Demonstrate orbit estimation using a UKF and planet centroid data.

The spacecraft can be in the Messenger or New Horizons orbits. Uses the Hipparcos catalog.

Since version 9.
See also RaDec2U, Constant, Plot2D, TimeLabl, RK4,
NavTargetTrackingPlanetary, OpticalNavPlanetStar,
OpticalNavPlanetStarNoiseMatrix, LoadCatalog, UKF, Planets


%   Copyright 2009-2010 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

clear g; clear d; clear noise;


au          = Constant('au');

years       = 6;

planet      = Planets('rad',1:9);

pixel       = 10e-3; % mm
fL          = 200; % mm
centroiding = 0.1; % pixel

Select a mission

mission     = 'messenger';
mission     = 'new horizons';

switch mission
    case 'messenger'
        x = [-5.102050761318097E+07; -3.914630171469574E+07; -1.563888544075625E+07;...
              2.159852087150890E+01; -3.063444535492430E+01; -1.827429443660471E+01];

        jD0 = 2455755.50;
    case 'new horizons'

        x   = [-6.983445814653811E+07; -1.441036100591167E+09; -5.821377265514169E+08;...
                5.922525925977417E+00; -1.594089850539337E+01; -6.215007577164026E+00];
        jD0 = 2454660.5;

Select the filter

filter        = @UKF;   % Full covariance matrix filter

Measurement options

g.fOV         = 8.8*pi/180;

Simulation parameters

nSim          = years*24*365;
dT            = 3600; % sec
tEnd          = nSim*dT;

Allocate memory for plotting

xP            = zeros(13,nSim);

Earth gravitational parameter

mu            = Constant('mu sun');

Star Catalog

starCatalog   = LoadCatalog( 'Hipparcos', 7 );
g.uSCatalog   = RaDec2U( starCatalog.rA, starCatalog.dec );
g.pCatalog    = Planets('rad',1:9);

Position and velocity uncertainty

r1Sigma       = 1; % km
v1Sigma       = 0.0001; % km/s

Measurement noise

noise.angle       = 10*0.0000048481368111; % 1 arcsecond in radians
noise.planet      = [1 1 1 1 100 600 1250 2250 2800];
noise.radius      = [1 1 0.01 .1 6 6 7 19 6 140];
noise.pixelAngle  = atan(centroiding*pixel/fL);

State estimate at start

d.x                      = x + [r1Sigma*randn(3,1);v1Sigma*randn(3,1)];
d.x                      = x;

Covariance based on the uncertainty

d.p                      = diag([r1Sigma^2*ones(1,3) v1Sigma^2*ones(1,3)]);                    ='RK4';
d.rHSFun                 ='RHSOrbitUKF';
d.measFun                ='OpticalNavPlanetStar';
d.integrator             = @RK4;
d.alpha                  = 0.8e-3; % UKF spread of sigma points
d.kappa                  = 0; % UKF weighting factor
d.beta                   = 2; % UKF incorporation of a priori knowledge
d.dT                     = dT;
d.rHSFunData             = struct('mu',mu,'a',[0;0;0]);
vecP                     = [0 0 0 1e-6 1e-6 1e-6]';
d.rP                     = diag(vecP.^2); % Plant noise covariance
d                        = filter('initialize', d );
t                        = 0;
g.planet                 = planet;
g.trackPlanet            = 1;
g.trackCount             = 0;
g.trackCountMax          = 10;
g.kP                     = 0;

Initialize the time display

TimeDisplay( 'initialize', 'Optical Navigation Sim', nSim )

for k = 1:nSim

  % Display the status message
  TimeDisplay( 'update' );

  % Plotting
  xP(:,k)                   = [d.x; x; g.kP];

  % Update the RHS
  x                         = RK4( d.rHSFun, x, dT, t, d.rHSFunData );
  t                         = t + dT;

  % Measurements
  g.jD                      = jD0 + t/86400;
  g.mode                    = 'polar star';
  g                         = NavTargetTrackingPlanetary( x, g );
  y                         = OpticalNavPlanetStar( x, g, noise );

  % Kalman Filter
  d.measFunData             = g;
  [d.dY, d.rM]              = OpticalNavPlanetStarNoiseMatrix( g, x(1:3), noise );
  d.t                       = t;
  d                         = filter( 'update', d, y );


TimeDisplay( 'close' );

Create a time sequence for the x-axis

[t,tL] = TimeLabl((0:(nSim-1))*dT);


err = xP(1:6,:) - xP(7:12,:);
yL  = {'x (km)' 'y (km)' 'z (km)' 'v_x (km/s)' 'v_y (km/s)' 'v_z (km/s)', 'Planet id'};
Plot2D( t, [err;xP(13,:)], tL, yL, 'Estimation Errors' );
Plot2D( t, xP(7:9,:)/au, tL, {'x (au)' 'y (au)' 'z (au)'}, 'Orbit' );
Plot2D( xP(7,:)/au, xP(8,:)/au, {'x (au)', 'y (au)'}, 'Ecliptic Plane')

rng = floor(0.75*nSim):nSim;
err = err(:,rng);
meanSquareError = mean(sqrt(err.^2),2)

% PSS internal file version information
meanSquareError =