Demonstrate computing angles for a sail with four vanes.

This is an underdetermined problem solved using fminsearch.

Since version 9.
See also SolveVaneAngles, SailDisturbance, Theta0, Cone, Constant,
WaitBarManager, Plot2D, Unit, Date2JD, El2RV, SearchVaneAngles,
ConeClockToU, QSail, DisturbanceStruct, EnvironmentStruct, ProfileStruct,
SailEnvironment, SailPropsToAccel


%  Copyright 2009 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%  All rights reserved.

Set up the problem

clear SailDisturbance; clear thetas; clear ks2;

Use a CAD model to get actual torque produced by vanes

g = load('SailWithFourVanes');

Define spacecraft properties

mass  = g.mass.mass; % spacecraft mass in kg
lSail = max(max(g.component(2).v)); % sail length along one side in m
area  = sum(g.component(2).a);
acc0  = SailPropsToAccel( area, mass );

Vane area

areaVane = g.component(3).a; % m2

Maximum torque

thetaMax = 80*pi/180;
Ps       = Constant('solar pressure mks');
fVane    = 2*Ps*areaVane;
Tmax     = 4*lSail*fVane*sin(thetaMax);

Environment and disturbance models

d = struct;
d = EnvironmentStruct( d );
d = DisturbanceStruct( d );
d.aeroOn   = 0;
d.albedoOn = 0;
d.magOn    = 0;
d.radOn    = 0;

Profile: orbit, attitude

jD    = Date2JD;
[r,v] = El2RV([Constant('au') 0 0 0 0 0],[],Constant('mu sun'));
uSun  = -Unit(r);
qS    = QSail( uSun, r, v );
p    = ProfileStruct;
p.q  = qS;
p.r  = r;
p.v  = v;
p.jD = jD;
% states for rotating vanes
p.body  = [2 3 4 5];
p.angle = [0; 0; 0; 0];
p.axis  = [0 0 1; 0 0 1; 0 0 1; 0 0 1]';

% Environment will be constant over this short period
env = SailEnvironment( 'sun', p, d );

Define a torque space for solving angles

zz = zeros(1,20);
oo = linspace(-1,1,20);
Tcommand = Tmax/10*[oo zz zz; zz oo zz; zz zz oo];

% Investigate the effect of cone angle on the three-axis torque produced

(Vanes don't produce a pure roll torque for nonzero cone angle)

cone = 0;
clock = 0;
torque = zeros(3,size(Tcommand,2));
[u,qItoCC] = ConeClockToU( cone, clock, qS );
p.q  = qItoCC;

WaitBarManager( 'initialize', struct('nSamp',size(Tcommand,2),'name','Vane Search') );
for k = 1:size(Tcommand,2)
  % Initialize for roll torque
  theta0       = asin(Tcommand(1,k)./(4*lSail*fVane));
  [theta,iter] = SearchVaneAngles(Tcommand(:,k), theta0*ones(4,1), g, env, p, d);
  p.angle      = theta;
  [f, tq]      = SailDisturbance( g, p, env, d );
  torque(:,k)  =;
  thetas(:,k)  = theta;
  ks2(k)       = iter;
  WaitBarManager( 'update', k );
WaitBarManager( 'close' );

Plot2D(1:size(Tcommand,2),Tcommand,'Steps',{'Tx','Ty','Tz'},'Torque Demand vs. Achieved')
for j = 1:3
  hold on
Plot2D(1:size(Tcommand,2),Tcommand-torque,'Steps','Torque Error')

Define a torque space for solving angles

% Tcommand = Tmax/10*randn(3,100);

% assign overturning torque in pairs?

% PSS internal file version information