Demonstrate locally optimal sail trajectories. Uses equinoctial elements.

Shows inclination and semi-major axis control.

See also LocallyOptimalConeClock3D, RHS3DOrbit, Constant, InformDlg,
Plot2D, ElToMEq, MEqToEl


%	  Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 7.


% Constants
aU                 = Constant('au');
c                  = Constant('speed of light');
secInYear          = 365.25*86400;

% This assumes 100 kg mass, 100x100 m sail
d.accel            = 1e4*1367*aU^2*1e-6/(c*100); % km/sec^2
d.coneClockFun     = 'LocallyOptimalConeClock3D';
rHSFun             = 'RHS3DOrbit';

% Heliocentric system
%---------------------               = Constant('mu sun');
el                 = [aU;0.1;0;0;0.1;0];

% End time is 4 years
tEnd               = 6*secInYear; % (s)

% Dynamics function
d.coordType        = 'equinoctial'; % 'cartesian'
d.rhoS             = 1.0;
d.rhoAD            = 0.0;
d.rhoR             = 0.0;
d.ascendingNode    = 0.0;

Semi-major axis test

d.maneuverType     = 'semi-major axis';
d.dirFlag          = -1;

% Initial orbit
x0                 = ElToMEq( el, );

% Integration (ode113) parameters
oDEOptions         = odeset( 'abstol', 1e-13, 'reltol', 1e-13, 'events', 'off' );

% Propagate the trajectory
hDlg               = InformDlg( 'Integrating...', 'LocallyOptimalTrajectories' );
[t, x]             = ode113( rHSFun, [0, tEnd], x0,  oDEOptions, d );

% Transpose for plotting
x                  = x';
t                  = t'/secInYear;

% Get the cone and clock angles
[a, cone, clock]   = LocallyOptimalConeClock3D( x, 'equinoctial', d );

% Plot the equinoctial elements
Plot2D( t, x, 'Time (years)', {'p' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'k' 'L' },...
  'Semi-major axis: Equinoctial Elements',[],{},{},2)

x                  = MEqToEl( x, );
x(1,:)             = x(1,:)/aU;
x([2 3 4 6],:)     = x([2 3 4 6],:)*180/pi;

Plot2D( t, x, 'Time (years)', {'a (au)' 'i (deg)' '\Omega (deg)' '\omega (deg)' 'e' 'M (deg)' },...
  'Semi-major axis: Keplerian Elements',[],{},{},2)
Plot2D( t, [cone;clock], 'Time (years)', {'Cone (rad)' 'Clock (rad)' }, 'Semi-major axis: Cone and clock')

Now do an inclination change

d.maneuverType     = 'inclination';
d.dirFlag          = -1;
d.ascendingNode    = 0;

x0                 = ElToMEq( el, );
oDEOptions         = odeset( 'abstol', 1e-4, 'reltol', 1e-4, 'events', 'off' );

% Propagate the trajectory
[t, x]             = ode113( rHSFun, [0, tEnd], x0,  oDEOptions, d );

% Transpose for plotting
x                  = x';
t                  = t'/secInYear;

% Get the cone and clock angles
[a, cone, clock]   = LocallyOptimalConeClock3D( x, 'equinoctial', d );

% Plot the equinoctial elements
Plot2D( t, x, 'Time (years)', {'p' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'k' 'L' },...
  'Inclination: Equinoctial Elements',[],{},{},2)

x                  = MEqToEl( x, );
x([2 3 4 6],:)     = x([2 3 4 6],:)*180/pi;

Plot2D( t, x, 'Time (years)', {'a (au)' 'i (deg)' '\Omega (deg)' '\omega (deg)' 'e' 'M (deg)' },...
  'Inclination: Keplerian Elements',[],{},{},2)
Plot2D( t, [cone;clock], 'Time (years)', {'Cone (rad)' 'Clock (rad)' }, 'Inclination: Cone and clock')

Now ascending node change

d.maneuverType     = 'ascending node';
d.dirFlag          = -1;
d.ascendingNode    = 0;

x0                 = ElToMEq( el, );
oDEOptions         = odeset( 'abstol', 1e-4, 'reltol', 1e-4, 'events', 'off' );

% Propagate the trajectory
[t, x]             = ode113( rHSFun, [0, tEnd], x0,  oDEOptions, d );

% Transpose for plotting
x                  = x';
t                  = t'/secInYear;

% Get the cone and clock angles
[a, cone, clock]   = LocallyOptimalConeClock3D( x, 'equinoctial', d );

% Plot the equinoctial elements
Plot2D( t, x, 'Time (years)', {'p' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'k' 'L' },...
  'Ascending Node: Equinoctial Elements',[],{},{},2)

x                  = MEqToEl( x, );
x([2 3 4 6],:)     = x([2 3 4 6],:)*180/pi;

Plot2D( t, x, 'Time (years)', {'a (au)' 'i (deg)' '\Omega (deg)' '\omega (deg)' 'e' 'M (deg)' },...
  'Ascending Node: Keplerian Elements',[],{},{},2)
Plot2D( t, [cone;clock], 'Time (years)', {'Cone (rad)' 'Clock (rad)' }, 'Ascending Node: Cone and clock')

% PSS internal file version information