q0;q1;w0;w1]

x  = [QZero;QZero;[0;0;0];[0;0;0]];

Preallocate arrays

nP     = 4.5*86400/dT;
xPlot  = zeros(14,nP);
tPlot  = dT*[0:nP-1];
tqPlot = zeros(3,nP);
cmPlot = zeros(2,nP);

t = 0;

Initialize the time display

[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nP );

for k = 1:nP
  % Rename variables for clarity
  qCore = x(1:4);
  qBoom = x(5:8);
  wCore = x(9:11);
  wBoom = x(12:14);

  % External force and torque
  tExt = [0;0;0];
  F = [0;0;0];

  % Hinge torque on boom
  tH = 3e-6*[0;cos(1.6e-5*t);0];

  % Store data for plotting
  xPlot(:,k)  = x;

  % Integrate
  x = RK4( @FTB, x, dT, t, r0, r1, lam1, iner0, iner1, m0, m1, [tExt;tH], [F;0;0;0], iAxis );

  % Display the status message
  [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nP, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dT );

  t = t+dT;

TimeGUI( 'close' );

Create plots

[time,tlab] = TimeLabl( tPlot );
Plot2D(time,xPlot,tlab,{'qCore X-Z','wCore','qBoom X-Z','wBoom'},'Vehicle Attitude',...
  'lin',{[2:4] [9:11] [6:8] [12:14]},[],2)

Plot2D(time,2*asin(xPlot([3 7],:))*180/pi,tlab,'Angles (deg)')

% PSS internal file version information