Simulate inclination change in GEO orbit.

The simulation is run three times, for three different sail areas.
The largest sail modeled can achieve an inclination change of one degree per
week. You can also run the sail perfectly sun-pointing for comparison.
Since version 7.
See also Cone, NPlot, Plot2D, TimeLabl, Cross, Dot, RK4, Unit, JD2000,
El2RV, RV2El, Eclipse, SunV1, Accel, ConeClockToU, UToConeClock, delta,


%   Copyright (c) 2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

Set up the parameters

mu  = 398600.44; % Earth
Asail = [150000 120000 60000]; % m2
arealDensity = 0.025; % g/m2
mSail = Asail*arealDensity;   % kg
mSC   = [450];
cLight = 3e8;  % m/s
flux   = 1367; % W/m2
m2km   = 0.001;

% ensure one or other is vector, not both
mass  = mSail + mSC;
mSim = length(mass);

% Results
% 2000 m2 sail, 50 kg sail/450 kg bus, 0.1 deg/wk
% 450 kg bus and 25 g/m2,  120000 m2 for 1 deg/wk
% 450 kg bus and 20 g/m2,   60000 m2 for 1 deg/wk
% 450 kg bus and 12.5 g/m2, 28000 m2 for 1 deg/wk

Control method

method = 'inc';

Number of sim steps and duration

nSim  = 600;
nDays = 7;
dT    = nDays*86400/nSim;

Simulation setup

Plotting array

nPlot = zeros(mSim,nSim);
aPlot = zeros(mSim,nSim);
iPlot = aPlot;
ePlot = aPlot;
accPlot = aPlot;
conePlot = aPlot;
clckPlot = aPlot;

Global for the time interface

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

d = struct;
d.method = method;

Run the simulation(s)

for j = 1:mSim
  % Assume specular sail
  acc0 = 2*Asail(j)*flux/cLight/mass(j)*m2km;

  % Initial conditions
  el0     = [42167 0 0 0 0 0];
  [r0,v0] = El2RV( el0, [], mu );
  x       = [r0;v0];
  jD      = JD2000+90;  % eclipse will be seen for JD2000+90, equinox on 79

  disp(['Simulation ' num2str(j)])
  kS = 1;

  for k = 1:nSim

    % Local variables
    r = x(1:3);
    v = x(4:6);

    % Display the status message
    if floor(k/nSim*10) == kS
      disp(['Sim is ' num2str(kS) '0% finished.'])
      kS = kS+1;

    % Control
    % First determine sail unit vector.
    [uS, rS] = SunV1( jD );
    d.method = method;
    [q,alphaG,deltaG,u] = EarthGuidance( 0, [r;v], d, struct('uSun',uS) );
    u2 = ConeClockToU( alphaG, deltaG, r, v, uS );

    % Check for eclipses (not common in GEO)
    [n, eclipseType] = Eclipse( r, rS*uS );
    accel          = n*acc0*cos(alphaG);
    aExt           = -accel*u;

    % Plotting
    el             = RV2El( r, v, mu )';
    nPlot(j,k)     = n;
    aPlot(j,k)     = el(1);
    iPlot(j,k)     = el(2)*180/pi;
    ePlot(j,k)     = el(5);
    accPlot(j,k)   = accel;
    conePlot(j,k)  = alphaG;
    clckPlot(j,k)  = deltaG;

    % Integrate the trajectory
    x  = RK4( 'FOrbCart', x, dT, 0, aExt, mu );
    jD = jD + dT/86400;


Plot the results

[t, tL] = TimeLabl( (0:(k-1))*dT );

Plot2D(t,iPlot,tL,'Inclination (deg)', 'Inclination Change with Kite Length (m)')
Plot2D(t,accPlot*1e6,tL,'Kite Acceleration (mm/s^2)')
Plot2D(t,[aPlot;iPlot;ePlot],tL,{'a' 'i (deg)' 'e'},['Kite Elements'],'lin',...
  {[1 2 3],[4 5 6],[7 8 9]})
Plot2D(t,[conePlot;clckPlot;accPlot*1e6],tL,{'\alpha' '\delta' 'accel (mm/s^2)'},...
  ['Kite Angles and Accel'],'lin',{1,2,[3 4 5]})

% PSS internal file version information
Simulation 1
Sim is 10% finished.
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Simulation 2
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Simulation 3
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