Solar Polar Imager demo with JPL optimal trajectory data.

Verify clock conversions by comparing against McInnes format. Simple Sun gravity model suffices.

See also FSailJPL and FSailGuidance., Cone, Constant, Plot2D, Plot3D,
Cross, Mag, RK45, Unit, PlotOrbitPage, El2RV, Nu2M, RV2El,
ClockConversion, delta, LocallyOptimalTraj


%	  Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 7.

% User Parameters
phase = 1;       % Phase 1, points to 440. Phase 2, beyond.
integration = 2; % 1, JPL angles. 2, McInnes conversion.
plotHistory = 0; % 1, plot full trajectory. 0, don't.

d = load('SPIData.mat');

deg2rad = pi/180;
muSun   = 132712440017.987;
au      = Constant('au');

Use only nonzero angle data points (from inspection)

nPts = 1292;
jD   =,2)'+2450000.0;
days =,1)';
% Elements are stored in AU and degrees
elJPL =,20+[1:6])';
cone  =,9)';
clock =,10)';
acc   =,12)';

% Convert elements to km and radians and reorder
% PSS format: [a;i;W;w;e;M]

JPL order: [a;e;i;W;w;f]

el      = zeros(size(elJPL));
el(1,:) = elJPL(1,1:nPts)*au;               % sma
el(2,:) = elJPL(3,1:nPts)*pi/180;           % inc
el(3,:) = elJPL(4,1:nPts)*pi/180;           % lan
el(4,:) = elJPL(5,1:nPts)*pi/180;           % apf
el(5,:) = elJPL(2,1:nPts);                  % ecc
el(6,:) = Nu2M( el(5,:), elJPL(6,:)*pi/180 ); % M
[r,v]   = El2RV( el, [], muSun );

% Last elements of JPL output reversed???
% Mean anomaly and |r| of last portion constant.
el(4,:) = elJPL(6,1:nPts)*pi/180;           % apf
el(6,:) = Nu2M( el(5,:), elJPL(5,:)*pi/180 ); % M
[r,v]   = El2RV( el, [], muSun );

if plotHistory
  % Plot trajectory data for confirmation
  PlotOrbitPage(r/au,days(1:nPts),'SPI Trajectory (JPL)')
  Plot2D(days,[cone;clock],'Time (days)',{'Cone','Clock'},'SPI Angles (JPL)')
  Plot2D(days,el([1 2 5],:),'Time',{'SMA','Inc','Ecc'})

Convert clock to McInnes format

clockNew = zeros(1,nPts);
alpha = zeros(1,nPts);
delta = zeros(1,nPts);
dCC = struct('r',r,'v',v,'s',-Unit(r),'eciFlag',0);
clockNew = ClockConversion( cone*deg2rad, clock*deg2rad, 3, 1, dCC )/deg2rad;
% Compare to locally optimal law (McInnes)
[alpha1, delta1] = LocallyOptimalTraj( 'inclination', r(:,6:440), v(:,6:440), muSun, 1 );
alpha(6:440) = alpha1;
delta(6:440) = delta1;

[alpha2, delta2] = LocallyOptimalTraj( 'semi-major axis', r(:,441:end), v(:,441:end), muSun, 1 );
alpha(441:end) = alpha2;
delta(441:end) = delta2;
  'Days',{'Cone','Clock'},'','lin',{'[1 4]','[2 5 3]'})
% Zoom in on cranking
nSelect = 475:625;
  'Days',{'Clock'},'Inclination Cranking Clock Angles')

% Try integrating with sail angles
Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries. 

semi-major axis change: to point 440

switch phase
  case 1
    nMin = 6;
    nMax = 440;
  case 2
    nMin = 450;
    nMax = 650;
x = [r(:,nMin); v(:,nMin)];
xPlot = zeros(6,nMax-nMin+1);
aPlot = zeros(3,nMax-nMin+1);
elPlot = zeros(6,nMax-nMin+1);
xPlot(:,1) = x;
elPlot(:,1) = RV2El(x(1:3),x(4:6),muSun);
muSun = Constant('mu sun');
kP = 2;
coneR = cone*deg2rad;
clockR = clock*deg2rad;
% characteristic acceleration
a0     = acc(6)*Mag(r(:,6))^2/au^2/cos(cone(6)*pi/180)^2*1e-6;
for k = (nMin):(nMax-1)
  cC = cos(coneR(k));
  sC = sin(coneR(k));
  cL = cos(clockR(k));
  sL = sin(clockR(k));
  % heliocentric clock frame - sail normal
  xHat = -Unit(x(1:3));
  zHat = Unit(Cross(xHat,[0;0;1]));
  yHat = Unit(Cross(zHat,xHat)); % Projection of North ecliptic
  nSail = cC*xHat + sC*cL*yHat + sC*sL*zHat;

  dT = (days(k+1)-days(k))*86400;
  if dT~=0
    switch integration
      case 1
        [x,hLast] = RK45( 'FSailJPL', x, dT, dT, 8640, 1e-8, days(k), acc(k)*1e-6, coneR(k), clockR(k), muSun );
      case 2
        %[x,hLast] = RK45( 'FSailGuidance', x, dT, dT, 8640, 1e-6, 0, acc(k)*1e-6/cC^2, coneR(k), -clockNew(k)*deg2rad, muSun );
        [x,hLast] = RK45( 'FSailGuidance', x, dT, dT, 8640, 1e-6, 0, a0, coneR(k), -clockNew(k)*deg2rad, muSun );
  xPlot(:,kP) = x;
  aPlot(:,kP) = -acc(k)*nSail;
  elPlot(:,kP) = RV2El(x(1:3),x(4:6),muSun);
  kP = kP+1;
hold on
  'Days',{'x','y','z','R'},'Comparison','lin',{[1 4],[2 5],[3 6],[7 8]})
Plot2D(days(nMin:nMax),aPlot,'Days',{'x','y','z'},'Acceleration (mm/s2)')
Plot2D(days(nMin:nMax),[elPlot([1 2 5],:);el([1 2 5],nMin:nMax)],'Days',{'a','i','e'},'Orbital Elements',[],...
  {[1 4],[2 5],[3 6]})

% PSS internal file version information