Demonstrate combined simulation for a sail in a LEO 28.5 degree orbit.

The gravity model is a 4x4. The disturbances will all default to on unless you add overrides to turn them off (drag, gravity gradient, etc).

Since version 9.
See also:     FSailCombined     SailEnvironment     SailDisturbance
SailEphemEarth     FOrbitSingle     ST9Guidance, Altitude, QZero,
AssignFHandle, Figui, InformDlg, Plot2D, Unit, Date2JD, El2RV, PltOrbit,
SunV1, DisturbanceStruct, EnvironmentStruct, DrawSailAttitude,
PlotSailForce, PlotSailProfile, DisplaySailProperties


%   Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.


Number of days to simulate

nDays = 1;

Earth gravity parameters

nZonal = 4;
nTesseral = 4;

% Attitude profile method, see EarthGuidance
% The available profiles are:
%     1. Sun-pointing
%     2. Constant force component along velocity vector
%     3. Constant rotation with respect to LVLH frame
%     4. Edge-on (no solar pressure force)
%     5. Optimal SMA increase
method = -5;

CAD model selection

cadModel = 'SailGEO_450.mat';

Orbit and Epoch

altitude = 800; % km
inclination = 28.5*pi/180; % km
jD = Date2JD([2010 3 15, 16 0 0]);


Sun ephemeris

[uSun,rS] = SunV1( jD );


dE = load('EarthGravityModel.mat');
rE = dE.a; % radius of earth

Place sail in a 800 km, 28.5 degree orbit

sma = 6378+altitude;
el0 = [sma;inclination;0;0;0;0];
% Plot initial orbit with sun lighting
PltOrbit( el0, jD );
set(gcf,'name','Initial Sail Orbit');

[r,v]     = El2RV( el0 );
q         = QZero;
w         = [0;0;0];

Initialize simulation data structure

[d,p] = InitializeSailSim(jD,cadModel,'EarthGuidance');
d = InitializeSailGravity( d, 'earth', dE, nZonal, nTesseral );
% override disturbance flags, if desired:
% d.ggOn = 0;
d.aeroOn = 0;
% d.albedoOn = 0;
% d.radOn = 0;
% Set the guidance method
d.method = method;

tEnd = nDays*86400;
opts = odeset('abstol',1e-12,'reltol',1e-10);
hDlg = InformDlg( 'Integrating...', 'LEOCombinedDemo' );
[z, x] = ode113( @FSailCombined, [0 tEnd], [r;v;q;w], opts, p, d );

% Find out how many points were computed
disp('Number of output points')
Flat Sail GEO
Sail normal: [1 0 0]
Sail area:     2000 m2
Sail mass:      500 kg
Sail inertia (kg/m2):
   16741.667            0            0
           0    8408.3333            0
           0            0    8408.3333

Sail characteristic accel: 0.036213 mm/s2
Number of bodies in model: 1
Number of components in model: 2
Sail class components: 1

Sail optical properties
Component Sail:
  Specular Front:         1 Back:     1
  Diffuse Front:          0 Back:     0
  Absorptivity Front:     0 Back:     0
  Emissivity Front:     0.3 Back:   0.3
Elapsed time is 6.544357 seconds.
Number of output points

Extract the profiles from the orbit

[p, env, f, tq] = FSailCombined( z', x', p, d );

PlotSailProfile( p, env, [1;0;0] );
PlotSailForce( f, p, env );
Plot2D(z',,'Sec',{'Tx','Ty','Tz'},'Torque (N)')

DrawSailAttitude( d.g, p.q(:,end), [env.uSun(:,end) -Unit(p.r(:,end))] );


% PSS internal file version information
ans = 
  Figure (Plot2D) with properties:

      Number: 7
        Name: 'Sail Force Vector (mN) in Rotating Frame'
       Color: [1 1 1]
    Position: [560 528 560 420]
       Units: 'pixels'

  Use GET to show all properties
hQ = 
  Quiver with properties:

        Color: [0 0.447 0.741]
    LineStyle: '-'
    LineWidth: 0.5
        XData: 0
        YData: 0
        ZData: 0
        UData: 21.262
        VData: -52.903
        WData: -27.371

  Use GET to show all properties
ans = 
  Surface with properties:

       EdgeColor: 'none'
       LineStyle: '-'
       FaceColor: [0 0 1]
    FaceLighting: 'gouraud'
       FaceAlpha: 1
           XData: [25×25 double]
           YData: [25×25 double]
           ZData: [25×25 double]
           CData: [25×25 double]

  Use GET to show all properties