A UKF that estimates thermal parameters for an isothermal model.

The measurement is the average of all spacecraft temperatures. The user can select which parameters to estimate. The demonstration is for geosynchronous orbit. An internal heater has a diurnal (orbit frequency) heating pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also Plot2D, TimeLabl, DupVect, RK4, Date2JD, UKFP, RVFromKepler -------------------------------------------------------------------------


%   Copyright (c) 2007, 2012 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

Select the set to estimate

est  = [1 2];
nEst = length(est);

Set the time

tEnd = 400000;
dT   = 200; % Time step in seconds
n    = ceil(tEnd/dT); % Number of time steps

d       = struct;
d.jD0   = Date2JD([2007 12 20 0 0 ]); % Start date
t       = (0:(n-1))*dT;

Multiply the true value by this factor to get an initial estimate

f    = [0.8; 0.8; 0.8];

Thermal parameters

aR    = 1; % Radiator area
aS    = 1; % Effective area normal to Sun
alpha = 0.3; % Spacecraft average absorptivity
epsR  = 0.9; % Spacecraft radiator emissivity
cP    = 900; % Spacecraft average specific heat
m     = 1000; % Spacecraft mass

Orbital elements [a i W w e M]

el      = [42167 0 0 0 0 0];
mCP     = m*cP;
d.a1    =  epsR*aR/mCP; % Coefficient of quadratic temperature turn
d.a2    = alpha*aS/mCP; % Coefficient of the input flux
d.a3    =        1/mCP; % Coefficient of the internal power
wTrue   = [d.a1;d.a2;d.a3];

Starting temperature

x             = 308;

Estimation parameters

u             = struct;
u.x           = x;
u.int         = 'RK4';
u.rHSFun      = 'RHSIsothermalUKF';
u.measFun     = 'GXUKF';
u.measFunData = [];
u.alpha       = 0.5e-4;
u.kappa       = 0;
u.beta        = 2;
u.dT          = dT;
u.param       = est;
u.rHSFunData  = d;
u.rHSFunData.param = est; % Parameters to estimate
sigY          = 0.001;
u.rY          = sigY^2; % Measurement noise covariance
u.rP          = 1e-9; % Process noise covariance
u.p           = diag(((1-f(est)).*wTrue(est)).^2); % Initial covariance
u.w           = f(est).*wTrue(est); % Initial parameter estimate
u             = UKFP('initialize', u );


rECI          = RVFromKepler( el, t );

Internal power with diurnal variation

a             = linspace(0,2*pi*dT*n/86400,n);
p             = 160*(1 + sin(a)); % Watts

Run the simulation

xPlot         = zeros(1+2*nEst,n);

for k = 1:n

  % UKF. Store old value of x. The parameter estimator
  % is assumed to have a perfect state estimate.
  % The only state is the temperature so this is a
  % reasonable assumption.
  u.x               = x;

  % Simulation
  d.p               = p(k);
  d.rECI            = rECI(:,k);
  xPlot(:,k)        = [x;u.w;diag(u.p)];
  x                 = RK4( 'RHSIsothermal', x, dT, t(k), d );

  % UKF. This must be after the propagation
  u.t               = t(k);

  % rHSFunData is the same as d above
  u.rHSFunData.rECI = rECI(:,k);
  u.rHSFunData.p    = p(k);

  % The measurement plus noise
  y                 = x + sigY*randn;

  % The parameter estimator
  u                 = UKFP( 'update', u, y );


Plot the results

[t,tL] = TimeLabl(t);

% This arranges the data into three plots and creates plot labels
wL = {'a_1' 'a_2' 'a_3' };
yL = {'T deg-K'};
yD = {'[1]'};
yP = {};

for k = 1:nEst
  yL = [yL(:)' {wL{est(k)}}];
  yD = [yD(:)' {sprintf('[%i %i]',k+1,nEst+est(k)+1)}];
  yP = [yP(:)' {sprintf('P %s',wL{est(k)})}];
wTrue         = DupVect(wTrue,n);

Plot2D( t, [xPlot(1:nEst+1,:);wTrue], tL, yL, 'Isothermal Spacecraft Simulation: Parameters', 'lin', yD );
Plot2D( t, xPlot(nEst+2:end,:), tL, yP, 'Isothermal Spacecraft Simulation: Covariance' );
