UKF orbit angles

Tracks a spacecraft using orbit angles from a ground station.
Things to try;
1. Add more ground stations
2. Try different orbits
3. Try different covariances and initial estimator states



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degToRad                    = pi/180;
dT                          = 2;
sMA                         = 7000;
p                           = Period(sMA);
tEnd                        = 3*p;
el                          = [sMA pi/2 0 0 0 0]; % Orbital elements
lat                         = 40.3486111*degToRad;
lon                         = 74.6594444*degToRad;
alt                         = 0.062; % km
dTelescope.eFToNEU	        = LatLonToNEU( lat, lon );
dTelescope.rGS              = LatLonAltToEF( [lat;lon;alt] );
dTelescope.noise            = [0.001;0.001]; % rad 1 sigma                   = 3.98600436e5;
dOrbit.a                    = [0;0;0];
date                        = [2017 4 3 0 0 0];
dTelescopeZeroNoise         = dTelescope;
dTelescopeZeroNoise.noise   = [0;0];

% Set the seed for the random number generators.
% If the seed is not set each run will be different.
seed = 45198;

n  = ceil(tEnd/dT);

% Satellite initial state
[r, v] = El2RV( el, [], );

Implement UKF


% Covariances
r0      = diag(dTelescope.noise.^2);          % Measurement 1-sigma
q0      = [1e-6;1e-6;1e-6;1e-10;1e-10;1e-10];	% The baseline plant covariance diagonal
p0      = [1e-3;1e-3;1e-3;1e-6;1e-6;1e-6].^2;	% Initial state covariance matrix diagonal
x       = [r;v];

% Each step is one scan
ukf     = KFInitialize('ukf','f',@RHSEarthOrbitUKF,'alpha',2,...
                       'p',diag(p0),'q',diag(q0),'x',x, 'm',x);

% Plotting arrays
yP  = zeros(2,n);
xP  = zeros(6,n);
pF  = zeros(6,n);
xF  = zeros(6,n);

t 	= (0:(n-1))*dT;
jD  = Date2JD(date) + t/86400;

for k = 1:n

  dTelescope.jD           = jD(k);
  dTelescopeZeroNoise.jD  = jD(k);
	xP(:,k)                 = x;
	yP(:,k)                 = TelescopeUKF( x, dTelescope );
  pF(:,k)                 = diag(ukf.p);
	xF(:,k)                 = ukf.m;

  % UKF Prediction step
	ukf.t                   = t(k);
	ukf                     = UKFPredict( ukf );

	% UKF Update step
	%----------------            = yP(:,k);
	ukf.y.param.hFun      = @TelescopeUKF;
	ukf.y.param.hData     = dTelescopeZeroNoise;
	ukf.y.param.r         = r0;
	ukf                   = UKFUpdate( ukf );

	% Integrate
	x	= RK4(@RHSEarthOrbitUKF, x, dT, 0, dOrbit );



[t, tL] = TimeLabl( t );
yM      = {'Azimuth (rad)' 'Elevation (rad)'};
yL      = {'x (km)', 'y (km)' 'z (km)', 'v_x (km/s)', 'v_y (km/s)' 'v_z (km/s)'};

Plot2D( t, xP,        tL, yL, 'States' );
Plot2D( t, xF,        tL, yL, 'Filter States' );
Plot2D( t, yP,        tL, yM, 'Measurements' );
Plot2D( t, sqrt(pF),  tL, yL, 'Square Root Covariance' );

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