Attitude control of a sail using ballast masses in-plane.

Demonstrates control of a single axis using a simple PID controller.
This uses a fixed-rate dynamics model that is suitable for masses that
are controlled by stepper motors.
   FMovingBody and FCoreAndMoving
Since version 7.
See also AC, PIDMIMO, QTForm, QZero, Plot2D, Cross, RK4,
CMToMassPositions, TorqueToCM, FCoreAndMoving, FMovingBody


%   Copyright (c) 2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   This file is referenced for listings in the User's Guide.

%  User Parameters
pitchStep = 0.01;  % y-axis, radians
yawStep   = 0.01;  % z-axis, radians

clear SailDisturbance


First, create suitable CAD model

g = load('PlateWithMasses');


Second, design controller


Control parameters - use PIDMIMO to design control loops

xN           = zeros(6,1);      % Controller state
iner         = diag([1 1 1]);   % Unit inertia
zeta         = 2;               % Damping ratio
wn           = 0.001;           % Control frequency
tauInt       = 5000;            % Integrator time constant
omegaR       = 5*wn;            % Rate filter frequency
sType        = 'z';             % Type of equations
dT           = 30;              % sec
% Resulting control values will be accelerations (due to unit inertia input).
[aC, bC, cC, dC] = PIDMIMO( iner, zeta*ones(1,3), wn*ones(1,3), tauInt*ones(1,3), ...
                            omegaR*ones(1,3), dT, sType );

uControl = [0 1 0; 0 0 1]';
dOffset  = zeros(3,3);
mControl = [g.body(1).mass.mass g.body(2).mass.mass g.body(3).mass.mass];


Third, set up an attitude maneuver to simulate


% States for each body, including attitude, are stacked
xCore = [zeros(6,1);QZero;zeros(3,1)];
xMass = [zeros(6,1);QZero;zeros(3,1)];
x     = [xCore; xMass; xMass];
iR1   = 2+13;  % y mass position
iR2   = 3+26;  % z mass position
iV1   = 5+13;  % y mass velocity
iV2   = 6+26;  % z mass velocity

% New attitude command
angCommand = [0;pitchStep;yawStep];

% Assume a contant sail force in the ECI frame
f        = struct;  = [-2*1367/3e8*100^2;0;0];
tq       = struct; = [0;0;0];

% Assume center of pressure is at origin
Cp       = [0;0;0];

% Additional fields for RHS
d.g      = g;
d.nBody  = 3;
maxRate  = 1;  % m/s


Fourth, simulate maneuver


% Number of simulation points
nSim = 60;

% Preallocate plotting arrays
xPlot  = zeros(size(x,1),nSim);
tPlot  = zeros(1,nSim);
aEPlot = zeros(3,nSim);
TcPlot = zeros(3,nSim);
TaPlot = zeros(3,nSim);

% Simulation loop
for k = 1:nSim
  % Transverse angle error (small angles)
  angleError = [0;0;0];
  u = QTForm( x(7:10), [1;0;0] );
  angleError(3) = u(2) - angCommand(3);
  angleError(2) = -u(3) - angCommand(2);

  % Control
  yN = cC*xN + dC*angleError;
  xN = aC*xN + bC*angleError;
  Tcommand = -g.mass.inertia*yN;

  % Actuation
  cM         = TorqueToCM( Tcommand,, Cp );
  rhoCommand = CMToMassPositions( cM, mControl, dOffset, uControl );
  rhoActual  = [x(iR1); x(iR2)];
  deltaRho   = rhoCommand - rhoActual;
  rhoDot     = sign(deltaRho).*min( abs(deltaRho)/dT, maxRate*[1;1] );

  % Update rates
  xRates = x;
  xRates(iV1) = rhoDot(1);
  xRates(iV2) = rhoDot(2);
  xNew = FMovingBody( 'init', x, xRates, tq, struct('g', g) );

  % Disturbances - simple torque model
  g.body(2).rHinge = [0;rhoActual(1);0];
  g.body(3).rHinge = [0;0;rhoActual(2)];
  cMActual = (mControl(2)*g.body(2).rHinge + mControl(3)*g.body(3).rHinge)/g.mass.mass; = Cross( Cp - cMActual, );
  d.force  = f;
  d.torque = tq;

  % Store
  xPlot(:,k)  = x;
  tPlot(:,k)  = (k-1)*dT;
  aEPlot(:,k) = angleError;
  TcPlot(:,k) = Tcommand;
  TaPlot(:,k) =;

  % Integrate
  x = RK4( @FCoreAndMoving, xNew, dT, 0, '', d );



h = [];
h(1) = Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(7:10,:), 'Time (s)', {'qS','qX','qY','qZ'},'Inertial Quaternion' );
h(2) = Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot([iR1 iR2],:), 'Time (s)', {'y','z'},'Trim Mass Positions' );
h(3) = Plot2D( tPlot, aEPlot, 'Time (s)', {'Roll','Pitch','Yaw'},'Euler Angle Errors' );
Plot2D( tPlot, [TcPlot;TaPlot], 'Time (s)', {'Roll','Pitch','Yaw'},'Torque Demand and Actual',...
  'lin',{[1 4],[2 5],[3 6]});

if 0
  % print figures for User's Guide.
  print -depsc2 AngleErrorsM1Axis
  print -depsc2 MassPositionsM1Axis
  print -depsc2 QInertialM1Axis

% PSS internal file version information