ACPro Module |
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AdvanceRatio | Compute the propeller advance ratio |
AircraftCostCalculation | Computes aircraft cost. |
AircraftDesign | Design an aircraft. |
AircraftDragDataStructures | Generates data structures for select aircraft. |
AircraftGroupMassStatement | Create a mass statement for an aircraft. |
AircraftPowerAndThrust | Computes aircraft power and thrust for a set of trajectory segments. |
AircraftSizing | AIRCRAFTSIZING size an aircraft. |
AircraftThrustFromFlight | Computes the thrust required for an aircraft trajectory |
AircraftWeights | AIRCRAFTWEIGHTS Compute weights using a simple model. |
AirlinerSeat | Generate CAD data for an airliner seat. |
AirlinerSeats | Layout airliner seats. |
Boeing737 | Look up Boeing 737-800 data parameters |
CTPropeller | Compute the propeller thrust coefficient |
MissileMassEstimation | Computes missile weight. |
NFromJ | Compute the rotation rate from the advance ratio |
NFromMT | Compute the rotation rate from the tip Mach number |
SweepAngle | SWEEPANGLE Compute sweep angle as function of Mach number. |
AOverAStar | A/A* computation from mach number and ratio of specific heats. |
AerodynamicShock | Compute Mach number and pressure for aerodynamics shocks. |
EngineMap | Engine performance map from a table lookup. |
F100 | Gas Turbine 16th-order F100 linear model: Pratt and Whitney |
FAIR | Computes the gas constants for hydrocarbon/air mixtures. This model |
FMixedExhaustTurbofan | Function called by FZero to solve for tauTL. Only y is used by FZero. |
IdealJetEngineEfficiency | Computes the jet engine efficiency for an ideal turbofan engine. |
InletLoss | Computes the inlet loss in an aircraft engine due to shockwaves. |
JetEngineAnalysis | Jet engine analysis. |
JetEngineDefinitions | Definitions of data. If no output arguments are specified it will |
JetEngineEfficiency | Computes the jet engine efficiency for an engine. |
JetEnginePerformance | Jet engine performance. You can vary up to two of the parameters in p. |
MachAcrossShock | Compute the Mach number across a shock. |
MachFromMassFlowParameter | Mach number from mass flow parameter. You need to enter a guess for |
MachFromPR | Computes Mach number from pressure ratio and gamma. |
MassFlow | Computes the mass flow divided by the inlet area. The code |
MassFlowParameter | Mass flow parameter. |
MassFlowParameterR | Mass flow parameter with gamma, r and Mach number as inputs. |
MassInflowSupersonic | Mass inflow for a supersonic diffuser |
MaxShockIncidenceAngle | Compute maximum incidence angle. |
ObliqueShockAngle | Compute the oblique shock angle from the streamline deflection angle. |
PlotGasTurbineData | Generate plots from the Gas Turbine analysis functions. |
PowerPropeller | Compute propeller power. |
PressureRatioFromTemp | Computes pressure ratio from temperature ratio, efficiency and gamma. |
PressureTotal | Total pressure. |
PropellerEfficiency | Computes propeller efficency from Mach number. |
PropellerMomentum | Design a propeller using actuator disk theory |
PropellerPower | Propeller power and induced velocity |
RamRecovery | Ram recovery in an inlet. |
StaticPumping | Static pumping of air. |
StreamlineShockAngle | Compute streamline deflection angle from the oblique shock angle. |
TempRatioFromMachAndGamma | Computes the total temperature ratio from Mach number and gamma. |
TempRatioFromPressure | Computes temperature ratio |
TemperatureTotal | Total temperature. |
Theta0 | Computes the dimensionless total temperature. |
Throttle | Computes the value of the burner temperature given the throttle ratio |
TotalPressureAndTemperature | Computes the total pressure and temperature at a Mach number. |
TurboRamRocket | Model of a combined cycle engine with turbofan, ramjet and rocket. |
WriteEngineData | Write engine data to a table. |
BldFlex | Creates the flex model interfaces. |
ACWeightEstimation | Computes aircraft weight. Any parameter can be varied except type. |
ActiveAeroSurfacesDisplay | Color the active aerodynamic surfaces. |
AeroFormFactor | Aerodynamic form factor. |
AircraftEquilibrium | Computes the equilibrium thrust and wing area. |
