Demonstrate the solar pressure force function using a striped sail quadrant.

Plots the force and temperature on each area element. Uses the material properties of uniform CP1.

Since version 7.
See also SolarPressureForce, StripedQuadrant, CP1Props., PolygonProps,
Plot2D, Dot, Mag, Unit, SolarFlx


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Get a striped sail quadrant component (vertices and faces)

lQuad    = 50; % m
nStripes = 6;
billow   = 0.3;
[v, f]   = StripedQuadrant( lQuad, nStripes, billow );

Obtain the polygon properties from the v/f

[area, nB] = PolygonProps( v, f );
nEl = length(area);

Other parameters

uSun = [0;0;-1];
flux = SolarFlx( 0.5 );

Material properties for CP1

[optical, infrared, thermal] = CP1Props;

Compute the force and temperature of each element

[f, T, fT] = SolarPressureForce( area', nB', uSun, flux, optical, thermal.emissivity );

Plot the results

Plot2D(1:nEl,[f;T],'Element',{'Force (N)' 'T (K)'},'Element Force and Temperature',...
subplot(2,1,1); legend('x','y','z')

Compute the performance of the whole component for a range of angles

theta = linspace(0,2*pi);
nPts = length(theta);
uSun = [sin(theta);zeros(size(theta));-cos(theta)];
force = zeros(3,nPts); Tavg = zeros(1,nPts);
for k = 1:nPts
  [f, T, fT] = SolarPressureForce( area', nB', uSun(:,k), flux, optical, thermal.emissivity );
  force(:,k) = fT;
  Tavg(k) = mean(T);

Plot the results

Plot2D(theta*180/pi,[force;Mag(force);Tavg],'Sun Incidence Angle',{'Force (N)','Avg Temp (K)'},...
  'Sail Performance','lin',{[1 2 3 4],5})
angle = acos(Dot(Unit(force),-uSun));
Plot2D(theta*180/pi,angle*180/pi,'Sun Incidence Angle','Angular Offset of Force from Sun Vector (deg)',...
  'Cone Angle')

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