Simulate attitude determination for a momentum bias spacecraft.

At this point we do not include any real actuators or sensors. The orbit is modeled and the spacecraft controls errors with respect to the LVLH frame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specification ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ours is a Gravity gradient stabilization satellite with two analog medium sun sensors and one magnetometer for attitude knowledge. We are using Magnetorquer rods as our controller which is basically a PD controller and also a small momentum wheel with angular momentum of 1 Nms and with constant speed on the pitch axis to counter the external disturbance.

The nadir pointing accuracy required is < 5 degrees and the attitude errors in all the three axes should be less than 3 degrees. The inertia in the three directions are Ix=120, Iy=120 and Iz=1.3. The orbit radius is 6718+352 Kms (low earth orbit satellite). The inclination is 28.45 deg.

The damping ratios and natural frequencies are:

Tach loop:
zeta = 0.7621
wN= 0.5
Pitch and Roll loop:
zeta = 0.7621
wN   = 0.009
Yaw loop:
zeta = 1.0
wN   = 0.15

------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also IC623X3, PDDesign, PIDesign, QForm, QLVLH, QMult, QPose, Constant, NPlot, Plot2D, TimeGUI, RK4, JD2000, SunMagAttDet, TOrbit, RVFromKepler, MagField, SunV1, FPSensors -------------------------------------------------------------------------


%	Copyright 1999, 2016 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
% Since version 5.5 (2003)
% 2016.1 Switch to newer IGRF11 model (from 1995 data) for the Earth

Global for the time GUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';


degToRad    = Constant('deg to rad');
radToDeg    = Constant('rad to deg');

The control sampling period and the simulation integration time step

tSamp       = 2;

Number of sim steps

nSim        = 3000;
tEnd        = nSim*tSamp;

Plot every nPMax steps

nPMax       = 10;
nPlot       = nSim/nPMax;

% Sun angle with respect to the orbit plane and location of the

spacecraft with respect to the sun projection in the orbit plane

rOrbit      = 6718 + 352; % This isn't used yet

Spacecraft Inertias

inr         = IC623X3( [120 120 1.3 0 0 0] );
inrRWA      = 0.01; % A guess
invInr      = inv(inr);

Wheel spin axis unit vector

uW          = [0;1;0];


Design the control loops


Tach loop

[aTL,bTL,cTL,dTL] = PIDesign( 0.7621,  0.5, inrRWA, tSamp );

Attitude Loops

[aRoll ,bRoll, cRoll, dRoll]  = PDDesign( 0.7621, 0.009, 0.09, inr(1,1), tSamp );
[aPitch,bPitch,cPitch,dPitch] = PDDesign( 0.7621, 0.009, 0.09, inr(2,2), tSamp );
[aYaw,  bYaw,  cYaw,  dYaw]   = PDDesign( 1.0,    0.15,  1.5,  inr(3,3), tSamp );

Initialize the control system

xTL             = zeros(size(aTL,   1),1);
xRoll           = zeros(size(aRoll, 1),1);
xPitch          = zeros(size(aPitch,1),1);
xYaw            = zeros(size(aYaw,  1),1);
tC              = [0;0;0];
wBias           = 100; % Momentum wheel bias rate
xEst            = [10;10;10]*pi/180;
rEst            = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
fScale          = 1;
p               = 10*eye(3);

The sun sensors along +X and -X

qBToS   = [cos(pi/4)  cos(pi/4);...
                   0          0;...
           sin(pi/4) -sin(pi/4);...
                   0          0];
fOV     = [120 120;120 120]*degToRad;
uS      = [0 0;0 0;1 1];

Plotting arrays

cPlot      = zeros( 4,nPlot);
ePlot      = zeros( 3,nPlot);
tPlot      = zeros( 1,nPlot);
xPlot      = zeros( 8,nPlot);
pPlot      = zeros( 3,nPlot);
vPlot      = zeros( 3,nPlot);
sPlot      = zeros( 2,nPlot);

Time statistics function


ratioRealTime = 0;

dTSim      = tSamp;
t          = 0;
nP         = 0;
kP         = 0;

Initialize the time display

tToGoMem.lastJD             = 0;
tToGoMem.lastStepsDone      = 0;
tToGoMem.kAve               = 0;
ratioRealTime               = 0;
[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, tToGoMem, 0, dTSim, 'MagSim' );

Magnetic field

magFieldData = load('IGRF11');

Generate the orbit

tOrbit = (0:(nSim-1))*dTSim;

el = [a,i,W,w,e,M]. The spacecraft is in LEO orbit

[rECI, vECI] = RVFromKepler( [rOrbit 0 0 0 0 pi/2], tOrbit );

Initial conditions at equinox

jD     = JD2000 + tOrbit/86400 + 1000;

