Test the orbit Kalman Filter with omni and GPS measurements.

The simulation and the filter both use the same RHS, FOrbKF, but the simulation uses more terms in the gravity model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See also CDKF45, OrbitKFRHS, HRangeMeasurement, RangeMeasurement, GPSReceiver, and FOrbKF, Plot2D, TimeGUI, Cross, RK4, RK45, Date2JD, JD2T, LoadGravityModel, OrbRate, El2RV, Period, EarthRot, EarthRte, GPSSatellite, Omni ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Global for the time GUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

printIt = 0;

Set up the orbit

el        = [7000 0.6 0 0 0.0001 0];
p         = Period( el(1) );
[r, v]    = El2RV( el );

Initial estimates

dT        = 120;
jD        = Date2JD([2001 3 20 13 15 1]);

Initialize the sim

nOrbits   = 2;
nSim      = ceil(nOrbits*p/dT);
bias      = 0.01/3e5/3600; % 0.01 sec/hr one sigma
biasDrift = bias/3600;
x         = [r;v;bias;biasDrift];
t         = 0;
useOmni   = 1;
useGPS    = 1;
gravityModel = LoadGravityModel( 'load file', 'GEMT1.geo' );
simData   = struct('jD',jD,...

For print outs

if( bias > 0 )
  prefix = 'Clock';
  prefix = '';

Set up omni measurements

rStationEF      = {};
vStationEF      = {};
rStationEF{1}   = [6378.165;0;0];
vStationEF{1}   = Cross( [0;0;EarthRte(jD)], rStationEF{1} );
nOmni           = length(rStationEF);
rOmni           = [0.001 0;0 1e-6].^2;
omni                 = struct();
omni.power           = 5;
omni.range1Sigma     = 0.001;
omni.rangeRate1Sigma = 1e-6;
omni.minimumAngle    = 3*pi/180;

Set up GPS

nGPS                        = 4;
useReceiver                 = 1;
gPSReceiver                 = struct();
gPSReceiver.tSamp           = 1;
gPSReceiver.minimumAltitude = 100;
gPSReceiver.power           = 5;
gPSReceiver.range1Sigma     = 0.001; % noise in model
gPSReceiver.rangeRate1Sigma = 1e-6;
rGPS                        = [0.001 0;0 1e-6].^2;
GPSReceiver( 'initialize', gPSReceiver    );
nMeas = useOmni*nOmni+useGPS*nGPS;

Initialize the estimator

dR              = 0.25;
dV              = dR/1000;
d               = struct;
d.p             = diag([dR*[1 1 1] dV*[1 1 1] bias biasDrift].^2 );
mu              = 3.98600436e5;
rE              = r + [0.1;-0.15;0.07];
vE              = v + [0.001;-0.004;0.003];
d.x             = [rE;vE;0;0];
d.propagator    = 'RK45';
d.q             = diag([0 0 0 (0.001*mu/7000^2)*[1 1 1] 0.1*bias 0.1*biasDrift].^2);
d.fName         = @OrbitKFRHS;
d.fData         = struct('dFName',@FOrbKF,...
d.hName         = @HRangeMeasurement;
if (d.fData.nStates == 17)
  d.x     = [d.x;zeros(9,1)];
  pDist   = 1e-7*[1 1 1e-3];
  d.p     = diag ([dR*[1 1 1] dV*[1 1 1] bias biasDrift pDist pDist pDist].^2 );
  d.q     = diag([0 0 0 (0.001*mu/7000^2)*[1 1 1] 0.1*bias 0.1*biasDrift 0.1*[pDist pDist pDist]].^2);
d.xMeas         = d.x;
d.pMeas         = d.p;
d.hLast         = 0.1*dT;
d.nIterations   = 2;
d.tol           = 1e-6;
range           = [];
rangeRate       = [];
d.r             = {};
j               = 0;

Plotting arrays

xPlot   = zeros(length(x),nSim);
xEPlot  = zeros(length(d.x),nSim);
pPlot   = zeros(length(d.x),nSim);
rPlot   = zeros(nMeas*2,nSim);
resPlot = zeros(nMeas*2,nSim);

Numerical integration

tol    = 1e-6;
hLastT = 0.1*dT;
hLastE = 0.1*dT;

Initialize the time display

[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, [], 0, dT, 'Orbit Kalman Filter' );

for k = 1:nSim

  % Display the status message
  [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dT );

  % Measurement from earth stations
  if useOmni
    mEarth = EarthRot( JD2T( jD ) )';
    for i = 1:nOmni
      j = j + 1;
      % Skip omni model and idealize ground stations as always available
      [range(j,1), rangeRate(j,1)] = RangeMeasurement(  x(1:3,:),  x(4:6,:), x(7:8,:)*3e5, mEarth*rStationEF{i}, mEarth*vStationEF{i} );
      range(j,1)               = range(j,1) + omni.range1Sigma*randn;
      rangeRate(j,1)           = rangeRate(j,1) + omni.rangeRate1Sigma*randn;
      d.r{j}                   = rOmni;
      d.hData(j).rSource       = rStationEF{i};
      d.hData(j).vSource       = vStationEF{i};
  	  d.hData(j).rSourceECI    = mEarth*rStationEF{i};
  	  d.hData(j).vSourceECI    = mEarth*vStationEF{i};
  end % useOmni

