Demonstrate the Pinhole camera function
See also PinholeStarCamera, LoadCatalog, StarDataGeneration, Pix2U
catalogId = 3;
catalog = { 'Hipparcos' 'FK5' 'FK5 Polar' 'FK5 Short'};
starCatalog = LoadCatalog( catalog{catalogId} );
starData = StarDataGeneration( starCatalog );
[d, camera] = PinholeStarCamera( eye(3), [], starCatalog );
disp('These two sets of unit vectors should be the same!');
u = Pix2U( d.pixelLocation, camera.fScale );
StarDataGeneration: Eliminating stars that cannot be separated based on the input angular resolution.
StarDataGeneration: 0 stars will be eliminated that are too close to other stars.
7 stars will be in the reduced catalog.
These two sets of unit vectors should be the same!
Columns 1 through 6
0.062365 0.010127 0.053279 -0.022074 -0.007201 0.060636
0.019289 0.0078991 0.070919 0.047066 -0.059105 -0.030504
0.99787 0.99992 0.99606 0.99865 0.99823 0.99769
Column 7
ans =
Columns 1 through 6
0.062365 0.010127 0.053279 -0.022074 -0.007201 0.060636
0.019289 0.0078991 0.070919 0.047066 -0.059105 -0.030504
0.99787 0.99992 0.99606 0.99865 0.99823 0.99769
Column 7