Compute sail force over incidence angle.

Uses SteeringAnglesToQ to compute the quaternion for the model for the
given set of incidence angles, then uses the full disturbance model in
SaiDisturbance to compute the force and torque. The true cone angle can
then be post-computed from the force vector.
Since version 9.
See also DrawSCPlanPlugIn, Cone, Constant, Plot2D, Unit, JD2000, El2RV,
QSail, SteeringAnglesToQ, UToConeClock, DisturbanceStruct,
EnvironmentStruct, SailDisturbance, SailEnvironment


%	  Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2010 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

clear SailDisturbance


Load the sail models

g = load('BillowedSquareSail.mat');
% more models


Create the profile


Single orbit location at 1 AU

aU         = Constant('au');
mu         = Constant('mu sun');
p          = [];
[p.r, p.v] = El2RV([aU,0,0,0,0,0], [], mu );
p.jD       = JD2000*ones(1,100);

Heliocentric sun vector: just -rHat

s = -Unit(p.r);

Quaternion for range of incidence angles

incidence = linspace(0,pi/2);
clock = 0;
qSail = QSail( s, [], p.v, -1 );
for k = 1:length(incidence)
  p.q(:,k) = SteeringAnglesToQ( incidence(k), clock, qSail, [], [], -1 );
SteeringAnglesToQ( incidence(25), clock, qSail, [], [], -1 )

incidence =
clock =
These angles should match:
cone2 =
clock2 =
ans =

Create the data structure


Get default structure for disturbances and environment

d = DisturbanceStruct;
d = EnvironmentStruct( d );

Turn on aerodynamics

d.aeroOn   = 0.0;

Turn off albedo

d.albedoOn = 0.0;

Turn on solar

d.solarOn  = 1.0;

Turn off magnetic torques

d.magOn    = 0.0;

Turn off (planetary) radiation

d.radOn    = 0.0;

Turn off gravity gradient

d.ggOn     = 0.0;

Orbiting the sun

d.planet   = 'Sun';

% Compute the disturbances. It will automatically plot the results.

The inputs are ( cad model, profile structure, function control structure )

e = SailEnvironment( d.planet, p, d );
[f,t] = SailDisturbance( g, p, e, d );

Plot2D(incidence*180/pi,*1e3,'Incidence Angle (deg)',{'F_x','F_y','F_z'},...
  'Total Force in mN per incidence angle at 1 AU')

fHat = Unit(;
[cone,clock] = UToConeClock( fHat, qSail );

Plot2D(incidence*180/pi,cone*180/pi,'Incidence Angle (deg)','Cone Angle (deg)',...
  'Cone Angle vs. Sail Incidence Angle')
axis equal
hold on

% PSS internal file version information