Demonstrate gimballed boom actuation with set gimbal commands.

This demo uses the PlateWithBoom CAD model. The gimbals have a
1-2 sequence, first around the X axis and then around the Y axis.
The boom is nominally aligned with the body X axis. Note that the
inner gimbal zeros itself before the outer gimbal is rotated to
avoid intermediate torques. There are two sets of gimbal angles
describing every boom position, and GimbalRates will choose the
closest path, which may differ from the commanded angles.
The command sequence is:
[alpha]  = [0 0.0 pi/2 5pi/4 0],  outer gimbal (1)
[beta ]    [0 0.5 0.5 h 0.8   0],  inner gimbal (2)
The commands change at 100 second intervals.
When interpreting the torques recall that
    T = (Cp - Cm) x F
where in this case F is nominally along the -X axis, Cp is the center of
pressure which is the origin, and Cm is the center of mass.
This means that we would expect the following Cm displacement:
    [0, -Z, +Y, -Y and +Z, 0]
with the following torques:
    [0, -Y, -Z, +Y and +Z, 0]
The attitude dynamics assume fixed gimbal rates.
The CAD model is a perfectly specular plate with a control boom.
Functions demonstrated:
Since version 7.
See also ACPlot, CrossSection, DrawSCPlanPlugIn, Eul2Mat, QMult, QPose,
Constant, WaitBarManager, Plot2D, TimeLabl, Cross, Mag, RK4, Unit, JD2000,
El2RV, GimbalRates, HGimballedBoom, ConeClockToQConstrained, QSail,
QToConeClock, HingeRotationMatrix, SailDisturbance, SailEnvironment


%	  Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

% User Parameters
% Change these to explore the system dynamics.
% Initial cone and clock angles (rad)
cone0 = 0.0;
clock0 = 0.0;
% Nominal gimbal rate (rad/s)
aRateNom = 0.1;
% Duration for sim (s)
tDuration = 500;
% Animation flag
animate = 1;

clear SailDisturbance; clear l;


Load the control boom sail model

g = load('PlateWithBoom.mat');
g.mass.inertia(1,1) = g.mass.inertia(2,2);
% To view the model, run: DrawSCPlanPlugIn( 'initialize', g );

Sim timing

dT   = 2; % sec
nSim = floor(tDuration/dT);


Gimbal parameters

aNom = aRateNom*ones(2,1);

Sail physical parameters

aSail = CrossSection(g);
fSail = 1367/3e8*2*aSail*[-1;0;0]; % Specular reflective force, N
aBoom(:,1) = Cross([0;1;0],fSail); % Boom control axes
aBoom(:,2) = Cross([0;0;1],fSail);
mC      = g.body(1).mass.mass;     % Core is body 1
mB      = g.body(2).mass.mass;     % Boom is body 2
rBoomCM = Mag(g.body(2).mass.cM);  % Distance to boom center-of-mass


Create the disturbance profile


Initial Julian date

p          = [];
p.jD       = JD2000;

% Parameters for the orbit.

We are creating a circular heliocentric orbit.

r   = Constant('au'); % Radius in km
mu  = Constant('mu sun');
el  = [r 0 0 0 0 0];

Orbit state

[p.r,p.v]  = El2RV(el,[],mu);

Initial Quaternion (inertial to body frame)

q0  = ConeClockToQConstrained(cone0,clock0,p.r,p.v,-Unit(p.r));
p.q = q0;

% Gimbal angles. The sail is two body with a gimbaled boom.
% The first angle is the one nearest the core (outer).
% The axes correspond to the angles.
% The body array says each gimbal is at the joint between the

core and the boom. The core is defined as body 1 in the CAD file.

p.angle    = [0;0];
p.axis     = [1 0;0 1;0 0];
p.body     = [2 2];


Create the data structure

d          = [];
d.aeroOn   = 0;
d.albedoOn = 0;
d.solarOn  = 1.0;
d.magOn    = 0;
d.radOn    = 0;
d.ggOn     = 1.0;

% Orbiting the sun. SailDisturbance can handle any planet or
% a heliocentric orbit. However, not all planets have magnetic

field models or atmospheric density models.

d.planet   = 'sun';

Initial state

t     = 0;       % time
w     = [0;0;0]; % body rates
angle = [0;0];   % boom gimbal angles
aDot  = [0;0];   % boom gimbal rates
x     = [p.q;w;angle;aDot];
hW    = [0;0;0]; % stored momentum
alpha = 0;       % initial gimbal angle command
beta  = 0;       % initial gimbal angle command
cM    = [0;0];   % Commanded CM for boom

tPlot  = zeros(1,nSim);
xPlot  = zeros(length(x),nSim);
hPlot  = zeros(3,nSim);   % angular momentum
tqPlot = zeros(3,nSim);   % disturbance torque
aCPlot = zeros(2,nSim);   % Commanded gimbal angles
qSPlot = zeros(4,nSim);   % Quaternion in rotating sail frame
cMPlot = zeros(2,nSim);  % Commanded center of mass
cM2Plot = zeros(2,nSim);  % Commanded center of mass

