
Path: AC/ACDynamics

% Initialize the aircraft model.
   d = ACInit( x, d, stateName )

   x             (:)         Aircraft state
                             r          (3,1) ECI position vector
                             q          (4,1) Quaternion from ECI to body
                             w          (3,1) Inertial body rate in body frame
                             v          (3,1) Velocity of cm wrt air
                             wR         (:,1) Angular velocity of rotors
                             mass       (1,1) Mass
                             inertia    (6,1) Inertia
                             cG         (3,1) Center of mass
                             engine     (:,1) Engine states
                             actuator   (:,1) Actuator states
                             sensor     (:,1) Sensor states
                             flex       (:,1) Flex model states organized [x;v] by appendage
                             disturb    (:,1) Disturbance model states
   d             (:)         Aircraft data structure
                             d.wPlanet  (3,1) Planet rate
                          (1,1) Planet gravitational parameter
                             d.theta0   (1,1) Initial angle between planet
                                              x-axis and ECI x-axis
                             d.atmData  (1,:) Atmospheric data
                             d.atmUnits (1,:) Atmospheric data units
                             d.rotor    (:)   Rotor data structure
                                        .u       (3,1) Unit vector
                                        .inertia (1,1) Spin axis inertia
                             d.flex     (:)   See get BldFlex
                             d.engine   (:)   Private engine data structure
                        (:)   Private aerodynamics data structure
                             d.actuator (:)   Private actuator data structure
                             d.sensor   (:)   Private sensor data structure
                                              .name (:,:) Names
                             d.disturb  (:)   Private disturbance data structure
                             d.control  (:)   Control data structure

   stateName    (1,1) 
                              .sensor   {:}   Names for the sensor states
                              .actuator {:}   Names for the actuator states

   d             (:)         Aircraft data structure


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