Estimate temperature and external flux using a UKF.

See also Plot2D, TimeGUI, TimeLabl, RK4, Date2JD, GXUKF,
RHSIsothermalPState, UKF, UKUDF, RVFromKepler, RHSIsothermal


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%   All rights reserved.

Global for the time GUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

Select the filter

filter        = @UKF;   % Full covariance matrix filter
%filter        = @UKUDF; % UD factorized filter (square root)

Select the set to estimate

n    = 4000; % Number of time steps
nP   = 200;
dT   = 20; % Time step in seconds

dK   = n/nP;

Thermal parameters

aR    = 2; % Radiator area
aS    = 2; % Effective area normal to Sun
alpha = 0.3; % Spacecraft average absorptivity
epsR  = 0.9; % Spacecraft radiator emissivity
cP    = 900; % Spacecraft average specific heat
m     = 1000; % Spacecraft mass

% Orbital elements

[a i W w e M]

el      = [42167 0 0 0 0 0];
mCP     = m*cP;
d       = struct;
d.a1    =  epsR*aR/mCP;
d.a2    = alpha*aS/mCP;
d.a3    =        1/mCP;
d.a4    =        0;

d.jD0   = Date2JD([2007 12 20 0 0 ]); % Start date
t       = (0:(n-1))*dT;

Starting temperature

x             = 302;

Estimation parameters

u             = struct;
u.x           = [x;10];
u.rHSFun      = @RHSIsothermalPState;
u.measFun     = @GXUKF;
u.measFunData = 1;
u.alpha       = 1e-3;
u.kappa       = 0;
u.beta        = 2;
u.dT          = dT;
u.rHSFunData  = d;
u.rM          = 1e7;
u.dY          = 1;
u.rP          =  diag([1e2 1e2]);

u.p           = diag([1 160000]);
u.sigmaPtAlg  = 2;
u             = filter('initialize', u );


rECI          = RVFromKepler( el, t );

Internal power

a             = linspace(0,8*pi,n);
p             = 80*(1 + 0.2*sin(a));
pDelta        = 40;

xPlot         = zeros(3,nP);
j             = 0;
kP            = 1;

[ rRT, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( n, 0, [], 0, dT, 'IsothermalUKFState' );

for k = 1:n

  % Simulation
  d.p               = p(k) + pDelta;
  d.rECI            = rECI(:,k);
  if( k == kP )
    j          = j + 1;
    kP         = kP + dK;
    xPlot(:,j) = [x;u.x];
  x                 = RK4( @RHSIsothermal, x, dT, t(k), d );

  % UKF. This must be after the propagation
  u.t               = t(k);
  u.rHSFunData.rECI = rECI(:,k);
  u.rHSFunData.p    = p(k);
  u                 = filter( 'update', u, x(1));

  [ rRT, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( n, k, tToGoMem, rRT, dT );

  % Time control
  switch simulationAction
    case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
    case 'stop'
    case 'plot'


TimeGUI( 'close' )

t = linspace(0,n*dT,j);
xPlot = xPlot(:,1:j);

[t, tL] = TimeLabl( t );

yL = {'T Error' 'P Error'};

Plot2D( t, [xPlot(1,:) - xPlot(2,:);xPlot(3,:) - pDelta], tL, yL, 'Errors');
yL = {'T Est' 'P Est'};
Plot2D( t, [xPlot;pDelta*ones(1,length(t))], tL, yL, 'State Est', 'lin',{'[1 2]' '[3 4]'} );

% PSS internal file version information