40 m Scalable Sail, for deployment analysis.

This model has four triangular quadrants, booms and tip masses, and a core box. The script saves one of two files depending on the value of the "deployed" option, S4PreDeploy.mat or S4Deployed.mat

Since version 7.
1. Wie, Murphy, Paluszek, and Thomas, "Robust Attitude Control Systems Design
  for Solar Sails, Part 1: Propellantless Primary ACS". AIAA 2004-5010
2. LeFevre and Jha, "(Student Paper) Attitude Dynamics and Stability
  of Solar Sails During Deployment".  AIAA-2006-1704
See also S4Deployment., BuildCADModel, CreateBody, CreateComponent,
DrawSCPlanPlugIn, Inertias, VFToMassStructure, Eul2Mat, FindDirectory,
SaveStructure, Polygon


%	Copyright 2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

clear mB;

% options
deployed = 1;   % 0 or 1

Characteristic dimensions

L = 40;        % length, m
aSail = 1200;  % area, m2

Lboom = 28;    % max length of the booms
Lsail = sqrt(2*aSail/4);

Mass of each sail and boom (4 each on sailcraft)

mSail = 6/4;
mBoom = 7/4;

rhoS = 6/1200;
rhoB = mBoom/Lboom;
mTip = 1/4;
Rhub = 1;


BuildCADModel( 'initialize' );

Add general properties

BuildCADModel( 'set name' ,  'S4 Deployment' );
BuildCADModel( 'set units',  'mks'  );


Create CAD bodies first



m = CreateBody( 'make', 'name', 'Core' );
BuildCADModel('add body', m );

This creates the connections between the bodies

BuildCADModel( 'compute paths' );


Create CAD Components second



mBus = 50;
mPayload = 13;
mCentral = 8;


m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'box','name','Bus','body',1,...
                     'mass', mBus+mPayload+mCentral, 'faceColor', 'gold foil','rA',[0;0;0],...
                     'x', Rhub,'y', Rhub, 'z',Rhub,  'inside', 0 );
BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

rS = Rhub*[0 0 0 0; 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.5; 0.5 0.5 -0.5 -0.5];


if deployed
  vSail = [0 0 0; 0 Lsail 0; 0 0 Lsail];
  vSail = [0 0 0; 0 0.1 0; 0 0 0.1];
[area, n, r] = Polygon( vSail );
Bsail = {eye(3) Eul2Mat([pi/2;0;0]) Eul2Mat([pi;0;0]) Eul2Mat([3*pi/2;0;0])};
mS    = VFToMassStructure( vSail, [1 2 3], struct('a',area,'r',r) );
mS.mass = rhoS*mS.mass;
mS.inertia = rhoS*mS.inertia;
for k = 1:4
  m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'sail','name',['Sail' num2str(k)],'body',1,...
                       'mass', mS, 'faceColor', 'mirror','rA',rS(:,k),...
                       'sigmaS', [1 1], 'sigmaD', [0.0 0.0], 'sigmaA',...
                       [0.0 0.0], 'emissivity', [0.3, 0.3],...
                       'vertex',vSail,'face', [1 2 3], 'inside', 0 );
  BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );

Booms and tip masses

if deployed
  lBoom = Lboom;
  lBoom = Rhub;
Bboom = Eul2Mat([-pi/2;0;0]);
uTip  = [0 0 0 0; 1 0 -1 0; 0 1 0 -1];
inr   = Inertias( mBoom, [0.2 lBoom 0.01], 'hollow cylinder', 1 );
cM    = [0;0;1]*lBoom/2;
mB.mass = mBoom;
mB.inertia = inr;
for k = 1:4
  mB.cM = cM(:,1);
  m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'cylinder','name',['Boom' num2str(k)],'body',1,...
                       'rUpper', 0.2, 'rLower', 0.2, 'h', lBoom,...
                       'mass', mB,...
                       'faceColor', 'steel','rA',[0;0;0],...
                       'inside', 1 );
  BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );
  m = CreateComponent( 'make', 'box','name',['Tip' num2str(k)],'body',1,...
                       'mass', mTip, 'faceColor', 'steel','rA',lBoom*uTip(:,k),...
                       'x', Rhub,'y', Rhub, 'z',Rhub,  'inside', 0 );
  BuildCADModel( 'add component', m );




g = BuildCADModel( 'get cad model' );
if deployed
  SaveStructure( g, 'S4Deployed' );
  SaveStructure( g, 'S4PreDeploy' );

3D View

DrawSCPlanPlugIn( 'initialize', g );

% PSS internal file version information