Demonstrate the moving body attitude RHS.

Assumes moving bodies instantaneously achieve new velocities, which is appropriate for stepping motors. One of two moving masses is given a random velocity at specific times and angular momentum is seen to be conserved. To verify, switch between high and low tolerance and check the magnitude of the momentum error.

See also FMovingBody, FCoreAndMoving, DrawSCPlanPlugIn, QTForm,
QZero, Plot2D, TimeGUI, TimeLabl


%   Copyright (c) 2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
%   Comprehensive Solar Sail Simulation SBIR NNM06AA38C
%   Since version 7.

% User Options
tolerance = 'low';  % 'high' or 'low'

Global for the time interface

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

dontPlot = 0;

Load and draw the model

d.g = load('MovingMassModel.mat');
tag = DrawSCPlanPlugIn( 'initialize', d.g );

% Assemble the state vector. 13 states for each body.

Each state vector is [r;v;q;w]

wCore  = randn(3,1)*0.1;
xCore  = [zeros(6,1);QZero;wCore];
xMass1 = [[0;2;0];zeros(10,1)];
xMass2 = [[0;0;-2];zeros(10,1)];
x      = [xCore;xMass1;xMass2];
d.nBody = 3;

Specify zero force and torque

%------------------------------  = [0;0;0]; = [0;0;0];

The number of steps

nSim = 100;

Create the time array

tDuration = 100; % seconds
t         = linspace(0,tDuration,nSim);
dT        = t(2)-t(1);

Specify the ode accuracy

switch tolerance
  case 'low'
    tolSet = [1e-8 1e-5];
  case 'high'
    tolSet = [1e-5 1e-3];
    error('Tolerance must be ''high'' or ''low''')
xODEOptions = odeset( 'AbsTol', tolSet(1), 'RelTol', tolSet(2) );

Plotting and initialization

xPlot      = zeros(length(x),nSim);
hPlot      = zeros(3,nSim);
[xx,h]     = FMovingBody( 'init', x, x, [], d );
h0         = QTForm( x(7:10), h );
xPlot(:,1) = x;

Initialize the time display

dTSim                  = dT;
tToGoMem.lastJD        = 0;
tToGoMem.lastStepsDone = 0;
tToGoMem.kAve          = 0;
ratioRealTime          = 0;
[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, tToGoMem, 0, dT, 'Solar Sail Simulation' );


disp('Running MovingBodyDemo simulation.')
for k = 2:nSim

	% Display the status message
	[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dT );

  % If the rate is changed
  if sum( k == floor(nSim*[1/4 1/2 3/4]) )
    disp('Update velocities.')
    %vNew = rand(2,1)/10;
    vNew = [0 rand(1,1)]/10;
    xNew = x;
    xNew(18) = vNew(1);
    xNew(32) = -vNew(2);
    [x, h]  = FMovingBody( 'init', x, xNew, [], d );

	% Propagator
	[z, x]     = ode113( 'FCoreAndMoving', [t(k-1) t(k)], x, xODEOptions, d );
	x          = x(end,:)';
  [xx,h]     = FMovingBody( 'init', x, x, [], d );
	xPlot(:,k) = [x];
	hPlot(:,k) = QTForm(x(7:10), h) - h0;

	% User controls on the TimeGUI
	switch simulationAction
    	case 'pause'
      	simulationAction = ' ';
    	case 'stop'
	  		dontPlot = 1;
    	case 'plot'
Running MovingBodyDemo simulation.
Update velocities.
Update velocities.
Update velocities.

Close the TimeGUI

close( tToGoMem.hGUI.fig );


if( ~dontPlot )

  % Truncate the arrays if the sim stopped early
  j = 1:k;
  x = xPlot(:,j);
  h = hPlot(:,j);

  % Get the time labels
  [t, c] = TimeLabl( t(j) );

  % Plot
  Plot2D( t, x(11:13,:), c, 'omega (rad/s)', 'Core Angular Rate (rad/s)'   );
  Plot2D( t, x([15 29],:), c, 'r',           'Moving Mass Position (m)' );
  Plot2D( t, x([18 32],:), c, 'rDot',        'Moving Mass Rate (m/s)'     );
  Plot2D( t, h, c, 'h',             'Inertial Angular Momentum Error' );

% PSS internal file version information