Simulate a non-Keplerian orbit in a cylindrical planet-centered frame.

The sail enables an orbit about a point in the anti-sun direction. The orbit period is chosen to be the same as a Kepler orbit of radius r.

The initial orbit is unstable. A quadratic regulator in pitch is the added to control the orbit.

Since version 7.
Reference: Colin R. McInnes, "Solar Sailing: Technology, Dynamics and Mission
           Applications", Springer-Praxis, London, 1999, Fig. 5.18 on p. 207
See also NonKeplerianPlanet., QCR, S2Damp, Constant, InformDlg, Plot2D,
Plot3D, TimeLabl, Accel, FPlanetControl, FRotatingPlanet, VarEqSailPlanet,


%    Copyright (c) 2007 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%    All rights reserved.

rho0 = 10;
z0   = 40;

R0   = sqrt(10^2+40^2);
w0   = R0^(-3/2);

% Initial conditions
r0 = [rho0;pi/2;z0];
dR = 0.01*r0;

% Target period is 15.51 days
[pitch0,accel] = NonKeplerianPlanet( rho0, z0, w0 );

% Orbit period in dimensionless units
mu = Constant('mu earth');
rE = Constant('equatorial radius earth');
wP = sqrt(mu/rE^3);
P  = 2*pi/w0;
P0 = 2*pi/wP;
accel0 = accel*mu/rE^2;
fprintf('Sail acceleration is %0.5f mm/s2\n',accel0*1e6);

% ODE options
opts = odeset('abstol',1e-12,'reltol',1e-8);

% Verify time units with sail off
if 0
  [tOut,z] = ode113( @FRotatingPlanet, linspace(0,2*pi,100), [1;0;0;0;1;0], opts, pitch0, 0 );
  Plot2D(tOut',z(:,1:3)','Time',{'Rho','Theta','Z'},'Circular Orbit');
Sail acceleration is 5.59160 mm/s2

Initially sail attitude is fixed in rotating frame

% Time, 1/2pi radius orbits
nOrb = 0.5;
t = linspace(0,nOrb*P,100);

hDlg = InformDlg( 'Integrating...', 'NKPlanetSim' );
[tOut,z] = ode113( @FRotatingPlanet, t, [r0+dR;0;-w0;0], opts, pitch0, accel );

[tPlot,tL] = TimeLabl(tOut'*P0/2/pi);
Plot2D(tPlot,z(:,1:3)',tL,{'Rho','Theta','Z'},'Unstable Cylindrical Orbit Coordinates');

% View in 3D (Cartesian)
xCart = Cyl2Cart( z(:,1:3)' );
Plot3D(xCart([3 1 2],:),'Z','X','Y','Unstable Orbit, \rho = 10 and z = 40',1)
axis tight

Generate a pitch controller using QCR (wil be PD control)

% Compute state space plant
a = VarEqSailPlanet( rho0, z0, w0 );

% Compute input matrix for pitch control
K1 = accel*cos(pitch0)^3*(1-2*tan(pitch0)^2);
K2 = -3*accel*cos(pitch0)^2*sin(pitch0);

A = [zeros(2,2) eye(2); -a zeros(2,2)];
B = [0;0;K1;K2];
kR = QCR( A, B, diag([4 4 1 1]), 1 );

% compute eigenvalues of a - b*k
e = eig( A - B*kR )
% verify damping ratio
[zeta, w] = S2Damp( e )

% Initial cut (q = I, r = 1), less damped position and more damped velocity
% (over critical damping). After experimentation choose [4 4 1 1].

nOrb = 1;
t = linspace(0,nOrb*P,100);
[tOut,z] = ode113( @FPlanetControl, t, [r0+dR;0;-w0;0], opts, pitch0, accel, [rho0;z0], kR );

[tPlot,tL] = TimeLabl(tOut'*P0/2/pi);
Plot2D(tPlot,z(:,1:3)',tL,{'Rho','Theta','Z'},'Controlled Cylindrical Orbit Coordinates');
xCart = Cyl2Cart( z(:,1:3)' );
Plot3D(xCart([3 1 2],:),'Z','X','Y','Controlled Orbit, \rho = 10 and z = 40',1)
axis tight

% Compute applied control
thetaC = zeros(1,length(tOut));
for k = 1:length(tOut)
  dX = z(k,[1 3 4 6])' - [rho0;z0;0;0];
  thetaC(k) = -kR*dX;

Plot2D(tPlot, thetaC*180/pi, tL, 'Control Angle (deg)' )

e =
 -0.023325054347733 + 0.024463387328433i
 -0.023325054347733 - 0.024463387328433i
 -0.005192717752450 + 0.000967433742656i
 -0.005192717752450 - 0.000967433742656i
zeta =
w =