Initial conditions

%                  q         w     wRWA
x      = [ QLVLH( rECI(:,1), vECI(:,1) ); [0;0;0]; 100 ];
uSun   =  SunV1( jD, rECI );

Get a step response

tDist = [1;1;1]*1.e-6;
tWF   = 0.001;

Run the simulation

for k = 1:nSim

  qECIToBody = x(1:4);

  % Display the status message
  [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dTSim );

  qLVLH            = QLVLH( rECI(:,k), vECI(:,k) ); % The local vertical frame

  % The magnetic field
  b                = MagField( rECI(:,k), jD, 5, magFieldData.g, magFieldData.h );
  bLVLH            = QForm( qLVLH, b );
  bMeas            = QForm( qECIToBody, b );
  uSunLVLH         = QForm( qLVLH, uSun(:,k) );

  sunSensorData    = FPSensors( qECIToBody, qBToS, [uSun(:,k) uSun(:,k)], fOV, 1 );

  % Attitude determination
  catalog          = [bLVLH uSunLVLH uSunLVLH];
  [xEst, p]        = SunMagAttDet( xEst, p, rEst, qBToS, bMeas, sunSensorData, catalog, fScale );

  % qLVLH  transforms from ECI to LVLH
  % We want LVLH to Body
  qLVLHToBody = QMult(  QPose( qLVLH ), qECIToBody );

  if( qLVLHToBody(1) < 0 )
    qLVLHToBody = - qLVLHToBody;

  roll  = -2*qLVLHToBody(2);
  pitch = -2*qLVLHToBody(3);
  yaw   = -2*qLVLHToBody(4);

  wTach = x(8); % Perfect tachometer

  % The attitude control loops
  tC(1)  = -cRoll*xRoll - dRoll*roll;
  xRoll  =  aRoll*xRoll + bRoll*roll;

  tC(2)  = -cPitch*xPitch - dPitch*pitch;
  xPitch =  aPitch*xPitch + bPitch*pitch;

  tC(3)  = -cYaw*xYaw - dYaw*yaw;
  xYaw   =  aYaw*xYaw + bYaw*yaw;

  % The RWA Tach Loop
  wError =  wTach - wBias;
  tW     = -dTL*wError - cTL*xTL;
  xTL    =  aTL*xTL + bTL*wError;

  % Update the equations of motion
  x        = RK4( 'FMagSim', x, dTSim, t, inr, invInr, tDist + tC, inrRWA, uW, tW+tWF );
  t        = t  + dTSim;
  jD       = jD + dTSim/86400;

  % Plotting
  if( nP == 0 )
    kP           = kP + 1;
    xPlot(:,kP)  = x;
    tPlot(1,kP)  = t;
    cPlot(:,kP)  = [tC;tW];
    ePlot(:,kP)  = [roll;pitch;yaw]*radToDeg;
    rVPlot(:,kP) = [rECI(:,k);vECI(:,k)];
    bPlot(:,kP)  = b;
    pPlot(:,kP)  = diag(p)*radToDeg^2;
    vPlot(:,kP)  = xEst*radToDeg;
    sPlot(:,kP)  = sunSensorData.valid';
    nP           = nPMax - 1;
    nP           = nP - 1;

  % Time control
  switch simulationAction
    case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
    case 'stop'
    case 'plot'



xLbl = 'Time (sec)';

j = 1:kP;

tPlot = tPlot(j);

Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(1:4,j),xLbl,['Qs';'Qx';'Qy';'Qz'],'Quaternion')
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(5:7,j),xLbl,['Wx';'Wy';'Wz'],'Body Rates')
Plot2D( tPlot, xPlot(8,j),  xLbl,'Omega (rad/sec)','Momentum Wheel')
Plot2D( tPlot, cPlot(:,j),  xLbl,['X';'Y';'Z';'W'],'Control Torque Demand')
Plot2D( tPlot, ePlot(:,j),  xLbl,['Roll  (deg)';'Pitch (deg)';'Yaw   (deg)'],'Measured Attitude Errors')
Plot2D( tPlot, rVPlot(:,j), xLbl,['x ECI ';'y ECI ';'z ECI ';'vX ECI';'vY ECI';'vZ ECI'],'Orbit')
Plot2D( tPlot, bPlot(:,j),  xLbl,['bX ';'bY ';'bZ '],'Magnetic Field')
Plot2D( tPlot, pPlot(:,j),  xLbl,['pX ';'pY ';'pZ '],'Covariance')
Plot2D( tPlot, vPlot(:,j),  xLbl,['angleX ';'angleY ';'angleZ '],'Estimated angles')
Plot2D( tPlot, sPlot(:,j),  xLbl,['SSA1 ';'SSA2 '],'Valid Sun Sensor')

% PSS internal file version information