VAWT Simulation.

Running the simulation which only models the mean wind. Generator control torque chosen to achieve desired rotor angular speed. Active blade pitch control attempts to regulate the angles of attack of individual blades to a prescribed desired value for maximizing total rotor driving torque.

See also NewFig, Plot2D, TitleS, XLabelS, YLabelS, PowCompAnlytBsd,
sign2, WindStochastic


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t1 = now;

Simulation parameters

delT      = 0.01;
simlen    = 249;

Model parameters

d.R       = 0.75; % Radius of turbine
d.rho     = 1; % Wind density in SI units
d.A       = 2; % Reference area
d.Jr      = 3;% Moment of inertia of the rotor assembly
d.Jb      = (1/12)*(1e-2+1e-3); % Moment of inertial of each individual blade about its pitching axis
d.beta    = 0;
d.startup = 0.01; % Wind power to torque at startup
d.nBlades = 3;

Wind model

d.tau       = 1;
d.n         = 3; % blades/harmonics
d.dT        = delT;
d.sigmaWind = 0.5;
wMean       = 6;
d.dTF       = d.R/wMean;
windFactor  = 0*0.3;
omegaWind   = 10;
d.wMean     = wMean;
d.wHarm     = 0.01;
WindStochastic( 'init', d );

VWind = d.wMean/3.6; % Converting wind speed to m/s
d.VWind = VWind;

Control Parameters

d.alprefmag = 14*pi/180; % Reference angle of attack in radians
d.Omdes = 12; % Desired rotor angular velocity

phi = 0*pi/180; % Initial rotor angle
Omg = 11; % Initial rotor angular speed
gam1 = 0*pi/180; % Initial pitch angle of blade 1
gam1Dot = 0; % Initial pitch angle rate of blade 1
gam2 = 0*pi/180; % Initial pitch angle of blade 2
gam2Dot = 0; % Initial pitch angle rate of blade 2
gam3 = 0*pi/180; % Initial pitch angle of blade 3
gam3Dot = 0; % Initial pitch angle rate of blade 3

Xr = Omg*d.R/VWind; % Initial tip speed ratio

Relative velocity components for individual blades

W1 = VWind*sqrt((Xr-sin(phi))^2 + (cos(phi))^2);
W2 = VWind*sqrt((Xr-sin(phi+2*pi/3))^2 + (cos(phi+2*pi/3))^2);
W3 = VWind*sqrt((Xr-sin(phi-2*pi/3))^2 + (cos(phi-2*pi/3))^2);

Angles of attack of individual blades

alp1 = asin(cos(phi)/sqrt((Xr-sin(phi))^2 + (cos(phi))^2));
alp2 = asin(cos(phi+2*pi/3)/sqrt((Xr-sin(phi+2*pi/3))^2 + (cos(phi+2*pi/3))^2));
alp3 = asin(cos(phi-2*pi/3)/sqrt((Xr-sin(phi-2*pi/3))^2 + (cos(phi-2*pi/3))^2));

Simulation loop

tSto = zeros(simlen+1,1);
StsSto = zeros(simlen+1,8);
PowSto = zeros(simlen+1,1);
alpSto = zeros(simlen+1,3);

StsSto(1,1) = phi;
StsSto(1,2) = Omg;
StsSto(1,3) = gam1;
StsSto(1,4) = gam1Dot;
StsSto(1,5) = gam2;
StsSto(1,6) = gam2Dot;
StsSto(1,7) = gam3;
StsSto(1,8) = gam3Dot;
PowSto(1,1) = 0;
alpSto(1,1) = 0;
alpSto(1,2) = 0;
alpSto(1,3) = 0;

AvgPow = [];
AvgPowTm = [];
AvgPowId = 1;
k = 0;

x = [phi Omg gam1 gam1Dot gam2 gam2Dot gam3 gam3Dot]; % Initial state vector

for i = 1:simlen
    d.phi = phi; % rotor angle at the start of the time step
    [t,x] = ode45('VAWTDemoBldMdlRHS',[0 delT], x, [], d);
    x = x(length(x),:);
    phi = x(1);
    Omg = x(2);
    gam1 = x(3);
    gam1Dot = x(4);
    gam2 = x(5);
    gam2Dot = x(6);
    gam3 = x(7);
    gam3Dot = x(8);
    tSto(i+1) = tSto(i) + delT;
    StsSto(i+1,1) = mod(phi*180/pi,sign2(Omg)*360);
    StsSto(i+1,2) = Omg;
    StsSto(i+1,3) = mod(gam1*180/pi,0);
    StsSto(i+1,4) = gam1Dot;
    StsSto(i+1,5) = mod(gam2*180/pi,0);
    StsSto(i+1,6) = gam2Dot;
    StsSto(i+1,7) = mod(gam3*180/pi,0);
    StsSto(i+1,8) = gam3Dot;
    [PowSto(i+1,1),alpSto(i+1,:)] = PowCompAnlytBsd(tSto(i+1),x,d);
    if abs(phi) > 2*pi*k
        AvgPow = [AvgPow;mean(PowSto(AvgPowId:i,1))];
        AvgPowTm = [AvgPowTm;tSto(i+1)];
        AvgPowId = i+1;
        k = k+1;

Plot results

NewFig('Fixed Pitch VAWT')
plot ( tSto(2:simlen+1), PowSto(2:simlen+1))
grid on
hold on
XLabelS('Time (s)')
YLabelS('Power (W)')
legend('Instantaneous power','Power averaged over previous rotor period','location','southeast')
TitleS('Variable Pitch VAWT')

yL = {'Rotor Posn (deg)' 'Rotor Spd (rad/s)' 'Blade Pitch (deg)' 'Bld Ptch Rate (rad/s)'};
Plot2D( tSto', StsSto', 'Time (s)',yL,'Variable Pitch VAWT','lin',{'1' '2' '[3 5 7]' '[4 6 8]'});
Plot2D( tSto(2:simlen+1)',alpSto(2:simlen+1,:)'*180/pi, 'Time (s)','\alpha (deg)','Angle');

disp('Average Power in Watts: '), disp(mean(PowSto))

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Average Power in Watts: 