  if useGPS
    % Measurements from GPS
    if( useReceiver )
        % Use GPSReceiver model
      	GPSReceiver( 'update', struct( 'r',x(1:3),'v', x(4:6), 'jD', jD, 'clockError', x(7:8) )  );
        gPSData = GPSReceiver( 'get output' );
        if gPSData.nSatellites < nGPS
          nGPS = gPSData.nSatellites;
        for i = 1:nGPS
          j = j + 1;
          range(j,1)            = gPSData.range(i);
          rangeRate(j,1)        = gPSData.rangeRate(i);
          d.hData(j).rSourceECI = gPSData.rGPS(:,i);
          d.hData(j).vSourceECI = gPSData.vGPS(:,i);
          d.r{j}                = rGPS;
        % Skip GPS model and idealize GPS satellites as always visible
        [r, v] = GPSSatellite( jD, 'eci' );
        for i = 1:nGPS
          j = j + 1;

          [range(j,1), rangeRate(j,1)] = RangeMeasurement(  x(1:3),  x(4:6), x(7:8), r(:,i), v(:,i) );
          range(j,1)               = range(j,1) + gps.range1Sigma*randn;
          rangeRate(j,1)           = rangeRate(j,1) + gps.rangeRate1Sigma*randn;
          d.hData(j).rSourceECI = r(:,i);
          d.hData(j).vSourceECI = v(:,i);
          d.r{j}                = rGPS;
    end  % useReceiver
  end  % useGPS

  % External disturbance
  simData.aExt = 1e-7*[0;0;5] + 1e-6*[1;1;1]*sin(OrbRate(el(1))*t);

  % Update the plot array
  xPlot(:,k)         = x;
  pPlot(:,k)         = diag(d.p);
  xEPlot(:,k)        = d.x;

  % Kalman Filter
  d.secFromStart     = t;
  d.time             = jD;
  d.meas.z           = [range;rangeRate];
  d.dT               = dT;
  d                  = CDKF45( d );

  % Update the plot array
  rPlot(:,k)         = [range;rangeRate];
  resPlot(:,k)       = d.residual;

  % Propagate
  switch d.propagator
    case 'RK45'
      [x,  hLastT] = RK45( @FOrbKF, x,  hLastT, dT, 0, tol, t, simData );
    case 'RK4'
      x      = RK4( @FOrbKF, x, dT, t, simData );
  t                  = t + dT;
  jD                 = jD + dT/86400;
  range     = [];
  rangeRate = [];
  d.r       = {};
  d.hData   = [];
  d.meas.z  = [];
  j         = 0;

  % Time control
  switch simulationAction
    case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
    case 'stop'
    case 'plot'


t  = ( 0:(nSim-1))*dT/60;
dX = 1000*abs(xPlot(1:3,:) - xEPlot(1:3,:));
dV = 1000*abs(xPlot(4:6,:) - xEPlot(4:6,:));
P  = sqrt(pPlot);
yCL = char({'|dRx|, sqrt(pXX) (m)','|dRy|, sqrt(pYY) (m)','|dRz|, sqrt(pZZ) (m)',...
             '|dVx|, sqrt(pUU) (m/s)','|dVy|, sqrt(pVV) (m/s)','|dVz|, sqrt(pWW) (m/s)',...
             ' sqrt(b) (km)','sqrt(f) (km/s)'});

Plot2D( t, xEPlot(1:3,:), 'Time (min)', ['x (km)';'y (km)';'z (km)'],   'Estimated Position' );
Plot2D( t, [dX; 1000*P(1:3,:)], 'Time (min)', yCL(1:3,:),...
      'Absolute Position Error and Covariance','lin',['[1 4]';'[2 5]';'[3 6]'] );
Plot2D( t, [dV; 1000*P(4:6,:)], 'Time (min)', yCL(4:6,:),...
      'Absolute Velocity Error and Covariance','lin',['[1 4]';'[2 5]';'[3 6]'] );
Plot2D( t, abs([xPlot(7:8,:) - xEPlot(7:8,:)]), 'Time (min)', [' |bias| (km)  ';'|drift| (km/s)'],'Clock Errors' );
Plot2D( t, P(7:8,:), 'Time (min)', yCL(7:8,:), 'Clock Sqrt Covariance'    );
if size(xEPlot,1) == 17
  Plot2D( t, xEPlot(9:17,:), 'Time (min)', ['B ';'w1';'w2'],'Disturbance states',...
          'lin',['[1 4 7]';'[2 5 8]';'[3 6 9]']);
  Plot2D( t, P(9:17,:), 'Time (min)', ['Bias ';'Harm1';'Harm2'],...
          'Disturbances Covariance','lin',['[1 4 7]';'[2 5 8]';'[3 6 9]']);

yL    = {}; nL = {};
for k = 1:useOmni*nOmni
  yL{k} = ['Omni ' num2str(k)];
  nL{k} = num2str(k);
for k = (useOmni*nOmni+1):(nMeas)
  yL{k} = ['GPS ' num2str(k-useOmni*nOmni)];
  nL{k} = num2str(k-useOmni*nOmni);
Plot2D( t, rPlot(1:nMeas,:), 'Time (sec)', yL,'Range Measurements' );
Plot2D( t, rPlot(nMeas+1:end,:), 'Time (sec)', yL,'Range Rate Measurements' );
Plot2D( t, resPlot, 'Time (sec)', {nL{:} nL{:}},'Residuals' );