% Quaternion from inertial to the local sail rotating frame, which has:
%    x is towards the sun
%    z is as close to the orbit normal as possible
%    y completes the set

Located at the center of the body frame.

qIToSail = QSail( -Unit(p.r), p.r, p.v );

Simulation loop

WaitBarManager( 'initialize', struct('nSamp',nSim,'name','Boom Actuation Demo') );
for k = 1:nSim

  % Store data in plots
  tPlot(k)    = t;
  xPlot(:,k)  = x;
  % Sail to body quaternion
  qSPlot(:,k) = QMult(QPose(qIToSail),x(1:4));
  if( qSPlot(1,k) < 0 )
    qSPlot(:,k) = -qSPlot(:,k);

  % Compute the disturbances.
  e      = SailEnvironment( 'sun', p, d );
  [f,tq] = SailDisturbance( g, p, e, d );
  tqPlot(1:3,k) =;

  % Gimbal angles
  if k == 1
    beta = 0.5;
  elseif k == 50
    alpha = pi/2;
  elseif k == 100
    alpha = 5*pi/4;
    beta = 0.8;
  elseif k == 150
    alpha = 0;
    beta = 0;

  % Corresponding CM position in body frame
  % Commanded (via gimbal angles)
  uB  = Eul2Mat([alpha;0;0])'*Eul2Mat([0;beta;0])'*[1;0;0];
  cM  = uB*rBoomCM;
  % Actual position
  uB  = Eul2Mat([x(8);0;0])'*Eul2Mat([0;x(9);0])'*[1;0;0];
  cM2 = uB*rBoomCM;

  % Inner loop: drive gimbals to commanded location
  [aDot,angleCommand] = GimbalRates( x(8:9), [alpha;beta], aNom, dT );

  % Store torque and angles
  aCPlot(:,k) = [alpha;beta];
  cMPlot(:,k) = cM(2:3);
  cM2Plot(:,k) = cM2(2:3);

  % RHS
  % x = [q;omega;gimbal angles;gimbal rates]
  % Use zeros as placeholders for orbit state (not used)
  [hPlot(:,k), hW] = HGimballedBoom( [zeros(6,1);x], g, p.axis, aDot, hW );
  x(10:11) = aDot;

  % Integrate
  x = RK4( 'TwoBodyRateModel', x, dT, t, f, tq, g, p, hW );

  % Update profiles
  t    = t + dT;
  p.jD = p.jD + dT/86400;
  p.q  = x(1:4,:);
  p.angle = x(8:9);

  WaitBarManager( 'update', k ); drawnow;

WaitBarManager( 'close' );

Prepare data for plotting

[coneP,clockP] = QToConeClock(xPlot(1:4,:),repmat(p.r,1,nSim),repmat(p.v,1,nSim),...
[tPlot2, tLabl] = TimeLabl( tPlot );

h = [];
h(1) = Plot2D(tPlot,[xPlot(1:4,:)],'Time (s)',{'qS','qX','qY','qZ'},'Inertial to Body Quaternion');
Plot2D(tPlot,[qSPlot],'Time (s)',{'qS','qX','qY','qZ'},'Quaternion for Sail/Sun Frame to Body Frame');
h(2) = Plot2D(tPlot,xPlot(5:7,:),'Time (s)',{'x','y','z'},'Body Rates');
h(3) = Plot2D(tPlot,[aCPlot;xPlot(8:9,:)],'Time (s)',{'\alpha (outer)','\beta (inner)'},'Commanded and Actual Gimbal Angles',[],{[1 3],[2 4]});
h(4) = Plot2D(tPlot,tqPlot,'Time (s)',{'Tx','Ty','Tz'},'Applied Torque (Nm)');

Commanded boom CM control

Plot2D(cMPlot(1,:),cMPlot(2,:),'Y','Z','Commanded CM of Sailcraft');
hold on
l(1) = plot(cMPlot(1,:),cMPlot(2,:),'bo');
l(2) = plot(cM2Plot(1,:),cM2Plot(2,:),'g.');legend(l,'Command','Actual')
axis equal

Try plotting cone/clock angles

Plot2D(tPlot,[coneP;clockP], 'Time (s)', {'Cone','Clock'}, 'Actual Cone and Clock Angles (rad)')

if (0)
  % Save plots for use in user's guide.
  c   = cd;
  dBC = fileparts(which('BoomActuation'));

Animate resulting sail and boom motion

if ~animate

tag = DrawSCPlanPlugIn( 'initialize', g );
u = uicontrol('style','text','string','0 s','position',[380 10 60 20]);
kAnim = 1:4:nSim;
yA = g.radius*[-1 1 -1 1 -1 1];
for k = kAnim
  % core rotation
  g.body(1).bHinge.q = qSPlot(1:4,k);
  % boom rotation
  bBoomToCore = HingeRotationMatrix( xPlot(8:9,k), [1 0;0 1;0 0] )';
  g.body(2).bHinge.b = bBoomToCore;
  DrawSCPlanPlugIn( 'update', tag, g );
  set(u,'string',[num2str(k*dT) ' s'])

% PSS internal file version information