Simulate a non-Keplerian sail orbit in a cylindrical sun-centered frame.

The sail enables a displaced orbit above the ecliptic plane.
Initially the sail elevation angle is fixed, resulting in an unstable
orbit. Then, the sail pitch angle is fixed instead, resulting in a stable
Since version 7.
Reference: Colin R. McInnes, "Solar Sailing: Technology, Dynamics and Mission
           Applications", Springer Praxis, London, 1999, Fig. 5.7 p. 186 and
           Fig. 5.9 on p. 191.
See also Constant, InformDlg, Plot2D, Plot3D, NonKeplerianSun,


%    Copyright (c) 2007 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%    All rights reserved.

rho0 = 0.5;
z0   = 0.8;

% Initial conditions
r0 = [rho0;0;z0];
dR = 0.01*r0;
w0 = 1;

% Target an Earth-synchronous period
mu = Constant('mu sun');
au = Constant('au');
omega = sqrt(mu/au^3);
[pitch0,beta] = NonKeplerianSun( rho0*au, z0*au, omega )
elevation0 = atan( z0/rho0 ) + pitch0;

% ODE options
opts = odeset('abstol',1e-12,'reltol',1e-8);

% Control elevation angle to a constant value
pitch0 =
beta =

(fixed sail attitude in rotating frame)

% Time, 1/2pi years
nOrb = 2;
t = linspace(0,nOrb*2*pi,100);

hDlg = InformDlg( 'Integrating...', 'NonKeplerSunSim' );
[tOut,z] = ode113( @FRotatingSun, t, [r0+dR;0;w0;0], opts, elevation0, beta, 2 );

% Time histories of cylindrical state vector
years = tOut'/2/pi;
Plot2D(years,z(:,1:3)','Years',{'Rho','Theta','Z'},'Unstable Cylindrical Orbit Coordinates');

% View in 3D (Cartesian)
theta = z(:,2)';
c = cos(theta);
s = sin(theta);
rX = z(:,1)'.*c;
rY = z(:,1)'.*s;
Plot3D([rX;rY;z(:,3)'],[],[],[],'Unstable Orbit, \rho = 0.5 and z = 0.8',0.05)
axis tight

% Actual sail pitch angle
pitch = elevation0 -  atan( z(:,3)' ./ z(:,1)' );
Plot2D(years,pitch,'Years','Pitch','Sail Pitch Angle');

% Control pitch angle to be constant

(changing sail attitude)

nOrb = 3;
t = linspace(0,nOrb*2*pi,100);

[tOut,z] = ode113( @FRotatingSun, t, [r0+dR;0;w0;0], opts, pitch0, beta, 1 );

% Verify cylindrical coordinates
Plot2D(years,z(:,1:3)','Years',{'Rho','Theta','Z'},'Controlled Cylindrical Orbit Coordinates');

% View in 3D (Cartesian)
theta = z(:,2)';
c = cos(theta);
s = sin(theta);
rX = z(:,1)'.*c;
rY = z(:,1)'.*s;
Plot3D([rX;rY;z(:,3)'],[],[],[],'Controlled Orbit, \rho = 0.5 and z = 0.8',0.05)

elevation = pitch0 + atan( z(:,3)' ./ z(:,1)' );
  {'Elevation (rad)','Delta Angle (deg)'},'Elevation and Sail Control Angle');

% PSS internal file version information