Preliminary design of a 5 MW wind turbine.

This script sizes the wind turbine and computes the velocity distribution over the blades.

See also Altitude, StdAtm, Plot2D, ActuatorDiskFromPower,
PowerFromActuatorDisk, WindShear


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Size the wind turbine

This calculation assumes uniform wind flow over the disk area Since the wind will vary with height this will not be correct but it is a good start.

wToMW       = 1/1e6;

altitude    = 0; % meters

g           = StdAtm( altitude ); % Standard atmosphere

p           = 5/wToMW; % Power in watts

vRef        = 14; % Rated wind speed that GE uses (m/s)

% Use a GE 4.0 MW Wind turbine as a reference for efficiency
% hore%20Brochure_GEA18111_wind4.0broch_LR.pdf
areaGE      = 9567;
pGE         = PowerFromActuatorDisk( g.density, areaGE, vRef )*wToMW;

eff         = 4/pGE; % Overall efficiency of the power conversion

area        = ActuatorDiskFromPower( g.density, p, eff, vRef );

radius      = sqrt(area/pi);

fprintf(1,'Eff          = %12.2f\n',eff);
fprintf(1,'Design power = %12.2f MW\n',p*wToMW);
fprintf(1,'Swept Area   = %12.2f m^2\n',area);
fprintf(1,'Radius       = %12.2f m\n',radius);

% Now plot the power over a wind speed range
v = linspace(0,15);
p = eff*PowerFromActuatorDisk( g.density, area, v )*wToMW;

Plot2D(v,p,'Wind Speed (m/s)','Power (MW)','Wind Turbine Power');
Eff          =         0.21
Design power =         5.00 MW
Swept Area   =     11958.75 m^2
Radius       =        61.70 m

Look at the wind speed versus height across the blades

Assume the tower is 1.5 x the blade radius

z           = linspace(0.5*radius,2.5*radius);
zRef        = 1.5*radius;

% Plot the wind shear
WindShear( vRef, zRef, z, 'short grass' );

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