Orbit propagation test.

Propagates orbits in both equinoctial and cartesian coordinates under the influence of a small radial step acceleration. The results are compared with an analytical solution.

Since version 7.
See also Constant, InformDlg, Plot2D, Mag, El2RV, Accel, ElToMEq,
MEqToRV, RHSCartesianRadialAccel, RHSEquinoctial


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Useful constants

aU                 = Constant('au');
c                  = Constant('speed of light');

This assumes 100 kg mass, 1x1 m specular sail

r0                 = aU;
accel              = 2*1367*aU^2*1e-6/(c*100)/r0^2; % km/sec^2

Heliocentric system

d.mu               = Constant('mu sun');

Keplerian elements

el                 = [aU;0;0;0;0;0];

Initial orbit at 1 au in equinoctial

x                  = ElToMEq( el, d.mu );

In cartesian

[r, v]             = El2RV( el, [], d.mu );
xC                 = [r;v];

End time is 4 years

tEnd               = 4*365.25*86400; % (s)

Acceleration vector

d.f                = [accel;0;0];

Integration (ode113) parameters

oDEOptions         = odeset( 'abstol', 1e-12, 'reltol', 1e-12 );

Equinoctial, then in cartesian

hDlg = InformDlg( 'Integrating...', 'PropagationDemo' );
[t, x]             = ode113(@RHSEquinoctial,            [0, tEnd], x,  oDEOptions, d );
[tC, xC]           = ode113(@RHSCartesianRadialAccel,   [0, tEnd], xC, oDEOptions, d );

Transpose for plotting

x                  = x';
t                  = t';
tC                 = tC';
xC                 = xC';

Plot the equinoctial elements

Plot2D( t, x, 'Time (sec)', {'p' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'k' 'L' }, 'Equinoctial Elements')

Convert equinoctial to cartesian

[r, v]             = MEqToRV( x, d.mu );

Compute the analytical solutions

r0                 = Mag(r(:,1));
omega              = Mag(v(:,1)/r0);

wt                 = omega*t;
xNom               = accel*[1-cos(wt);-2*(wt - sin(wt))]/omega^2;

wt                 = omega*tC;
xNomC              = accel*[1-cos(wt);-2*(wt - sin(wt))]/omega^2;

Convert into the Hill's frame

x(1,:)             = Mag(r(1:2,:)) - r0;
x(2,:)             = r0*(unwrap(atan2(r(2,:), r(1,:) )) - omega*t);

clear y
y(1,:)             = Mag(xC(1:2,:)) - r0;
y(2,:)             = r0*(unwrap(atan2(xC(2,:), xC(1,:) )) - omega*tC);


Plot2D( t/86400, [x(1:2,:);xNom], 't (days)', {'x (km)' 'y (km)'},'Equinoctial','lin',{'[1 3]' '[2 4]'} );

Plot2D( tC/86400, [y(1:2,:);xNomC], 't (days)', {'x (km)' 'y (km)'},'Cartesian','lin',{'[1 3]' '[2 4]'} );

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