Simulate a sail halo about a Lunar Lagrange point. The orbit is unstable.

Uses the variational equations in the rotating frame.
Since version 7.
Reference: Colin R. McInnes, "Solar Sailing: Technology, Dynamics and Mission
           Applications", Springer Praxis, London, 1999
See also LunarHalo, FRotatingLagrange., Constant, InformDlg, Plot2D,
Plot3D, PlotOrbitPage, Accel


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McInnes L2 point (outside Moon's orbit)


accel = 0.206*1e-6;
theta = atan(1/sqrt(2));
mu = 0.01215;
muE = Constant('mu earth');
muM = mu/(1-mu)*muE;

View ideal halo first

[r0,xL,wS,Omega,rMoon] = LunarHalo( accel, 2, theta, muM, muE );

% ODE options
opts = odeset('abstol',1e-12,'reltol',1e-8);

Initially sail attitude is fixed in rotating frame


vy = r0(2)*wS/rMoon/Omega;
x0 = [[r0(1);0;r0(3)]/rMoon;0;vy;0];
d.accel = accel/Omega^2/rMoon;    = mu;
d.wS    = wS/Omega;
d.theta = theta;
d.xL    = xL;
d.linear = 1;
d.r0     = r0/rMoon;


figureHandle = InformDlg( 'Integrating...', 'LunarHaloSim' );
[tOut,z] = ode113( @FRotatingLagrange, [0 1.3*2*pi], x0, opts, d );


PlotOrbitPage( z(:,1:3)', tOut'/Omega/86400, 'Lagrange Halo Orbit' )
hold on
text(xL,0,0,'   L Point')
axis tight

Plot2D(tOut'/Omega/86400,z(:,1:3)','Days',{'x','y','z'},'Lagrange Halo Orbit')

Plot3D(z(:,1:3)'*rMoon,[],[],[],'Halo about Lagrange point')
hold on
text(0,0,0,'   L Point')
axis tight

Plot3D([z(:,1)'+xL;z(:,2:3)']*rMoon,[],[],[],'Halo with Moon Location')
hold on
text((1-mu)*rMoon,0,0,'   Moon')
text(xL*rMoon,0,0,'   L Point')
axis tight

McInnes L1 point (inside Moon's orbit)


accel = 0.3*1e-6;

View ideal halo first

[r0,xL,wS,Omega,rMoon,U] = LunarHalo( accel, 1, theta, muM, muE );

Initially sail attitude is fixed in rotating frame

% Time, 1/2pi radius orbits
nOrb = 1.2;
t = linspace(0,nOrb*2*pi,100);

d.accel = accel/Omega^2/rMoon;
d.xL = xL;

vy = r0(2)*wS/rMoon/Omega;
x0 = [[r0(1);0;r0(3)]/rMoon;0;vy;0];
[tOut,z] = ode113( @FRotatingLagrange, t, x0, opts, d );

Plot2D(tOut'/Omega/86400,z(:,1:3)','Days',{'x','y','z'},'Lagrange Halo Orbit')

Plot3D(z(:,1:3)'*rMoon,[],[],[],'Halo about Lagrange point')
hold on
text(0,0,0,'   L Point')
axis tight

Plot3D([z(:,1)'+xL;z(:,2:3)']*rMoon,[],[],[],'Halo with Moon Location')
hold on
text((1-mu)*rMoon,0,0,'   Moon')
text(xL*rMoon,0,0,'   L Point')
axis tight

% PSS internal file version information