Path: ACPro/ACProControl
% Point mass control of flight path angle, velocity and angle of bank. The controller controls velocity and angle of climb. dC.mode can be 'takeoff', 'climb' or 'bank'. It will automatically transition to climb if the velocity exceeds the takeoff velocity. The routine uses a combination of feedforward and feedback compensation. When banking, the aircraft does not climb. However, you can set a bank angle during climb. This function has two data structures. dC has the control specific data and dAC is aircraft data. dAC is the same datastructure used in RHS3DPointAircraft.m. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: dC = ACPointMassControl( x, p, dAC, dC ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (7,1) State [v;gamma;psi;x;y;h;m] (metric) p (1,1) Standard atmosphere data structure dAC (1,1) Data structure for aircraft .lDData (1,1) Lift/drag data structure .cDCL (1,1) Pointer to lift/drag function .thrust (1,1) Pointer to the thrusst function .thrustData (1,1) Thrust data structure .lDData (1,1) Lift/drag data structure dC (1,1) Control Data structure .vSet (1,1) Setpoint for velocity .gammaSet (1,1) Setpoint for flight path angle .bankSet (1,1) Setpoint for bank angle .vTakeoff (1,1) Takeoff velocity .mode (1,:) Mode name ------- Outputs ------- dC (1,1) Control data structure outputs .throttle (1,1) Throttle setting (0 to 1) .alpha (1,1) Angle of attack (rad) .phi (1,1) Bank angle -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also RHS3DPointAircraft, AircraftPointMassControl. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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