AC Module |
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ACThrust | Thrust model for a gas turbine engine |
F16Actuator | Model for the F16 actuators. Each has a lag. |
AircraftControl | Implements an aircraft control system. |
AircraftControlCAS | Implements a pitch rate control augmentation system. |
AlphBeta | Compute angle of attack and sideslip. |
BToS | Convert from the body axes to stability axes. |
BToW | Convert from the body frame to wind axes. |
ECIToNED | Convert from the ECI frame to the NED frame. |
EulNED | Euler angles given ECI information. |
EulRate | Euler rates. |
JacobVB | Convert from the body axes to stability axes. |
QECI | Compute ECI to body quaternion from ECI position and Euler angles. |
RNEH | Convert from the ECI frame to the NEH frame. |
SToW | Convert from stability axes to wind axes. |
UFromAlphaBeta | Compute wind vector from angle of attack and sideslip. |
VBDToVBT | Compute the total velocity derivative from the body velocity |
VTToVB | Compute body velocity from alpha, beta and vT. |
ACTConstants.mat | Aircraft constants database. |
F16TrimData.mat | Trim state and control settings for an F-16. |
gCobra.mat | Cobra CAD database. |
gF16.mat | F16 acstate. |
DefaultACData | Provide a default aircraft data structure. The F16 model is used. |
DefaultACState | Provide a default aircraft state. |
F16Act | Models the F16 actuators as first order lags with time constants |
AC | Dynamics model for an aircraft. Updates the data structure x. |
ACBuild | Build the aircraft model. |
ACInit | Initialize the aircraft model. |
ACPlot | Plots the aircraft data. opt is 'info', 'init', 'store', 'plot' |
ACTrim | Aircraft trimming algorithm. Uses the function FTrim. |
FTrim | Cost function for the trimming algorithm |
StateSpacePlot | Plots statespace data. opt is 'init', 'store', 'plot' |
ThrustPropeller | Compute propeller thrust. |
ThrustTurbofan | Compute turbofan thrust as a function of static thrust and velocity. |
DrawAC | Draws an aircraft in the NED frame. |
DrawTerrain | Draw terrain. |
HUD | Implements a "heads-up-display". |
HUDCntrl | Perform actions specified by the HUD. Define a data structure |
Trans3DMF | Transform a 3D data structure. r is optional. |
ADC | Implements the "Air Data Computer" model. |
AspectRatio | Compute aircraft aspect ratio. |
MachFromPressureRatio | Computes the Mach number from pressure ratio. |
PressureRatioFromMach | Computes impact to static pressure ratio from Mach number and gamma. |
RayleighPitotTube | Stagnation pressure ratio in supersonic flow. |
ACAero | Aerodynamic model. |
ACEngEq | Find the equilibrium state of the engine. |
ACEngine | Aircraft engine model. |
ACModes | Compute the aircraft modes for straight and level flight. |
ACSensor | Generic aircraft sensor. |
AeroD | Compute the state space system based on aerodynamic derivatives. |
AircraftGroupDataStructure | Build the AircraftGroupMass data structure. Enter parameter pairs. |
AircraftGroupMass | Create masses for an aircraft. |
DC8 | DC 8 stability derivatives model. |
F16 | The F16 aircraft properties database. |
L1011 | L1011 aircraft model. |
abs | Computes the absolute value of acstate. |
acstate | Create an object of class acstate |
get | Get an element of the class acstate |
length | Length of a state vector |
minus | Subtract two objects of class acstate |
mrdivide | Divides an object of acstate by a scalar. |
mtimes | Multiplies an object of type acstate times a scalar |
plus | Add two objects of class acstate |
subsasgn | Assign a(i) |
subsref | Finds a(i) |
zeros | Create a zero vector the size of a. |
CASDesign | Design a simple aircraft control system consisting of a pitch rate tracking system. |
F16CAS | Test a pitch rate control augmentation system. |
ACControl | Demonstrate aircraft control using the AircraftControl function. |
CActuator | Try different control responses with a first order lag modeling the actuators. |
CResponse | Try different control responses with ideal actuators. |
CTSim | Simulate an F16 performing a coordinated turn. |
Fly | Fly an F16. |
RigidBodyDemo | Simulate the linear and angular states of a rigid body using "AC.m" |
Trim | Trim an F16 |
BuildF16 | Build the F16 Model. |
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