AlphaFromQNV | Compute angle of attack. |
AngleOfAttackMaxLD | Angle of attack for maximum L/D. |
BankedTurn | Compute properties for a banked turn. |
BreguetRangeEquation | Computes the Breguet range. |
ClimbAngle | Compute climb angle |
ComputeAlphaConstantFlightPathAngle | Computes the angle of attack for a constant flight path angle. |
ConcordeProperties | Returns Concorde properties. |
ConstantDynamicPressureVelocity | Computes the velocity and Mach profile for constant dynamic pressure. |
DragUndercarriage | Computes drag coefficient increment due to the undercarriage. |
EnergyHeight | Compute energy height contours. |
FlightEquilibrium | Compute flight equilibrium. |
FuelFromRange | Computes the fuel as a function of range. |
Glide | Compute glide angle, range and velocity.. |
LandingDistance | Computes landing distance. |
MassCrewAndPassenger | Mass of crew and passengers. |
RateOfClimb | Computes the rate of climb and acceleration. |
SonicBoom | Compute the sonic boom scale factor. |
StallVelocity | Computes takeoff velocity. |
Takeoff | Computes the required roll distance and liftoff velocity. |
TakeoffDistance | Computes takeoff distance. |
TakeoffTransition | Compute the radius and length of transition. |
TakeoffVelocity | Computes takeoff velocity. |
TaxiingFuel | Compute taxiing fuel. |
TurningRadius | Compute turning radius and turning rate. |
VStall | Computes the stall velocity. |
WingAreaToTaper | Generates the taper and trailing edge angle for a wing. |
WingFromParameters | Generates vertices and faces for a wing based on the wing parameters. |
WingSizingForPullUp | Sizes a wing for dynamic pull up. |
APMLinMod | Compute a linear model for a point mass aircraft at a flight condition. |
AircraftPointMassCLPSim | Simulate the controlled trajectory of a point mass aircraft model. |
AircraftPointMassControl | Compute the control inputs for a point mass aircraft model. |
AircraftPointMassDLM | Generate a discrete time-varying linear model of a point-mass aircraft. |
AircraftPointMassRHS | Compute the state derivatives of a point mass aircraft model. |
AircraftPointMassRHSWithSideslip | Point mass dynamic model with sideslip as an input. |
AircraftPointMassSim | Simulate the trajectory x(t) of a point mass aircraft model given u(t) |
RHS2DPointMass | Simulate a point mass aircraft model in 2 dimensions. |
RHS3DPointAircraft | 3D point aircraft model with time varying mass. |
SimpleLiftAndDrag | Lift and drag for the drag polar. |
AeroCoefficientPointMass | Aerodynamic model with sideforce from a rudder. |
AeroForceAndTorqueCombined | Compute force and torque an aircraft from M = 0 to M = inf. |
BladeElement | BladeElement computes the inducted velocity |
CD0Composite | Drag coefficient for subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic flight. |
CDCLComposite | Lift and drag coefficients for subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic flight. |
CDCLHypersonic | Hypersonic lift and drag coefficients for a flat plate. |
CDCLSubsonic | Subsonic lift and drag coefficients for a flat plate. |
CDSkinFriction | Skin friction coefficient using a variety of models. |
CDWave | Wave drag using Ackeret theory. |
CLCDFreeMolecular | Computes the CL and CD for free molecular flow. |
CLCMWing | Lift and moment coefficients of a thin wing. |
CLComposite | Lift coefficient for subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic flight. |
CPHypersonic | Hypersonic coefficient of pressure. |
ConcordeLD | Optimal lift and drag coefficients for the Concorde. |
DragCoeff | Computes drag coefficients for a vehicle using simple formulas. |
DragLoss | Compute drag loss using LiftAndDragJonesSearsHaack. |
DragPolar | Computes the drag polar |
DragPolarFromData | Compute the drag polar from data lift and drag coefficient data. |
FormDragCoeff | Computes form drag including wave drag. |
GroundEffect | Ground effect factor that multiplies the induced drag. |
InducedDragCoeff | Induced drag coefficient for all Mach numbers. |
LDDeltaWing | Computes the lift and drag coefficients for a swept wing |
LiftAndDrag | Computes lift and drag coefficients for a vehicle using simple formulas. |
