L1 Diamond formation

Note: curves have the correct shapes but unexplained offsets.

Since version 7.
Reference: Carl G. Sauer, The L1 Diamond Affair. 14th AAS/AIAA Space Flight
           Mechanics Conference. Maui, Hawaii, 2004. AAS 04-278
See also SubL1Accel., Plot2D


%	  Copyright (c) 2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Comprehensive Solar Sail Simulation SBIR NNM06AA38C

% Constants
AU = 149597870.691;
RE = 6378;

Displacement in Earth radii of L1 Diamond origin towards the sun

d = 0:1:100;

L1 location from Earth/Moon, in AU

l = 0.0100782410588807;

Radial displacements

dX  = [250 0 0]*RE/AU;
dAU = d*RE/AU;

acc0 = zeros(3,length(d));
alfa = zeros(2,length(d));
for k = 1:length(d)
  % Ecliptic longitude and latitude
  theta = asin(125*RE/(1-l-dAU(k))/AU);
  phi   = asin(250*RE/(1-l-dAU(k))/AU);
  [a,a0] = SubL1Accel( l+dX(1)+dAU(k), 0, 0 );
  acc0(1,k) = a0;
  [a,a0,alpha] = SubL1Accel( l+dAU(k), theta, 0 );
  acc0(2,k) = a0;
  alfa(1,k) = alpha;
  [a,a0,alpha] = SubL1Accel( l+dAU(k), 0, phi );
  acc0(3,k) = a0;
  alfa(2,k) = alpha;

Plot2D(d,acc0*1e6,'Earth radii','Acceleration, mm/s^2','L1 Diamond')
Plot2D(d,alfa*180/pi,'Earth radii','Sail Angle (deg)','L1 Diamond')

% PSS internal file version information