Demonstrate the solar sail disturbance model in Earth orbit.

The orbit is a circular equatorial orbit at 8000 km around the Earth. The sail is always sun-pointing. This demo is the same as the built-in demo in SailDisturbance.

Functions demonstrated:
Since version 7.
See also DrawSCPlanPlugIn, Constant, JD2000, JD2T, Period, PltOrbit,
Planets, QSunPointing, SolarSys, SunV1, DisturbanceStruct,
EnvironmentStruct, ProfileStruct, SailDisturbance, SailEnvironment


%	Copyright (c) 2005 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

clear SailDisturbance


Load the sail model

g = load('SailWithBoom.mat');


Create the profile


Parameters for the orbit. We are creating a circular orbit.

a          = linspace(0,2*pi);
r          = 8000; % Radius in km
n          = length(a);
mu         = Constant('mu earth');

Default profile data structure

p          = ProfileStruct;

Range of Julian dates

p.jD       = linspace(0,Period(r))/86400 + JD2000;

Orbit vector

p.r        = r*[cos(a);sin(a);zeros(1,n)];
PltOrbit( [r 0 0 0 0 0], p.jD(1) );
hold on;

Velocity vector

p.v        = sqrt(mu/r)*[sin(a);cos(a);zeros(1,n)];

Quaternion (always sun pointing)

p.q        = QSunPointing( SunV1( p.jD, p.r ) );

% Gimbal angles. The sail is two body with a gimbaled boom
% The first angle is the one nearest the core
% The axes correspond to the angles
% The body array says each gimbal is at the joint between the

core and the boom. The core is defined as body 1 in the CAD file

p.angle    = zeros(2,n);
p.axis     = [1 0;0 1;0 0];
p.body     = [2 2];

Earth orbit around the sun

[planet, aP, eP, iP, WP, wP, LP, jDRefP] = Planets( 'rad', 'Earth' );
[rX0, rY0, rZ0] = SolarSys( iP, WP, wP, aP, eP, LP, planet, jDRefP, JD2T( p.jD  ) );
p.rPlanetH = Constant('au')*[rX0;rY0;rZ0];


Create the data structure


Get default structure for disturbances and environment

d          = DisturbanceStruct;
d          = EnvironmentStruct( d );

Turn on aerodynamics

d.aeroOn   = 1.0;

Turn on Earth albedo

d.albedoOn = 1.0;

Turn on solar

d.solarOn  = 1.0;

Turn on magnetic torques

d.magOn    = 1.0;

Turn on earth radiation

d.radOn    = 1.0;

Turn on gravity gradient

d.ggOn     = 1.0;

% Orbiting the earth. SailDisturbance can handle any planet or
% a heliocentric orbit. However, not all planets have magnetic

field models or atmospheric density models.

d.planet   = 'Earth';

Use the dipole magnetic field model

d.magModel = 'BDipole';

Use the exponential atmospheric density model

d.atmModel = 'AtmDens2';

% Compute the disturbances. It will automatically plot the results.
% The inputs are ( cad model, profile structure, environment, function

control structure )

e = SailEnvironment( d.planet, p, d );
SailDisturbance( g, p, e, d );

% PSS internal file version information