LiftAndDragJonesSearsHaack | Lift and drag using the R.T. Jones, Sears, and Haack model. |
LiftCoeff | Computes the ideal lift coefficient from 0 through supersonic. |
LiftToDragFromMach | Computes the L/D ratio from Mach number. |
LocalAngleOfAttack | Compute the local angle of attack. |
LowSpeedAeroData | Generates a file for |
OptimalAngleOfAttackHypersonic | Optimal angle of attack for hypersonic flow. |
ParasiticDragCoefficient | Parasitic drag coefficient for a set of aircraft components. |
PrandtlGlauertCorrection | Computes the Prandtl Glauert Compressibility correction. |
WettedArea | Aerodynamic wetted area for different structures. |
ACPointMassControl | Point mass control of flight path angle, velocity and angle of bank. |
CityLatLonData.mat | provides data for city latitude and longitude |
FlatPlate.obj | a Wavefront OBJ file for a flat plate |
FlatPlateAircraft.mat | corresponding CAD model for a flat plate |
Gulfstream.mat | Gulfstream aircraft model |
AerodynamicHeatFlux | Heat flux as a function of mach number. |
DynamicPressureAndHeat | Heat, velocity and temperature at a fixed dynamic pressure. |
StagnationPAndT | Stagnation conditions for a gas. |
FLToM | Convert flight level to meters |
FormFactorSurfaceOfRevolution | Computes the form factor for a body of revolution. |
FormFactorWing | Computes the form factor for a wing. |
MachSwept | Effective Mach number with sweep. |
SurfaceAreaEllipsoidRevolution | Compute the surface area of an ellipsoid of revolution. |
EngineDataFromTable | Generate engine data from a table. |
EngineExample | Example engine parameters. Returns a data structure. |
EngineTable | Generate an engine table for a matrix of altitudes and mach. |
HeatingValue | Heating values. |
JetEngine | A simple jet engine model. |
MixedFlowTurbofan | Mixed flow turbofan engine performance. |
MixedFlowTurbofanProfile | Mixed flow turbofan engine performance profile for p, h and v. |
Ramjet | Ramjet model including aerodynamic losses. The default fuel is H2. |
RamjetKerrebrock | Ramjet jet engine model producing thrust and specific fuel consumption. |
Scimitar | Models a Scimitar engine from Reaction Engines, Ltd. |
TurboRamjet | Models a turboramjet. |
Turbofan | Turbofan jet engine model produces thrust and specific fuel consumption. |
Turbofanramjet | Models a turbofanramjet. |
Turbojet | Jet engine model producing thrust and specific fuel consumption. |
TurbojetNoThrust | Jet engine model producing zero thrust and specific fuel consumption. |
A10 | Provides two A10 aircraft models: conventional and tilt-wing. |
AIRC | AIRC aircraft model. |
CCV | CCV aircraft model. |
CCVSobel | CCV aircraft model with a pitch pointing mode. |
CreateMVSSetupFileEntries | Creates setup file entries for MultiVehicleSim |
F18Model | Generates a state space F-18 model from a range of models. |
OH6A | OH6A hover model. |
RHSRollingMissileLinear | Right-hand-side for a linear rolling missile. |
STOVL | Short Takeoff Vertical Landing aircraft model. |
AirMass | Computes the relative air mass to sea level and a vertical path. |
AtmosphereLayers | Names the atmospheric layer for altitude h. |
GeoMagLatLon | Geomagnetic latitude and longitude. |
GeomagneticRigidity | Geomagnetic rigidity using a dipole model. |
SonicBoomHypersonic | Hypersonic sonic boom based on drag. |
InletAndNozzle | Generate vertices for an inlet and a nozzle. |
AirlinerDesign | Hypersonic airliner design. |
CostModel | Demonstrate use of the cost model |
GroupMassStatement | Design an aircraft. |
JetEngineAnalysisDemo | Demo JetEngineAnalysis |
JetEnginePerformanceDemo | Demo JetEnginePerformance |
PropellerPowerVsV | Power vs. velocity for a propeller |
BuildFlatPlateAircraft | Create a flat plate vehicle with two flaps |
FuelConsumption | Approximate daily fuel consumption for a notional hypersonic airliner |
RamjetConstantQ | Compute ramjet thrust for a constant dynamic pressure trajectory |
StagnationTempDemo | Compute / plot the stagnation temperature vs. mach for several altitudes |
TakeoffAndLanding | Compute takeoff and landing distances for a notional hypersonic airliner |
AircraftTrajectoryControlSim | Script to simulate aircraft trajectory control |
ConcordeComparison | Compare Concorde with the CL and CD functions. |
NewtonianAeroDemo | Compute the L/D ratio for flat surfaces in hypersonic flow. |
SkinFrictionDemo | Skin friction and supersonic lift and drag. |
Gust | See the response of an F16 to a gust using a state space model. |
F135Engine | Model of the Pratt & Whitney F135 Engine. |
GenerateEngineTables | Generate ramjet and turbofan data. |
JetFlightDemo | Aircraft takeoff demo. |
RamjetDemo | Demonstrate a ramjet. |
SteadyClimb | Simulate a steady climb. |
AIRCSim | Longitudinal simulation using the AIRC aircraft model. |
CCVEV | Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using a CCV Model |
CCVPitchPointing | Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model for transition. |
L1011EV | Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using a CCV Model |
L1011EVConstraints | Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an L1011 STOVL Model. |
LQLTR | Demonstrate linear quadratic regulator with loop transfer recovery. |
LQOF | Demonstrate linear quadratic output feedback. |
OH6ABryson | Run a linearized simulation of the OH6A. |
OH6ASim | Run a linearized simulation of the OH6A. |
RollingMissileSimulation | Rolling missile simulation |
STOVLEV | Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model |
STOVLLatTransitionEV | Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model for transition. |
STOVLLonHoverEV | Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model |
STOVLLonTransitionEV | Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model for transition. |
STOVLTransitionEV | Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using an STOVL Model for transition. |
Atmosphere | Generate plots and a latex table of atm. properties across altitude. |
AircraftSim | Simulate the trajectory of the aircraft |
NOAAWindDemo | Demonstrates NOAA Wind Model for obtaining wind data and plotting it. |
CreateAircraftModel | Interactive tool to create an aircraft model. |
DrawAircraft | Draws an aircraft |
DrawAlphaBeta | Draws angle of attack and sideslip |
DrawAngles | Draws angles and arcs between them. |
GulfstreamSim | Simulate a Gulfstream performing a coordinated turn. |
LiftCoeffStall | Computes the lift coefficient using a table lookup. |
PropellerThrust | Propeller thrust |
RHSACFlatEarth | Dynamics model for an aircraft on a flat Earth |
RHSFlatEarthSet | Finds the set point for RHSFlatEarth with fminsearch |
NewtonianAeroTable | Generates a file for |
NewtonianAerodynamicsFromCAD | Compute force and torque for a CAD model. |
NewtonianAlphaFromCAD | Compute the static angle of attack to balance gravity. |
NewtonianCPFromCAD | Compute the center of pressure from the cad model. |
NewtonianForceFromCAD | Compute force for a CAD model. |
Pilot | Build a pilot model |
HyperRDE | RDE model with a turbocharger. |
RDE | RDE model producing zero thrust and specific fuel consumption. |
AircraftTrajectoryControl | AIRCRAFTPOINTMASSCONTROL Control function for a 3D point mass aircraft. |
EquilibriumControls | EquilibriumControls finds controls to maintain equilibrium. |
RHSPointMassAircraft | RHSPointMassAircraft Right hand side for a point mass aircraft |
ThrustConstant | Constant thrust and fuel consumption model |
Trajectory | Determines the set points to achieve a trajectory |
HorizontalWind | Horizontal wind model HWM93 covering all altitude regions |
MergeNOAAWindData | Merge two NOAA wind data sets. There are two possibilities: |
NOAAWindData | Load wind data from the NOAA web site. The web site is: |
PlotWindField | Plot the wind field from a data structure array. |
WindFunction | Approximate the Horizontal Wind Model (HWM93) with analytic functions |
WindGust | Wind gust model. Generates state space equations or spectral densities. |
WindModel | Combined steady-state and gust model for wind. To be used in simulation. |
WindTrendsDemo | Animate the variation of wind magnitude and direction. |
WindsGUI | GUI for generating wind data over a range of parameters |
WindsPlot | Generate 3D plots of wind data vs. altitude, latitude, longitude, time. |
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